The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1295

"Perfectly inherited your appearance."

"Ashamed, except for this point, Yuma did not meet the expectations of my concubine. Even if her strength is taught by the library, she is still weak."

Xiandumu Aye paused and raised his voice.

"Yuma, didn't the library teach you the etiquette when meeting honorable people?"

"First, first meeting, Mr. Luo Pei."

Yuma saluted nervously, but Luo Pei waved her hand casually, telling her to stop this behavior.

"I've seen a lot of formalism. You Ma, you just need to be more casual. When you get here, it won't be your mother's speech."

"Yes Yes!"

The girl was still nervous.

After a few glances, Luo Pei turned his gaze back to Xiandumu Aye.

"Although it's not a big deal, not only me, but also the evil gods in the starry sky are very happy to see the knowledge spreading wildly in the Magister's world. As the direct executor, what reward do you want, Aye?"

"... Return the dark oath to the concubine?"

"Have you seen the vast landscape outside the territory, but are you still obsessed with the obsession you once had?"

"It is this world that is cursed, not us witches. No matter how much I know about the truth in the starry sky, I still cannot forget the pain and criticism I have suffered. Becoming a witch is not our choice. Why should the world take responsibility put it on us?"

Rope couldn't help laughing.

"As expected of a stubborn and long-standing witch, I didn't expect that traveling to spread the knowledge of evil gods would not let you let go of your narrow concept."

"I have sworn to serve you. If you insist on doing that, I can only accept orders. But until you stop clearly, I will have a strong hatred for the supernatural power of this world."

"Orders? I've ordered enough in this world, I'm a little bored..."

The black-haired young man raised his head, showing a rather tired attitude.. 0

He suddenly asked Yuma.

"What does Yuma think of your mother's thoughts?"

The girl was a little overwhelmed by the god's question.

She quickly turned her gaze to Xiandumu Aye, but as Luo Pei said, Xiandumu Aye is just a "servant" here, and there is no possibility of overcoming Luo Pei's problem.

Helpless, Yuma could only answer cautiously in a low voice.

"I-I don't know, my lord... But it's just the existence of the witch and the contract with the devil. I also think these two views are wrong..."

Rope sighed.

"A Ye, can't you be more tolerant to your daughter?"

"The concubine knows." Aye's face was expressionless.

"never mind."

Luo Pei arranged the books on the table.

"Youma, since you brought her here, give her to me."

"Please do whatever you want, the product of cell cultivation, it doesn't matter if you use her to rot."

"You... It just so happens that Yuma is also here. Regarding the reward for you, as I said at the beginning, how about tearing up the devil's contract on you?"

Ah Ye's eyes opened slightly, and he regained his composure in an instant.

"I have no objection."

The black-haired young man came out from behind the desk and came to Xiandu Yuma's side.

The girl is about 1.68 meters tall, which is considered tall among girls, but it is still very short for Luo Pei.

He bent down, smiled and stroked Yuma's head.

"Don't be afraid. From now on, you only need to be responsible to me. Not only is your mother's demon contract, but I will also release yours. Without the shackles and torture of wishes, you will be able to obtain it in disguise at that time." freedom of mind."


The moment Xiandumu Yuma nodded, a scream came from the void.

With the disturbing whine and the sound of something breaking, everything returned to silence.

The girl blinked her eyes and looked at the black-haired young man with a strange arrogance in her right hand, as if she still didn't understand what happened.

"Is this how Nangong felt that month..."

Xiandumu A 1.4 Ye looked at his hands in surprise.

Her strength dropped sharply while the devil's contract was being torn apart.

But this feeling of spiritual freedom is indeed unprecedented.

"I'll give you something better to use later."

Luo Pei clapped his hands casually, dispelling the arrogance.

"In addition, Xiandumu Aye, regarding your hatred of the world and the fate of witches, if you serve me properly, it is not impossible for me to perform miracles and use the power of the world to completely dissolve the contracts of all witches, making the term witch a The dust of history."

"...Can this be done too?"

"Nothing is impossible for me."

Yuma's mind was a little bit overwhelmed.

She hasn't even figured out what's going on right now.

But... that's it?

The contract of the devil, the fate of the witch, was disintegrated in this way?

Don't you have to bear the punishment for being useless?

Yuma raised her head and looked at the frivolous black-haired young man who provoked her mother's chin, with some different emotions in her eyes.

It is good to be alive.

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