The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1296

Everyone will praise the feeling of being unshackled at that moment.

Xiandumu Yuma is no exception. .

Chapter 120: Messenger of Evil Desire, Female High School Student After School

Joy, after all, what is it?

For the poor in ancient times, being full was "happiness". Going up to the upper level, the princes and nobles have more desires because they have no worries about food and clothing. Hue, money, power, artwork, plunder, war, arrogance, self-indulgence, the nobles pursue all of these, not only to enrich a boring life, but also to feel the satisfaction of standing on a high ground and looking down.

In modern times, with the gradual enrichment of spiritual life, the definition of happiness has gradually broadened. Even an excellent game can bring spiritual power classified as "happiness" and fill the dryness of the soul.

The more Luo Pei studied the divinity of "happiness", the more he felt that this divinity encompasses a wide range, and it can be called a typical example of idealism.

For example.

Bullying and sadism in public perception can never be related to happiness in the conventional sense. But the joy can be understood by changing the perspective and taking the side of the bully and abuser.

There is "pleasure" even in this relationship, let alone other sensual pleasures.

"Happiness is indulging one's greed, indulging all one's delusional thoughts, even if there is only destruction behind the endless depravity, one must hold on to the never-ending joy... It is really powerful enough."

Luo Pei was thinking, and tapped the paper for recording and deduction with the pen in his hand.

"If I regard war as enjoyment and derive joy from it, it can be regarded as blurring the contradiction between "war" and "happiness" in disguise..."

‘There is no contradiction between the two, it’s just Ape’s own subjectivity at work. '


The black-haired young man put away the pen, rearranged the materials, and stored them in his own space.

His right hand changed under the vicious force, forming a dark blue slender weird arm.

In the palm covered with sharp five fingers, a luminescence of lavender and pink rice grains floats like a dream.

——That is the "happy" divinity.

It has been a thousand years since Luo Pei was crowned a "half-god", and he is no longer in the state of ignorance and ignorance about divinity. It took him only seven days to form the divinity of "joy" after the revelation from the "vessel of divinity".

Seven days, what concept?

Ordinary people will feel that it is short-lived, and those holders of infinite life and years, it is as fast as a fleeting moment.

However, in a short period of time, Luo Pei added a new divinity to himself.

Even as a demigod, this speed is exaggerated enough. Luo Pei is worthy of the title of "a rare genius who has traveled all over the world" to the evil gods. His compatibility with the evil gods is excellent.

"Actually, I want to make a breakthrough in the Kingdom of God... Sigh... It's so difficult to rewrite the world's equation."

The black-haired young man sighed, which made the system mother feel distressed.

'Don't worry, we have plenty of time. ’ Azalea comforted: ‘Going too fast is not necessarily a good thing, right? Only by laying a solid foundation can you stand firm at the peak. You should understand this truth better than me, don't you? '

"Forget it, don't think about these troubles, I am now the messenger who brings joy and happiness."

"I think, Ape, you are more like a "messenger of evil desires"..."

"That's also a sensuality element, an element I should be applauding at the moment."

Luo Pei dressed neatly, looked at the beautiful girls lying on the bed behind him, and walked out of the villa with a slight smile.

The warm sun shines overhead, and the sea breeze brings fresh air from afar.

Today is also an exceptionally comfortable day.

After walking out of the education area, the streets are full of young people in twos and threes, exuding a lot of energy, venting their dissatisfaction that was restrained in the school during this two-day holiday.

It may be because Luo Pei has the divinity of "happiness". Just looking at this scene, he will have the illusion of being moved physically and mentally.

The "happiness" in the air was like an invisible silk thread, which was caught by the black-haired young man after it circled around several times.

Put it in your ear and listen carefully.

'The curry rice at noon is so delicious...'

'Tomorrow we have to go to school again... Forget it, have a good time today! '

"Last night was really refreshing, finally made love with Mamiko, although she is a pity that she is not a virgin..."

‘I want money, I want a lot of money. '

Desires and different forms of happiness conveyed the turbulent voice to Luo Pei, and he could clearly feel that there was a subtle to imperceptible force in these chaotic thoughts, pouring into his chest.

Maybe these powers are not even enough to release a secret technique, but they are undoubtedly genuine power.

"What an interesting divinity."

With a smile on the corner of Luo Pei's mouth, he loosened the "silk thread" in his hand.

It is conceivable that if he established a huge and complex church across countless worlds after he became a god, and promoted the self-indulgent concept of "pleasure first", what a huge torrent of power those believers would have.

No wonder Azalea would say that Joy is not a weak divinity.

"Eh? Mr. Rope?"

On the pedestrian street, a voice called out to Luo Pei.

Turning his head, he saw that it was a girl with long straight black hair and wearing a girl uniform of Caihai Academy.

——Blue Feather Light Onion.

The girl tied her jacket around her waist and modified the uniform as much as she wanted without violating the school rules, looking full of youthfulness.

"What are you doing in a place like this?"

""you"? "

Rope smiled.

"Just call me by my name. Aren't you Aurora's best friend? Light Onion."

"Mr. Luo Pei is also at the level of Elder Aurora, so you can directly call him by name or something..."

"It's okay, it's okay. What I hate the most is that kind of inexplicable etiquette."

The black-haired youth waved his hand and said.

Immediately, Qian Cong walked with Luo Pei with her handbag in mind, as she had nothing else to do.

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