The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 132

"You should..."

'You should go back! ! ! ’ Azalea yelled angrily in his head, taking away Rope’s lines. 'Smelly crab! No matter it was instructed to you, the relationship between the two of us is settled! '


Luo Pei was stunned, why did he feel that Azalia was even more angry than him.

'No, I'm just... cheering for you...'

Seemingly aware of her swearing, Azalea spoke in a shy tone, whispering.

"...You said he couldn't hear it, and you scared me."

Luo Pei keenly avoided a stream of water, lowered his body and made a starting posture.

Don't let Basatan break free!

"Inherent time control system - fifty times faster!"

Power beyond limits.

The blood was boiling like boiled water, the skin was evaporated by its own temperature, the muscles were forced to be exposed to the air, and the rising heat made Luo Pei look eerie, like a demon in hell .

"Ahhh! Grass mud horse! It hurts so much!!"

'hurry up! Do you want to kill yourself! ’ Azalea reminded anxiously.

"Shut up for me!!"


The loud sound of atmospheric shattering sounded from the void, and a human-shaped hollow appeared from the air. All the scenery was distorted by the burst of wind, turning into an ambiguous scene.

And during the accelerated time, Luo Pei was running in pain!

In an instant, stepping through the shackles between the earth and the sky, the blood-red figure ran wildly at such a speed that it burned itself to death.

Bypassing the still light blue water of death, Rope attacked Basatan at a ninety-degree angle on the 'broken' bone spur.


Although Rope was extremely fast, Basatan's visual nerves as a god had already captured his figure.

However, due to the large body size, it became sluggish due to the resistance of the air, and the raised right clamp could not fall down for a long time.

When he swept away the bone spurs that Rope was crawling on, the blood-red figure had already reached his abdomen, running upside down like it couldn't hold Newton's coffin.


...why didn't he attack?

In the blink of an eye, Basatan was thinking, obviously he had touched his most vulnerable abdomen, but he didn't attack immediately, but ran aimlessly on it?

Could it be that! ?

"Rope! How did you know that secret!" Basatan roared furiously.

The Ring of Ismeth - His greatest strength, but also his most glaring weakness.

"Familiars! Stop that human!"

Numerous ghost crabs drilled out of Basatan's carapace, waving their claws, blocking his way. But Luo Pei didn't pay attention to these minions who were slower than tortoises at all, and jumped over their encirclement net with a slight jump.


In Luo Pei's blood-drenched eyes, the golden mysterious disc is close at hand!


He came to the Ismeth Circle and looked at Basatan who was shaking his body violently, trying to shake himself off.

"It hurts me so much! It's time to taste my anger! Basatan!"

Raise your right hand and focus all your strength on that arm.

"This is……"

Swinging down violently, it pierced through the carapace in the center of the ring.

"...Ropey's fist of fury! Remember it well!"

"Uh ah ah ah!"

Amid Basatan's cry of pain, Ismeth's light continued to expand.

That is the soul energy and other things that have been stored after killing countless family members recently. Now that the Ismeth circle is broken, those high-quality objects escaped through the gap.

——The huge explosion connecting the sky and the earth happened.

Chapter 22 Pandora's Dark Sacrifice, the Seventh Godslayer

(The picture has nothing to do with the text, this picture seems to be the blood curse?)

The Ismith Circle is the anchor point of Basatan in this world. If it is destroyed, his incarnation can only be sent back to the kingdom of God in the void.

Huge crabs shattered apart.

Like shards of glass, it disappeared without a trace. All that was left was the messy land, and the blood man lying unconscious in the mud pit.

The skin is repairing, and the shattered right hand is growing again, but his consciousness is still immersed in the dark and boundless sea of ​​consciousness.

If someone looked carefully here, Luo Pei's body was emitting a faint gleam, as if being entwined by fireflies.

Contrary to its gorgeous appearance, it was Pandora's dark sacrifice.

The spell left behind by the wife of Epimetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus, the god of hindsight.

The dark Christmas festival that gave birth to the son of the fool and the witch, a great mystery that can only be successful if sacrificed to God, is also the most mysterious and gold-rich ceremony in this world.

Soon, those lights wrapped Rope like a ribbon, and turned into a cocoon-like object existing on the ground.

"Hey, wake up~"

From the light, a beautiful maiden stepped out.

But rather than using the word beautiful to describe her, it is better to say that she has a cute childlike face and body, long pink hair parted left and right, and she is wearing a thin white dress.

She knelt down beside Luo Pei and lifted his head gently onto her slender thighs.

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