The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 133

"If you don't get up, you'll catch a cold, my new child."

Said a cold joke, but Pandora's tone was still so gentle.

And it seemed that her words had an effect, Luo Pei's eyelids trembled, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Here is... where?" The light seemed to flash into his eyes, he opened them and then closed them immediately, and he opened them again when he felt it was okay.

So I saw Pandora's beautiful face.

"This is my concubine's home~"

The pink-haired goddess spoke with a playful tone while stroking Rope's blond hair.

"I'm really scared to death. That foreigner is super vicious. Just looking at it from a distance, I have the illusion that I have been torn into pieces. I didn't expect to be defeated by you."

The corners of her eyes were bent, revealing a crescent moon-like smile.

"Uh... is it that strong?" Rope asked in confusion.

In fact, he didn't know that what he faced was completely different from what Pandora saw.

The pink-haired witch, because of her 'God's Eye', followed Basatan's avatar to see his real body buried in the Kingdom of God. The huge evil power moved Pandora.


Pandora shook her head, and changed the topic.

"No matter what, as the son of man defeated the gods, according to the rules of the ceremony, you will soon become the son of a concubine ~ the seventh Campione."


"Hee hee, call mom to come and listen?"

"don't want."

Rope's head finally came to his senses.

Although it was a result that was expected long ago, it was still very weird. To call a young girl about thirteen or fourteen years old, mother or something...

In Luo Pei's mind, he suddenly thought of White Beard, and other strange things like "be my son!"

"Well... bullying people."

It was obviously a joke, but Pandora really shed tears from her eyes.

I don't know if it's too deep into the drama, or it's just like this.

"If I am like this, am I considered to be a godslayer?" Luo Pei pinched his palms, perhaps because he had just strengthened the Nephilim blood, and did not feel much increase in physical fitness.

He decided to use the most direct data method to take a look, and pulled out his own system pop-up window.

'Name: Rope

Sex: Male

Height: 186cm

Lineage: Nephilim (lower class)

Titles: 'Sea God's Protector' level B, 'Waves Trampler' level C, 'Chaos Messenger' level A, 'Scribe' level B, 'Godslayer' level S.

Special abilities: Madness Hell. White Nightmare (Madness Hell. White Hightmare), Cthulhu Mystic

Physical Strength: 409 (10) Nerve Reflexes: 417 (10) Mental Power: 710 (10) Vitality: 527 (10)’

There is nothing to say about the first two, and the growth rate is relatively small.

But the mental power increased by another three hundred points, almost doubled.

This is probably the reason for the addition of Godslayer's bottomless spell power.

However, these are not the most important.

Luo Pei clicked on the only S-level title 'God Slayer', and looked carefully.

'Title: Campione

Grade: S

Features: Spell resistance (internal void), physical resistance, learning speed increase.

God's Power (Special): Sighinshallowwater

Usurping the power of the evil god "Basatan the Disobedience", it has the ability to manipulate oceans, lakes and death. If it absorbs the essence of the ocean and uses it, it can summon the divine beast "Ghost Crab". There is no upper limit on the number. '

——The ocean is the source of life, and it is also a quiet cemetery of death.

After reading it, Luo Pei closed the pop-up window with satisfaction.

Although that big crab is very problematic as a god, the power it gives is not bad.


Just when Luo Pei was about to leave, he found that Pandora was very close to him looking at him curiously, and he could even feel the slightly sweet breath.

"...Lord Pandora, what's wrong?"

"Did you check your physical condition just now?" Pandora asked excitedly. "The concubine can feel it, quite a delicate and great breath."

Can she see her own system? Rope thought, then shook his head.


It's just a false god inside the world. If even she can see the system, she will lose her share. Maybe it's because I'm in Pandora's territory, and I leaked some breath when I opened the pop-up window just now.

"You say yes." Luo Pei stood up and frowned displeased at the mud on his body.

"My lord goddess, since the dark birth offering has been completed, it's time for me to leave."

"A heartless and mysterious child... but I forgive you~"

Pandora clapped her hands, and Luo Pei's body gradually disappeared from this space... …

"Let's have a good chat with my concubine next time, and have a good journey~"

When Rope completely disappeared, only Pandora was left in the room made of brilliance.

"Another naughty child..."

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