The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 135

"Why are you apologizing to me? Basatan did this. What does it have to do with you?"

Azalia's words made Luo Pei laugh and say strangely.

Passing the corner, Luo Pei saw a familiar figure on the ruins of a house.

With silver hair and beryl eyes, she is undoubtedly the fairy girl Liliana.

She used her beloved sword Silver Master to cut open the bricks, and picked out a comatose and still young girl from the bricks, and then handed it to the knight who was already waiting beside her with a smile. The knight also seemed to be a member of the Bronze Black Cross, but he was obviously much older.

"Uncle Kenanwo, please take this child to the hospital immediately."

Liliana wiped the sweat from her brow, and since Erica said those words, she has basically been running around the city, saving people buried by house collapses.

Because the mystery cannot be exposed to the eyes of the world, she can only do these things with her own strength.

Liliana turned her head and met Rope's eyes.

How should I put it, that expression.

First she was shocked, then relieved, and finally she even showed a little fear.

"Yo, Liliana." Rope raised his hand and smiled.

"I told you, just leave it to me."

"Liliana, that Your Excellency is..." Kenanwo looked at Luo Pei suspiciously. In his impression, Liliana didn't seem to have such a young male friend.

"...he is the one who fights the God of Disobedience."

Liliana hesitated for a while, but still told the truth.

"What!?" Kenanwo widened his eyes and opened his mouth wide in shock.

"Fighting the God of Disobedience is not dead, which means..."

——Campione in seventh place!

big news!

Except that after the Italian leader killed the gods a few years ago, another king was born. This news was enough to shock everyone in the inner world.

Liliana hastily winked at Kenanwo.

The latter was not stupid, he immediately understood what his young lady meant, he picked up the little girl, performed a solemn etiquette towards Luo Pei from a distance, and then left in a hurry.

The commander must be notified immediately!

"Rope... my lord."

Liliana walked up to Luo Pei and said in a panic.

"Congratulations on defeating the God of Disobedience and becoming the seventh king of the earth."

"Although the process was rough, it was still killed anyway."

Luo Pei glanced at the dirt on her body, and she could make a girl who loves beauty run around in this posture. It seemed that Liliana really devoted all her goodwill to the suffering people.

"Is it……"

The silver-haired girl bit her lip complicatedly.

At first, she regarded Luo Pei as a member of the hostile association who snatched the god tool. In the end, she was not only defeated by the other party, but also attracted the God of Disobedience by mistake. Now that Luo Pei kills the God of Disobedience, only the time has passed For a few hours, the degree of change in the situation even Liliana felt absurd.

But the facts are right in front of us.

"What's the matter, you feel weird, is the residual power of Basatan still affecting you?" Luo Pei looked at Liliana's expression and asked curiously.

The silver-haired girl paused, took a step back, knelt in front of Luo Pei on one knee, and said with a sad expression.

"O king! Please show mercy and save the residents of the city of Milan!"

Chapter 24: Liliana's Gratitude

save people? How to save?

Whether it is the Cthulhu secret technique or the newly acquired power, there is no similar healing ability. Is it possible to transform these injured residents into monsters one by one?

Luo Pei thought for a while and said.

"Miss Liliana, if I can help you, I can give it to you. It is better to leave it to a professional doctor to save people. Although I have become a godslayer, it does not mean that I am omniscient. I'm cured, so I'm sorry."

"No no no."

Liliana quickly shook her head in denial, and said eagerly.

"In fact, the curse of the disobedient god did not stop because of his disappearance, and the madness is still tormenting the people of this city."

"Only a small part survived, and the rest are still losing their minds."

She said with a gloomy expression, looking at Luo Pei with hope. "You can relieve my negative state, and you can definitely save them from the fire and water. I beg you, merciful king."

It turned out to be this... Luo Pei suddenly realized.

Because of Basatan's sudden increase in size, there must be quite a few humans who saw him in Milan.

Mortals see only one end for the Old Ones—going mad, which means that more than one-fifth of the people in the city are currently in this state.

Luo Pei really wanted to agree. If this was done, the innocent and kind-hearted Liliana might look at her with admiration, not to mention gaining favorability.

However, he refused.

"Ah, that." Luo Pei said distressedly. "I'm sorry Miss Liliana, your request cannot be fulfilled."

"How come!? Don't you have that power?"

Liliana couldn't believe it, she put her hands on her chest and said.

"Please also show mercy, if you can save the people of Milan, I am willing to do anything for you!"

That expression is as pitiful as a saint who is about to sacrifice herself.

"... I seem to have heard you say that somewhere."

Luo Pei picked his ears and said helplessly. "What you can do, I can definitely do... Besides, you can't teach me your flying magic, so why don't you sleep with me?"

He just said it casually, but Liliana took it seriously.

In an instant, the silver-haired girl's cheeks turned red, and she said coyly.

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