The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 136

"...if the king needs my service."

"It's great, but let's avoid it."

I wanted to make Liliana retreat, but it seems that this girl underestimated the kind heart of this girl?

"I can only use the spell that removes the negative state once a month. It's not a matter of spell power, but the time limit of the spell itself." Luo Pei explained

—Of course these are lies.

The fact is that it won't affect much if Luo Pei uses that spell continuously.

But how many people are one-fifth of the city of Milan?

According to incomplete statistics, the current resident population of this fashion capital is about 1.3 million, and one fifth is equivalent to about 260,000 people. Even if Luo Pei's spell is powerful enough, it will take at least three months to get rid of the madness of 260,000 people.

And even if you do it well, you can only reap the gratitude of one girl at most. The effort and reward are completely unequal, and no one will do it.

To sum it up in one sentence-whatever I love, it's none of my business!

The silver-haired girl who heard his words immediately lost her expression.

"Is that so...sorry for disturbing you."

That's right, it would be strange if such a powerful spell could be cast on a large scale... Liliana thought helplessly.

"It's fine."

Rope patted her on the shoulder.

"After all, it's because of me, so let me help."


Liliana, who was given a sweet date with a stick, was as happy as a hamster.

——Look, you can obviously gain favor without any effort, so why do you have to work hard?

In the next period of time, Rope and Liliana rescued the people affected by the collapse of the house together. His power "Sigh of the Shallow Sea" is quite brilliant in the operation of water flow. With a wave of Rope's hand, the moisture in the air can be shaped into various shapes, helping Liliana to move the too huge stone.

Some entire buildings collapsed, and Luo Pei directly used the water of death to turn them into lime, which could be solved perfectly.

——This needs to be mentioned.

Basatan's principle of turning substances into lime is actually that the water flow took away the "life" of those substances and made them appear "dry". This also represents the power of the sigh of the shallow sea, which fundamentally embodies the " Life and passing', and the operation of water flow is just the embodiment of Bassatan as the 'god of the sea'.

"This is the last one."

Rope moved a stone wall away, exposing several people who were crushed underneath, some of whom were dying from lack of oxygen and injuries.

Liliana, who was standing next to her, hurriedly used healing spells to stabilize the injuries of the people in front of her, and then lifted them out and placed them on the ground smoothly.

"Is it the same in the urban area of ​​Milan City?"

Liliana shook her head and said. "No, because the shock only affected the surrounding areas of the city, and the interior is just a man-made disaster. It should be under control now."

"Is that so?" Rope nodded.

Then it's none of his business, and it's time to retreat.


"My lord, if possible, would you like to sit with me at the Bronze Black Cross?" Liliana simply wanted to thank Luo Pei. It's resolved, and now you are still helping yourself to save the people, you should be grateful for both emotion and reason.

"After all, your current body..." She glanced at the mud on Luo Pei's body, then lowered her eyes, waiting for his judgment.

Bronze Black Cross?

Rope stroked his chin, thinking.

There is no time limit for the task, but if you want news about the next God of Disobedience, it is more convenient to use the local magic forces. You can't go to Sardinia to wait for the God of War and the King of Melka, right?

Thinking of this, he nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

Chapter 25: Rope, who has become an evil force

This is a villa in the southeast of Milan.

Its interior is magnificent, precious paintings and historical porcelain can be seen everywhere, this handmade wool carpet is laid on the floor, and even the chandeliers above the head are plated with gold paint. Because it is the reason for the association of magic, as far as Luo Pei saw, there are probably dozens of spells, which are operating for the convenience of life, but technology is very rare.

——No matter which world it is, the mysterious side and the technological side are incompatible.

After changing out of the casual clothes polluted by mud, Luo Pei wore a very decent black suit and sat quietly in the spacious living room, sipping the high-grade black tea personally brewed by the maid Karen Jankolovski.

"Black tea, are you satisfied?"

The green-haired maid asked respectfully, but if you look carefully, you will find that her hands hanging in front of her body are trembling.

This is a godslayer!

There are only, now there are seven devil kings in the whole world! If one accidentally offends him, it is likely that Milan, which has been devastated, will be completely removed from Italy.

"not bad."

Luo Pei put down the cup and said gracefully.

But to be honest, he can't tell the difference between this kind of black tea at all. No matter how expensive the tea is, it tastes the same in his mouth.

"That's great, I'm worried that you, Luo Peiqing, don't like the taste of Ceylon Highland black tea..." Kallen let out a long sigh of relief, and patted her barren chest.

"Ha ha……"

Not knowing how to respond, Lopesso ignored the maid and completely collapsed on the soft sofa.

After a while, two ladies opened the door and walked in, which caught the eyes of the extremely bored Luo Pei.

One of them that Rope knew was Liliana. She was wearing a white dress and stockings, and the silver high-heeled shoes on her feet were exactly the same color as her hair, and she exuded a holy white light.

The other one seemed to be against the silver-haired girl, wearing a red and black dress, with the same beautiful face, but with a confident smile that was different from Liliana's.

—Erica Brauntree.

The old rival of the 'Bronze Black Cross' - a member of the 'Red Copper Black Cross', is also the undeniable heroine of the original book "God Killer".

Although the anime ruined this girl into a female cousin, fortunately, Luo Pei has read the original novel and knows that this blonde girl is not that kind of woman. On the contrary, she has her own personality charm.

But why is she in Milan...

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