The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1352

Only the "Goddess of the Night" Nix stayed with the black-haired youth and the sheep mother.

"The divine system where the concubine is located is known as the "birthplace of art", so of course it will be too beautiful. "

I don't know if he has figured out some tangled issues, but Nix's words became more and more natural, "017".

- This is a good thing.

After getting acquainted with it, if you still maintain the attitude of being extremely alert and over-interpreting, then it will be more difficult to communicate. Past experience made Luo Pei deeply understand this.

While the two were talking, Shabu found a stone bench in a corner and sat down silently, took the wine handed by the nymph, and enjoyed her younger brother's beauty while drinking with a smile.

Although the mother of the black goat doesn't have much aversion to the inside of the world, like other evil gods, the mother of the goat doesn't take much notice of the existence of non-self-believers. The more you care about those trifling things, the more headaches Shabu Nicholas will have. It's better to keep your ears off the window.

In this meeting, no matter what Luo Pei planned to do, she made up her mind to just watch.

"I don't intend to refute this, after all, the influence of Greek culture is obvious to all..."

"Huh?" Nix looked at Luo Pei curiously, "Why do you sound like someone from here? Have you seen this style anywhere else? "

"I've seen more landscapes than you can imagine."

Luo Pei didn't intend to explain in detail, but just responded perfunctorily.

He pointed to the center of the temple.

"By the way, you are one of the original gods of Olympus, right? Don't you plan to attend the meeting of the gods?"

"Isn't this concubine already attending the meeting?"

"that's all?"

"Then what else do you want?"

After staying with Luo Pei for a long time, the goddess of black long straight also shrugged her shoulders.

"Originally, a goddess like Qie Shen doesn't have much say in God's Domain, and she can solve her own problems. It is enough for Qie Shen to be present at such a rare and unprecedented meeting of the gods. Think about those annoying god relationships."

"It's quite relaxing."

"Because I was about to go wrong, my concubine went to the human world, and then was caught by a big demon king from outside the territory like you, and lost the most precious thing of the goddess."

Nix's words were slightly stinging.

But Luo Pei is also battle-tested, and he simply ignored the irony of the goddess of the night.

The black-haired demon casually enjoyed the low-pitched discussions of the gods, because they were in a remote location, and the gods didn't know that the former head of the evil dragon army they were about to face, the extraterrestrial celestial demon who had left the world dumbfounded, was in This small temple is where the gods gather.

They talked happily over wine, but there was a bit of tension in their smiles.

After all, this meeting is a war alliance in the final analysis, and the evil dragons are all difficult to deal with, and all of them are difficult to deal with. Before gaining the power of extraterrestrial demons and infinite dragon gods, it was already a serious problem in the heart of the gods. Now that they have obtained double happiness, it is even more powerful, and it cannot be compared with the past.

Maybe some gods who are drinking and talking at this moment will lie on the battlefield forever after the evil dragon rebellion is over.

——Death follows like a shadow.

The gods are indeed a little uneasy, but one thing that makes people look at this world is that even if there are a few gods with despicable personalities, most of the gods are by no means lacking in responsibility. In order to protect their god domain, and for the people who believe in them, the gods will not be stingy with their lives.

The God of the Bible is the best representative figure.

Soon, Rope's keen eyes caught a unique god.

No, her official name should be "Angel".

In the temple where gods gather in twos and threes, she is the only isolated existence. With a bright halo above her head and twelve wings docilely lying behind her back, the girl lowered her head and sipped the golden wine.

When Luo Pei was at the foot of the mountain, he looked up and saw the figure of a female angel crossing the sky. When he got close, he couldn't help but marvel at the excellence of this seraphim.

very big.

Very big.

Obviously too big to hold in one hand.

As for which aspect... the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

One of the four archangels of the Seventh Heaven Realm, "Seraphim" Gabriel.

She and another seraphim, representing the forces of the heavens, participated in the meeting of the gods of the evil dragon rebellion. The reason why Gabriel was isolated is also very simple. One of the races where the three clans fought, the powerful fighting ability of the lower-level angels and the power of the upper-level angels, as well as the holding of the gods for the largest believers in the world, the gods of the heavens are not flattering. Likes are a matter of course.

But this does not prevent these angels, who are heavily influenced by the God of the Bible, from wanting to contribute to peace.

Luo Pei smiled, and before the nymph could react, she took the wine glass from her dinner plate and walked towards Gabriel with vigorous steps.

Nix didn't follow, she just looked at the seraphim girl with fake pity and pity, and continued to be silent in a daze, waiting for the end of the boring meeting.

The Goddess of the Night is not some kind goddess.

Not only that, but the black, long and straight girl still had some dark thoughts in her heart—why should I be the only one to suffer such grievances in vain? You just sit here and drink lightly?

It's best to be tossed by the evil spirits!

"Isn't this Miss Gabriel? Why are you just sitting here instead of going to the inner hall?"

Luo Pei walked to Gabriel's side familiarly, and spoke to the angel girl.

The blond beauty raised her head and blinked her eyes in confusion, as if wondering who the young man in front of her was.

"Excuse me, may I ask which Highness you are...?"

His face was familiar, but Gabriel really couldn't remember where he had seen the black-haired youth.

"I'm Rope, not someone worth talking about. As Miss Gabriel, I know you, and it's normal that you don't know me."

Seeing that Gabriel didn't recognize him, Rope started running the train with his mouth full again.

He took advantage of the situation and sat next to Gabriel, his posture was natural.

"Is that so..."

Gabriel nodded ignorantly.

"Master Uriel has already gone to the inner hall to discuss the alliance with the leaders of the gods in detail. I was not assigned a task by Lord Michael, so I am waiting here for Lord Uriel......"

"Drinking alone is boring, isn't it?"

"Who says it's not..."

With someone to talk to, Gabriel seemed to have opened up a conversation box, pouring out bitterness with the young man he met by chance.

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