The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1353

"Those His Highnesses all looked at us like a scourge. We obviously didn't start the war with demons and fallen angels. The angels are fighting for the peace of the world. They just think that we are a warlike race... Such a merciful existence as the Lord God..."

Speaking of the God of the Bible, Gabriel paused for a moment before falling silent.

The God of the Bible is gone, and the saddest thing is the angels.

But that was the path chosen by God, the supreme manifestation of mercy. Except for accepting the last gift of God with respect and practicing his path, the angels were not defeated by sorrow.

But frustration is inevitable.

"I don't think any race in this world, including demons, likes war. Well, except for evil dragons."


Gabriel looked at the black-haired youth unexpectedly.

Rope smiled.

"I think this is just a deviation brought about by the habits and cognitions between the races, which eventually led to the ending of swords and swords. When everyone realizes the preciousness of peace, perhaps hundreds of years later, angels, fallen angels, Maybe even demons can gather together.”

"Haha, you really like to joke."

Gabriel laughed happily, but didn't take it seriously.

But what Rope is talking about is what happened in the original "Devil's High School".

At a point in the future, angels, fallen angels, demons, gods, and dragons will not only gather together, but even fight for the same goal and protect the world, officially entering a harmonious ecology without distance.

These wisdoms that have not spanned time cannot be seen.

—Gabriel obviously didn't have that intelligence.

However, what Rope said did make Gabriel look forward to it. If we can really usher in a comprehensive peace like that, and everything is finally reconciled, the world will definitely become a better place, and the dead god will also hope to see to that end.

The blond beauty tilted her head and looked at the handsome young man beside her.

"I haven't had time to ask, which God's Realm does His Royal Highness Luo Pei belong to?"


Rope 3.1 took a sip of wine with erratic eyes.

" Olympus, right? I work for the "Goddess of the Night" Nix-sama. "

Well, that's right.

Working on a goddess is also a kind of work.

"Ah, the original god of Greece."

Gabriel seemed to think of something, and smiled.

"Haha... I didn't expect that as an angel, I could sit and drink with gods of other gods. I never thought about it." The blond beauty snapped her fingers: "It's not about preparing for war in the heavens, or responding to it." The prayers of the believers, get rid of this evil, eliminate that grievance, for a long time, I almost felt that we were the only ones in the world..."

"Archangel can't be completely leisurely."

"That's right, after Lord God left, there were many loopholes in the "system". We and Lord Michael worked hard to keep the "system" from collapsing..."

After all, Gabriel is not really big-chested and brainless. After realizing that the young man is a god of other gods, her introduction about the internal situation of her family stopped.

"All in all, it's a pleasure to meet His Royal Highness Luo Pei!"

Yeah, I'm happy too...

Luo Pei responded from the bottom of his heart, still smiling.

However, that smile was extraordinarily profound. .

Chapter 26: The King of the Gods Faces the Demon

The splendid temple is a complex building structure, so it is naturally impossible that there is only one place for the main hall.

In the side hall, the leaders of the various god departments gathered together, discussing the emergencies of the meeting.

"Is the source reliable?"

The main god of Olympus, Zeus posed as a commander, and asked the beautiful boy with animal skin beside him in a deep voice.

Shiva said disdainfully.

"What's the benefit of me lying to you? Zeus, if the gods weren't on the eve of the alliance at this moment, I wouldn't even bother to talk to all of you! I have fought against that person in person, so it is naturally impossible to admit his mistake."

"Ah, ah, ah~"

The Heavenly Emperor of the East, the "God of War" Di Shitian crossed his legs and said jokingly.

"I didn't expect that we were still planning how to deal with the Dazizai Heavenly Demon, but he came to the door by himself. What are you going to do? Raise your arms and lead the gods and Buddhas to fight with it immediately? I don't care... Fight the evil Dragons and Heaven Slayer Demons are both interesting things, war will create heroes..."


Zeus flatly refused.

"This is Olympus, and it cannot be turned into the main battlefield of war no matter what!"

The bachelors of other gods will die. Anyway, in other people's territory, the disaster will not be as good as their own. If they want to fight, they can just let go of their hands and feet. But Zeus absolutely cannot allow Olympus to be turned into scorched earth. The power of that demon is obvious to all, and no one can guarantee that this small God's Domain can support such a grand dance drama.

"His Royal Highness Erebus, please forgive me, if the person next to His Royal Highness Nix is ​​an extraterrestrial demon, then what is it about you coming here with the demon?"

Uriel of the Twelve Wings 19 Seraphim asked, unlike Gabriel who is purely decorative, he is the person who mainly represents the forces of the heavens to form an alliance.

Nether God nodded.

"My sister and the "Da Zi Zai Tianmo" Mr. Luo Pei established a sacred marriage relationship, so that Mr. Luo Pei arrived here. Driven by curiosity, I came to this meeting to join in the fun. The matter is as simple as that, if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me, and I will tell you everything I know. "

No, we don't understand everything you said!

As soon as these words came out, the gods all had expressions of "Are you kidding me?"

Beat Emperor Beast 666 like a dog, a guy who is full of evil spirits at first glance, dating and marrying your sister, and even taking it home for a walk? Do you think this is the script of a folk stage play? The script doesn't even dare to write like that!

"Erebos..." Zeus rubbed his brows with a headache: "Even if that demon acts as you said, he is the leader of the evil dragon army we are going to deal with this time. Even if Nix is ​​killed by him Tricking... I mean marrying him, do you think it would be a good thing to let him into Olympus?"

"Zeus, if I can influence Lord Rope's thoughts, do I still need to stand here with you?"

Erebus spread his hands innocently.

The fact that Luo Pei and his sister entered Olympus was already in front of him, and it was not at all a question of whether he felt good or not. So what if he feels bad? To expel Rope? Then Erebus had to weigh whether his own life was enough.

"However, regarding the matter of the evil dragon army, you are not too worried for the time being."

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