The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1354

"Huh?" The Egyptian sun god who had been silent all this time raised his head: "Your Highness Erebus, what does this mean?"

"According to what the evil lord said, he has resigned from his position as the "King of Evil Dragons" and has nothing to do with the evil dragons anymore. In other words, our actions this time have nothing to do with Mr. Demon. "

Sun God Aton frowned.

"You also believe the words of the demons from outside the territory."


There was a sound of metal colliding with stone, interrupting the somewhat unpleasant conversation.

Shiva stood up holding a three-pronged fork, and glanced coldly at the gods.

"Whether it's true or not, you are worthy of guessing? In front of the evil spirits, you can't even be regarded as an enemy, you should just keep your mouths shut. With all kinds of suspicions and fears, why don't you ask the evil spirits? At that time, we plan to massacre the gods and go head-on, if it is true as what Erebus said, it is not exactly what we want... You don't need to let you group of wastes face a terrifying existence that is too strong to suffocate."

"Lord Shiva, you are going too far."

Clay figurines are still angry, let alone gods.

The sun god Aton is also one of the most powerful men in this world, and he was a little dissatisfied with Shiva's words at the moment.


The God of Destruction tilted the three-pronged fork slightly.

"Although I want to fight the demon again, if there is some unknown existence before this, I don't recommend sending him away from this world."

Shiva's seclusion and clean habits do not mean that his character is the kind of god who is beautiful and sad all day long.

On the contrary, the character of God of Destruction is the most violent in the Indian pantheon, proportional to his strength.

"Hahaha, let's fight, let's fight in front of the enemy~" Di Shitian leaned back on the chair and said, "Whether it's a melee or a random fight, the so-called differences in ideas will have to be resolved by strength in the end. "

"Di Shitian, stop fanning the flames!"

The one-eyed god king, Odin, the Nordic god, stopped the Eastern Heavenly Emperor. The latter didn't react much, and still looked at the gods with a smile.

Odin pushed the hat with the handle of the Eternal Spear, thought for a moment and said.

"As Lord Shiva said, if you don't see the real Lord, you can't judge the truth by just a few words. You really have to meet the Lord Demon."

But the god king was only serious for a while, and after he finished speaking, he showed a smile that men could understand.

"Speaking of Erebus, how stunning is your sister, who can even charm an extraterrestrial demon... You have to show me where your sister is later."


The Nether God was speechless.

Finally, the emergency meeting of the leaders of the gods came to an end with harp music playing from the temple.

They came out in groups, with different moods, and walked towards the demon that descended on the center of the god.


"From the perspective of belief in human sociology, rather than formulating the dogma of belief into law, it is better to simply serve as admonishment and guiding maxim."

Holding red wine, Luo Pei talked eloquently in front of Gabriel.

"Too rigid rules will breed human sin. Gabriel, perhaps the believers in the world are very pious now, but human beings are the most common short-lived species. They will forget the original persistence due to the passage of time. If the faith The dogmas cannot be adapted according to the times, and in the end beliefs will become something that everyone shouts at.”

"This, that's it. Then what does His Royal Highness think we should do?"

"Screen out the Bible, compile it into stories that children like, and then vigorously promote it to every corner. Faith starts from an early age. In this way, even if children grow up and do not choose to become believers in God, they will still be affected by childhood. , keep a trace of respect for gods and angels in your heart."


Originally, Gabriel only wanted to pass the boring time before chatting with the black-haired young man, but the insight and wisdom of this strange highness opened her eyes.

It's just scraps about faith.

What Rope said before about the development of the church and the development of the angels in the heavens was the source of Gabriel's surprise. That method can even simply deduce the "system" to another harmonious situation, instead of being full of loopholes and incompletes as it is now, requiring the careful care of Seraphim.

Well, what a pity!

The eyes of the blond beauty revealed a strong sense of regret.

Why is such a person not from our own family?

Gabriel put down the wine, held the right hand of the black-haired young man with both hands, and said with shining eyes.

"His Royal Highness Luo Pei! Please be sure to chat with me for a while longer! Even if the meeting is over, it doesn't matter, I will stay and visit His Royal Highness Nix, and ask her to allow me to stay with you for a long time! Just for the goodness and happiness of the world Prosperity, please!"


010 Luo Pei held Gabriel's palm with his backhand, his expression extremely sincere.

"I also hope to spread truth, goodness and beauty on the earth. The deeds of the God of the Bible have a profound impact on me. I have a good impression of angels. Especially you, Miss Gabriel, I am more convinced after seeing your beauty. The correctness of this good feeling."


Gabriel scratched his face in embarrassment.

But unfortunately, Luo Pei's sincere expression only lasted for less than half a minute.

I don't know when, the gods who were disturbing around disappeared without a trace. A large area was vacated, as if there was some invisible stand around Rope and Gabriel.

the reason is simple.

The leaders of the gods, the kings of the gods have come here quietly, standing behind Gabriel in a row.

"Oh? What happened to His Highness Luo Pei?"

Gabriel was taken aback for a moment, then turned around. Showing a gentle smile.

"Ah, it's Lord Uriel." Gabriel stood up: "Have you finished your meeting with the gods and kings? Let me tell you, I found a very outstanding Highness..."

"Gabriel, get away from that man! Don't you recognize his face?"

"His Highness Luo Pei's appearance...what's wrong?"

Wu Li's expression was serious, and he put his right hand on the long sword at his waist.

It only took two seconds for Luo Pei's expression to change from cheerfulness to calmness to a touch of disgust.

He curled his lips.

"You guys are really unpleasant, don't you see that I am busy discussing important matters with Miss Gabriel?"

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