The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1355

The black-haired young man straightened the neckline of his luxurious robe and got up from the bench.

He glanced at Zeus, Shiva, Odin, Aton, Indra and other gods, and his tone was no longer polite and modest, but an arrogance standing above the clouds and the sky.

"Then the gods who gather here like rats, come to me in such a big way, what's your business?".

Chapter 27 No targeting anyone, I mean everyone here is rubbish

The noble and extraordinary black-haired young man spoke very harshly. Some gods who did not know Luo Pei frowned after hearing this, but it was not easy to attack because the kings of the gods were in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that made their jaws drop appeared.

The Indian god of destruction, the most powerful god in the world, Shiva actually stood with the three-pronged cross in his hand, and saluted the black-haired young man with clasped hands.

"Don't be safe, Lord Tianmo."

The gods were very surprised.

Even if they are not gods of the same pantheon, everyone knows a thing or two about the virtues of the "God of Destruction" Shiva.

Possessing a powerful power second only to the god of the Bible and the two dragon gods, there are really only a handful of people who can make him salute respectfully.

Vishnu, who is also the "god of maintenance" in the Indian pantheon, counts as one. As for the "god of creation" Brahma, because of some events, Shiva will never use the emotion of respect.

But at this moment, the ferocious God of Destruction looked at the black-haired young man differently, which made the gods speculate on the young man's identity.

Fortunately, their doubts did not last long.

The following words of Luo Pei revealed the mystery for the gods.

"Well, it's been a while since the last battle."

Luo Pei raised his wine glass slightly, as a slight respect to the young man who had fought against him.

"Shiva, is your injury healed?"

"Thanks to your concern, it's all right now."

Shiva's eyes burn with the flames of strife.

"I have always regretted such a miserable defeat. Since then, I have been practicing on the top of the snow mountain all year round, just to be able to fight you again. After hearing that you led the evil dragon army, I can't wait to participate in this boring The meeting of the gods, I hope Lord Tianmo will give you another lesson."

Rope appreciates those who are pure fighters.

It has nothing to do with his divinity, it has been from the very beginning.

The dark-haired youth shook his head with a smile.

"You guys who are eager to be strong and eager to fight, I have not met one or two... If you want to fight me again, just come here. There are only a handful of guys in this world who can make me feel interesting. Except for that God of the Bible who died for the people, you barely qualify."

"Thank you!"

At the end of the conversation, the gods knew who the black-haired young man holding the golden wine glass was, even if they were not clear-headed.

After that, they retreated like avoiding the plague, and some gods even put on a fighting posture, guarding against the evil dragon king who might attack at any time.

"I just hate this feeling, so I didn't come here with a lot of fanfare..."

Luo Pei sighed helplessly, and drank the wine in the glass.

Zeus and Odin looked at each other, both of them were extremely intelligent people, and they believed in Erebus' statement in their hearts.

Lei Shen stepped forward, saluted slightly to show respect for the strong man.

"My lord, this is the first time we meet. I am Zeus, the god-king of Olympus. I heard what Erebus said. Are you coming to the meeting of the gods this time to give up your status as the king of evil dragons and to reconcile with the gods? "



"I said, is your god's hospitality so bad?"

Lopez squinted at Zeus and raised his empty wine glass.

"There's no wine in my glass, don't you see?"

Zeus sighed in his heart, and with a casual move, a nymph goblin came forward to add wine to the demon.

The beautiful fairy girl shook like a sieve, and walked towards the black-haired young man with a look of fear.

It is quite normal for her to be afraid of the existence that can make the god kings feel like they are facing an enemy.

"Am I scary?"

Hearing Luo Pei's accusation, the nymph was shocked and shook her head quickly.

"No, no!"

Rope smiled slightly.

"Don't be afraid. It's not you who should be afraid now, but the majestic gods standing over there. My power is like a thundercloud surrounding their heads. As long as I have that thought, all the gods, Buddhas and immortals gathered today will be scared." will not escape the fate of death."

The nymph was on the verge of crying.

After the black-haired youth's words, all the masters of the gods who followed Zeus frowned.

"Master Heavenly Demon..."


Unforeseen vibrations.

The entire Mount Olympus seemed to be bitten by some kind of unspeakable beast. Gravels continued to fall down the mountain, and a crack appeared on the holy mountain out of thin air, destroying many buildings along the way.

"What kind of joke are you kidding, Zeus?"

The black-haired young man looked cold, and said as he watched the gods who took out their weapons one after another.

"Reconciliation? You bunch of rubbish deserve me to come here to "reconcile"? Do you think I'm afraid of the so-called alliance of gods? A group of ants gathered together is nothing but a group of ants. I'm just acting according to my own mind. Since the identity of "Evil Dragon King" can no longer bring me fun, then I will give up. I came here also because I wanted to see what your meeting was like, but you actually misunderstood that I came to "reconcile" with you? "


They are all gods whose hearts are higher than the sky, and the gods can easily understand why the demons are angry.

He is not afraid of the alliance of the gods, and he can abandon the leader of the evil dragon's legion like he discards garbage. Everything is the action of the heavenly demon following his will, and it is not the pressure brought by the gods at all.

Zeus's words, which seemed to add glory to the faces of the gods, offended Rope.

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