The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1363

"Orpheus can sit for hundreds of years even if she sits dry. Time is as meaningless to her as it is to us. I don't want evil gods to infect that lovely pure white."

"Little Luo Pei is really caring to your woman." Shabu said, "You have never cared so much for my sister..."

"Sister Shabu, your strength is many times stronger than mine..."

Shabu hummed displeasedly, and the white sandal kicked away a stone casually.

"Don't use my strength and identity to make excuses. At this moment, I am also a woman, and I hope little Luo Pei can come and love me..."

Shabu lived up to her nickname of the Supreme Mother.

To say who is the evil god with the most girlish character, Shabu bears the brunt.

——Gentleness and personality coexist, an elegant and decent black-haired big sister.

Luo Pei smiled slightly, and took Shabu's hand.

"Then do as Sister Shabu wishes."

A powerful force erupted.

Luo Pei put his fingers together, and a scarlet sword of strife appeared, slashing towards a mountain range as high as Mount Everest in the distance.

After a sword strike, the mountain peak was cut off, and the entire mountain was lifted upside down by Luo Pei.

"Let's set up a testing ground for the two of us there. No matter how messy we are now, there will be no problems."

Said Luo Pei, the incarnation of the dark blue demon god.

"I must understand the mystery of the embryonic form of the Kingdom of God in this trial!"

Chapter 32: Invisible Dark Floating City

Every minute and every second of time is very precious to human beings with a short life span of less than a hundred years. People desperately want to leave their own traces in those short years, or struggle for life, and make that little life extremely wonderful.

But for races with a long lifespan, this is not necessary.

Longevity has given them plenty of time. Whether it is planning, practice, or research, they can spend hundreds of years to complete slowly, and there is no need to catch up for a while.

Demons are such a typical longevity group.

Since the three-party battle between angels, fallen angels, and demons, the underworld has suffered unprecedented damage.

Under the swan song of the God of the Bible, the four major demon kings and most of the seventy-two pillar nobles were killed. Compared with the unity of the other two races, because the social form of the demons is biased towards human beings, there were internal differences and disputes about those in power after the death of the demon king, which eventually led to the end of the war and did not slow down for hundreds of years.

The descendants who inherit the lineage of the four major demon kings take it for granted that they are the orthodox candidates for the "devil king".

However, some demon nobles believe that the ruler cannot be determined solely by blood. The demon is in a period of reconstruction, and the opinions of the ethnic group should be gathered to recommend sages to lead the demon out of its predicament.

Neither side is wrong, and both have their own reasons.

Under the throne involving the highest power in the underworld, none of them are willing to take any step back.

Protracted negotiations, disputes between conspiracy and interests, and finally the smell of gunpowder gradually spread.

Even the most stupid low-level demons can sense that a civil war is about to begin over the future of the underworld.

Fed up with the war, the demons are very reluctant to rekindle the war internally, but the power and the army are in the hands of those demon nobles. The huge vortex hit them like a whip, driving them to make a choice of side, and then turn blade and magic against their fellow citizens.

The interior of the underworld is already in a state of being on the verge of firing.


The south of the underworld originally belonged to the territory of the Eliog family, one of the seventy-two pillars.

After the Eliog family was cut off due to the three-clan war, this territory is in a state of desolation without an owner.

The Demon King's army is firmly holding the remaining fortress here, guarding against the anti-government group that may go to war at any time.

The one who came here as the commander is the young master of the extraordinarily famous demon family who has served "Son of the Dawn" Lucifer for generations, and the Lukefugus family.

The silver-haired young man with a sharp expression was frowning as he watched the report handed over by the soldier.

"...The disappearance of the Rekaton Mountains? A floating city that cannot be seen from a distance? A terrifying creature hidden in the forest?"

Jettia Lukefugus put down the report in his hand, clasped his hands, and asked the nervous soldier in front of him.

"Can you take responsibility for what you say, soldier."

"Yes, it is!"

The demon soldier's teeth were chattering, with an obviously terrified expression.

"I can be responsible for everything I say! Lord Lukefugus! I am a member of the patrol team formed ten days ago, and I am conducting a carpet reconnaissance against the enemy. My fifteen team members and I Saw that when we arrived at Recarton Mountains... listen to me, I swear I'm not hallucinating!"

"Well, I'm listening, soldier."

Duke Lukefugus nodded, and did not despise the other party's words just by being a soldier.

The latter seemed to recall something that shouldn't be recalled, and crouched down with his arms tightly held, his breathing becoming short of breath.

"We've been searching for magic...but that city! That black city floating in the air suddenly appeared in our sight! One moment we were chatting with each other, but the next moment it appeared above our heads, Rowlandson also asked me why it was suddenly dark..."

The soldier swallowed.

"I, I saw... the things in that city. It was as if all the creatures were cut up and reassembled, none of them were the same. They were driven to jump down from the edge of the city, and then quietly disappeared into the jungle Medium. I instinctively realized something was wrong, and wanted to bring my team back, but... ahhh! They were all dead! They were eaten! No one survived!"

The demon soldier suddenly let out a sharp scream, covered his head and rolled on the ground indiscriminately, the pained expression made Jettia Lukefugus unable to bear to look directly at it.

The screams made the guards run in, and Duke Lukefugus waved his hand to let the guards take the soldier down.

The missing mountains? A floating city floating in the sky? Scary monster?

If it really exists, why can't the Demon King Army see such a huge building?

There is no shortage of skilled magicians in the group. Even if the entire city is hidden with magic, there will be strong fluctuations in magic power.

The truth is, until this soldier's report, none of the powerful members of the Demon King's group had any abnormal reports about the direction of the Recarton Mountains.

But the expression of the soldier just now did not seem to be lying, and none of the team members who went out with him came back as he said.

Zetia Lukefugus The Thinker.

It is now a critical period between the two sides of the underworld, and any disturbance in either side will startle the snake, and it is impossible to send a large number of people to investigate the authenticity of the Recarton Mountains. But intuition told the suzerain of the Terukifugus family that this was something worthy of attention.

"Father, I've made some black tea."

"Oh, Gurefia."

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