The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1364

Jettia's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of her daughter.

He put the report aside, and watched the silver-haired Gurefia Lukefugus, who was wearing a black-red aristocratic dress, walk in and put steaming black tea on the table.

Duke Lukefugus took a sip of the black tea and said appreciatively.

"What an excellent taste, Gurefia, your tea making skills are no less than your mother's."

"Yes, thank you, Father."

Gurefia responded respectfully, making Jettia a little helpless.

His eldest daughter is good at everything, with outstanding appearance, upbringing, and outstanding strength, but her personality is too rigid, and she has never acted like a baby to his father since she can remember. Duke Lukefugus regrets it.

"Father, is there any trouble?"

"Huh? Can you see that?"

"Because you drink black tea often in one gulp, and rarely take a sip and put it aside."

"As expected of my daughter, she has excellent observation skills."

Duke Lukefergus sighed.

"I encountered some troubles. The opposition sent troops and generals, and the war was imminent, but there were accidents here... Well, but these have nothing to do with you, Gurefia, so don't worry."


"Let's not talk about the business, it's too sad to just say this between father and daughter. If my colleagues know about it, they will laugh at me as a father who doesn't like my daughter."

Jettia laughed.

"Gurefia, speaking of which, you are not young. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the gathering of the Demon King's army, haven't you found your sweetheart yet? Almost all the heirs of the major families have gathered. If you want to find a husband, you have to take advantage of now This opportunity. No matter who it is, even if it is the second and last son of the other party's family, or some civilian devil, I will unconditionally support your choice."

"...Mother also mentioned this matter, but I still don't have any thoughts about it."

"Yes, then let it be." Duke Lukefugus stretched his body: "Don't let your mother influence you, this is a major issue related to your future happiness, and the most important thing is that the two of you get along well. But Once the internal war starts, you won't have so much leisure time..."


A soft smile appeared on the corner of Gurefia's mouth.

Born in a noble family of great demons, she is really lucky to meet such a father.

Gurefiya did not forget that a big demon noble like her would often use her children to ensure the purity of the upper blood, and there was very little room for children to choose.

She was lucky enough to get this privilege because of her father.

At this time, there was a chaotic sound from outside, and along with the sound of footsteps, a young demon with a short beard came before Duke Lukefugus.

Jettia's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that this lord would appear in front of him.

"Lord Lucifer?!"

"Just call me Li Zevim, Lord Lukefugus, I don't like people always calling me by my father's name~"

With a frivolous tone, Li Zevim Lihuaen Lucifer, a descendant of the demon king Lucifer and the mother of demons Lilith, waved his hand.

Zetia and Gurefia saluted immediately.

They are the family that serve the Demon King Lucifer. When they see Lucifer's orthodox bloodline successor, of course they must maintain respect to the main family.

"It doesn't make any sense to bully my good-for-nothing, idiot son, so I decided to come out to get some fresh air, and walked to Lord Lukefugus's territory along the way. It shouldn't cause trouble for Lord Duke, right?"

"Where are you talking, it is an honor for the Luke Fergus family to have you here."

"Yeah, great~ great~"

"Master Li Zevim..." Duke Lukefugus considered his words: "I just met you, about the Demon King Group..."

"I'm not going to mess with them, and you don't want to push me to the top."

Li Zevim said lazily.

"Striving for power and profit just like stupid human beings, the boring power is handed over to boring demons to fight for, I don't care about the title of "devil king". "


Duke Lukefergus was speechless.

Several other heirs of the demon king regard it as an honor to inherit the position of the demon king, but only the blood of Lucifer dismisses the position of the demon king.

"Oh! Is it... Gurefia?"

"Yes, Gurefia Lukefugus has met Lord Lizevim."

"Yeah, you've really grown up~ I remember you were so young at the time, and now you're not only beautiful and attractive, but also powerful... Mmm, Lord Lukefugus has a pair of good sons and daughters."

Gurefiya just bowed her head. Although she didn't have much contact with the son of the devil, she was vaguely disgusted with Li Zevim, who revealed his coldness in his frivolity.

After a brief greeting, Li Zevim glanced at the report on Zetia's desk.

Li Zevim picked up the report.

"What's this?"

"The report of a scouting soldier, about the "terrorist city that cannot be seen"... Please read the specific details for yourself. "

Jettia said.

"Although the soldier became crazy and the credibility of his words was very low, I have a hunch that it is best to report this matter, after all, it is at a critical time with the anti-demon government..."

Lizevim stopped Duke Lukefugus from speaking.

His eyes were completely attracted by the report.

"Unheard of terrifying monsters, dark floating cities invisible in the distance..."

The corners of Li Zevim's mouth could not help but curl up.

It's really worth the trip...

Chapter 33: Sacrifice to the Ancient Evil

Li Zeweim tilted his legs frivolously, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

He shook the report in his hand like a fan, and asked Jettia.

"Lord Lukefugus thinks it's okay to just report this situation to those stupid fellows?"

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