The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1368

"That's right. Judging by Gurefia's strength from a young age, I'm afraid daily life is boring, right?"

Li Zevim said with a little regret.

"If it wasn't for my stupid son who got married early and met little Gurefia so late, I would have let my son marry you~"

"Thank you for being worthy."

Gurefia responded indifferently and politely.

"The Lukefugus family is a family that has served the Lucifer family for generations. According to common sense, even if the noble son is not married, I am not worthy of Lord Lucifer's blood."

"It's so cold."

Li Zevim shook his head.

"What we are about to meet is that Lord Demon from Outside Territory. It must be full of dangers. If we don't chat for a while now, we may not have the chance to chat again..."

Gurefia frowned.

With an ominous premonition, she always felt that Li Zevim was planning something dangerous.

The screams of the demon soldiers flying in the sky came from the front, and Gurefiya and Li Zevim stopped instantly, looking at the terrifying creature falling from the sky in front of them.

The huge body of the black goat cub threw a lot of dust from the ground, and its sharp roar resounded through the sky, shattering the surrounding clouds.

Even by looking at it, one could tell how extraordinary the monster in front of him was.

"It seems that it is not that simple to meet the ancient evil..."

Chapter 35: The Devil and the Son of the Dark God

"Ready, ready to fight!"

"What the hell is that..."

"Everyone be careful, that creature seems to have some kind of visual curse... Ugh!"

The demon army became active in an instant. They vibrated their bat wings, like well-trained worker bees, and surrounded the huge monster.

Gurefia floated behind the demon army, staring at the monsters blocking the way ahead.

She had never seen such a strange creature.

It has a trunk similar to a tree, hooves similar to a sheep, and twisted tentacles like an octopus waving wildly. The whole body seems to have come out of a terrifying and deep nightmare. The most terrifying monsters are not comparable to the existence in front of them.

More importantly……

Gurefiya's beautiful eyes scanned the surrounding demon army. Visible to the naked eye, some demon soldiers with insufficient strength began to produce scarlet pupils just by staring at the monster, and they could not control their strength and body. Signs of madness.

Before the monster attacked, standing there produced a constant magic effect similar to a curse.

"That's right! This is it!"

Li Zevim said enthusiastically.

"Creatures from outside the domain! Unknown and terrifying existences! This is what I want to see! Compared with the boring things in this world, species from another world are the most beautiful! And this power..."

"Lord Lizevim."

Gurefia's high-quality magic power surrounds her body, isolating the effects of the curse.

"Given that your purpose is to meet the demons from outside the domain, please give me instructions—whether to fight the monster in front of you, or go directly to the floating city by going around it?"

Li Zevim, who was slightly aroused by Gurefia, pondered and finally made a decision.

"Order the Legion to attack."

The fact that the ancient evils didn't come forward to kill them in person proved that the ancient evils still had "curiosity" about their group, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get so close.

And the monster standing here in front of him should be a kind of trial.

How can a great person be seen by anyone?

Li Zevim firmly believed in his conjecture.

"Let me see the strength of the princess of the Lukefugus family, the silver-haired annihilation princess."

"Yes, following your orders."

Gurefia replied flatly.

Immediately, the silver-haired beauty waved her bat wings and flew towards the black goat cub.

The demon legion also prepared their formation, and each demon soldier opened up a defensive and offensive magic circle in front of him, aiming at the black goat cub like a hill.

"All hands ready! Attack!"

Accompanied by the order of the demon commander, magic like a meteor shower attacked the black goat cub.

The magic of demons is also very famous in the gods and the world. It is rumored that except for witchcraft and fairy art in some remote places, other mainstream magic is passed down from the underworld. For demons, magic is almost equivalent to housekeeping skills.

After all, if human beings want to have magic power, they must be talented and painstakingly cultivated, while demons are born with magic power that surpasses ordinary magicians.

The magic power of Gurefia, the highest class "Demon Lord Class" standing above all demons, is even more terrifying.

With just a wave of the silver-haired Annihilation Ji, countless magic circles exploded, the number and quality of which were almost equivalent to the attack of half a legion, enough to destroy this area.

As if sensing the enemy's intention to destroy him, the black goat cub started to move.

Its too huge body just moved, it overwhelmed the ancient trees and crushed the rocks.

A demon army's magic attack and Gurefia's power are like raindrops hitting the eaves, and the effect is nothing more than a little splash.

"How, how is it possible? Our attack is ineffective?"

"Evidently even Lord Gurefia has already made a move..."

The demons were in brief confusion.

But at any rate, it was the soldiers in the formation. Their confusion only lasted for a moment, and then they began to change their strategies, using targeted magic to block the progress of the black goat cubs.

Again, doesn't help.

The black goat cub sneered at the efforts of the demons, but still walked steadily and slowly, walking towards Li Zevim, who had the greatest source of magic power.

"...Magic invalidation?"

Gurefiya frowned, she could see the details of the black goat cubs better than ordinary demon soldiers.

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