The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1369

That's not "unable to break through the defense", but "the attack has no effect at all".

The two look close but are vastly different.

Gurefia didn't know that these children of the dark gods were inherently immune to all damage or attacks related to heat, explosion, corrosion, electricity, and poison. Abnormal energy, including common powers such as magic power and spiritual power, will be weakened to "nothing" by the black goat cubs if it does not reach a certain level.

The only thing that can cause normal damage to them is pure physical attack.

However, the huge size and terrifying tentacles proved that if you want to use physical attacks to harm the black goat cub, you must be in danger of paying the price of your life at any time.

Perhaps in the eyes of the "King in Yellow" Hastur, black goat cubs are just lowly creatures used for cooking, but for all things in the world, these children of Shabu Nicholas are absolutely Buckle nightmare.

Gurefia, who came to the result, did not hesitate, and pulled out a long spear from the magic circle. With a shake of the bat wings, she transformed the excess magic power into physical strength, and joined the chaos of the demon army.

Like a shooting star, the tip of the spear flew around the black goat cub's body, cutting off its tentacles.

But in an instant, the wound regenerated like boiling water.

The black goat cub opened its mouth to inhale, and the strong wind pressure swallowed more than two digits of demon soldiers, and at the same time, black smoke filled its mouth.

The soldiers who were touched by the smoke more or less felt the magic power passing away.

And this kind of lapse is almost impossible to make up for by the day after tomorrow.

"Regeneration ability and power devour..."

Gurefia felt troubled.

It is worthy of being a subordinate of the demons outside the territory.

Gurefiya, who was originally staying in the underworld, only had a "heard" level of cognition about the so-called ancient evils. Now she puts the comparison in front of her, and Gurefiya finally knows that the God of the Bible and the Indian God of Destruction What kind of monster did you face.

This is true for servants, let alone the demons standing on the dark city?

The demon soldiers used all their strength to fight the black goat cubs. They kept using weapons to inflict wounds on the monster's body, but it didn't hurt the black goat cubs at all.

On the contrary, every devouring and trampling by sheep's hoofs will take away the lives of multiple demon soldiers.

It was clear that they were advancing smoothly just now, but now, half an hour later, this peaceful forest has become a meat grinder for demons.

"No way!"

A demon soldier seemed to have reached the double limit of spirit and strength, kneeling on the ground in despair.

"I can't win, I can't win no matter what... This is not a monster we can defeat... I have to go back, I have to see my son and wife..."

The soldier started to run away, looking like a madman.

But before he left the battlefield, his head left his neck.

"In the face of such a beautiful scene, you actually want to be a deserter, that's not okay~"

Li Zeweim flicked the blood on his finger, as casually as if he had killed an ant.

He looked up at Gurefia who was staring at him icily and shrugged.

"As a soldier, you must have the awareness to give your life for the war. Are you right? Little Gurefia~"

Li Zevim slowly rose from the ground and came to Gurefia's side.

"It's going to be endless, little Gurefia, let me help too. You and I will work together to wipe out this beautiful monster~"

"...Lord Lizevim, please forgive me for reminding you that the one you just killed was a soldier of the Lukefugus family."

"I know." Li Zevim waved his hand indifferently: "A dagger made of pig iron can kill a demon as long as it is used properly. On the battlefield, cowardice will be contagious, and it is a hundred times more terrifying than the enemy's strength. You Don't you admit it? Little Gurefia~"

Gurefia was silent.

She admitted that Li Zevim's words were not wrong, but for some reason, she hated this son of Lucifer more and more in her heart.

Chapter Thirty-Six: The Devil’s Son, the Moment of the Demon’s Arrival

After the "Transcendent" joined the battle, the pressure on the demons and Gurefia was significantly reduced.

No matter how frivolous and capricious Li Zevim was, with a cruel personality, his strength in the underworld was unquestionable.

The flash of the sharp weapon occupied the entire sky, and about two hours later, the black goat cub finally turned into pieces and fell in the ruined woods.

Li Zevim's expression was a little tired.

After experiencing it personally, he realized how difficult this monster is.

However, because of this, he became even more fanatical when he met the foreign demon face to face.

Li Zevim scanned the surroundings, the demon army that was originally mighty with a thousand people was sporadic with less than 200 left.

The main general, Gurefia, is using healing magic to heal her injured left arm. The silver-haired Annihilation Ji made a slight mistake just now, and was deprived of considerable power by the black goat cub.

"The test has been passed, and the next step is to officially enter the city to meet that ancient evil..."

Before Li Zevim looked into the future for a few seconds, the bodies of the chopped black goat cubs began to boil strangely again.

The devil's son stared at the pieces in amazement.

It's hard to imagine that there are creatures that survived such an attack.

"Master Li Zevim, I personally suggest that you retreat immediately."

Gurefia said seriously.

"The monsters with this regenerative power cannot be killed with the power we have now. If we continue to fight, we will only waste precious soldiers on meaningless things."

"I've come this far, you want me to leave here?"

Li Zeweimu was no longer frivolous and ruthless as before.

"This is an order, Gurefia Lukefugus, let your soldiers continue to fight."

"Excuse me for not being able to follow your orders."

"Really, you plan to rebel against me, daughter of the Lukefugus family...Are you going to rebel against the monarch your family serves?"

"...I am not disrespectful to the Lucifer family, I am just stating the most appropriate judgment at the moment."

"Oh, no matter what, in the end you still have to rely on yourself..."

Li Zeweim grabbed his silver-gray hair and said helplessly.

"I originally thought that after arriving in the floating city, I would capture you as a sacrifice to the ancient evil. Since little Gurefia is so disobedient, I can only take this action in advance."

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