The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1370


Gurefia's eyes widened.

She didn't expect that Li Zevim would be so crazy that he planned to sacrifice the eldest daughter of the subordinate's family as a sacrifice to the terrifying ancient evil.

Isn't this son of the devil afraid of the rebellion of his army?

But when Gurefiya looked at those cruel eyes again, she understood that Li Zevim had long been attracted by the ancient evil and couldn't extricate himself.

It's not surprising that a madman would do anything.

"Li Zeweim Li Huaen Lucifer..."

Gurefia no longer used the honorific title, and stood up with her body that lacked magic power.

"What you are doing at this moment has deviated from the basic morality of the "blood heir of the devil king". As long as this matter is exposed, even if your strength is superior and you have inherited the blood of Lord Lucifer and Lord Lilith, you will have no place in the underworld." place. Whether it is the government of the devil king or the government of the anti-devil king, they will not let a lunatic who murdered his subjects stay in the underworld. "

"Ok, I know."

Li Zevim raised his palm with a distorted smile.

Before Gurefiya could react, the magic circle buried in the surrounding space appeared at some point, turning into chains to restrain Gurefiya, even blocking the magic power, without giving her any chance to resist.

"But, little Gurefia..."

Li Zevim shook his head.

"Do you think I care~"

The son of Lucifer, Li Zevim has been bored with the world since Lucifer was still alive.

Because he inherited the blood of the strongest demon king and the mother of demons, he was born with the strength of "devil king level". Father.

Too easy means that the sense of accomplishment obtained is weak.

After enjoying everything that can be enjoyed, and seeing people, angels, fallen angels, demons, gods, monsters, and dragons, Li Zevim was tortured by deep boredom, so that he obviously had the power of transcendence, but he spent all day in bed. In the castle of the Lucifer family, bully his cowardly and cowardly son for fun.

"As for me, from hundreds of years ago, in that initial era, I had the honor of watching that war like the gods."

Li Zeweimu said that behind him was a black goat cub that was gradually taking shape.

"I can't even imagine how there could be such a powerful existence. The God of the Bible, who can beat demons like a dog in the water in a state of overdrawn power, is like a babbling baby in front of that person, which makes me feel deeply desperate The Emperor Beast 666 was instantly beheaded by that one. The Indian God of Destruction, which was rumored to be enough to destroy the world, was defeated in just a few rounds...Little Gurefia, why do you think humans sign contracts with demons?"

Gurefia didn't answer, she was thinking about how to solve the bad situation in front of her.

Being sent as a sacrifice in front of the ancient evil would probably lead to death. Just by looking at the servant of the ancient evil, one could tell that that person was a terrifying existence beyond the comprehension of mortals.

Gurefia didn't want to die in such a miserable way.

"It's power."

When there was no answer, Li Zevim answered by himself.

"Because human beings have no power, they worship power and even sell their souls in exchange for power. But to that demon lord, we are no different from human beings, we are all fragile creatures that die when crushed lightly. The joy brought by the unknown, The sublime brought about by strength, so why can't I look at that adult with admiration like a human being?"

"...You are crazy, Lizevim."

"Yeah, my stupid son often says that too, but what awaits him afterwards is definitely a beating from me. Fortunately, I won't beat you now, little Gurefia, you are my sacrifice A gift for the ancient evil lord... in exchange for a gift close to that qualification."

While feeling desperate for the black goat cub to stand up again, the demon soldiers also saw what happened here.

For a moment they couldn't make up their minds.

On one side was the princess of the Lukefugus family they served, and on the other was the head of the Lucifer family who served the Lukefugus family.

Either side is right, but at the same time, no matter which side is wrong.

Reality didn't give them time to think carefully. With the roar of the black goat cubs and the dark fog that blocked the entire forest, they knew that if they didn't completely wipe out the monsters in front of them, they might not be able to get out of this area alive. forest.

At this time, Li Zevim threw the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"I am Lizevim Lihuaen Lucifer. The orthodox heir of the Lucifer family, the bloodline heir of the strongest demon king."

The devil's son floated in mid-air, declaring righteously to the soldiers.

"Soldiers, Gurefia Lucifergus has betrayed the Lucifer family. You are the backbone of the Demon King faction, soldiers who serve the Lucifer family as the lord. What happened is not something you should worry about. It is enough to put glory above force, and it is enough to fight for me. Aren’t these the creeds for you to become the soldiers of our demon king?”

The current government of the devil king is a regime formed around the heirs of the blood of the devil king.

In the hearts of the demons of the Demon King School, the successors of the Demon King are the symbols of the highest representatives of the underworld. Even if loyalty is worth scrutinizing, this respect is beyond doubt.

Slowly, the soldiers abandoned their doubts and re-established their formation against the enemy, preparing to deal with the regenerated black goat cub.

Back on the ground, Li Zevim smiled frivolously.

"Don't look at me with that look, little Gurefia, who told them to be soldiers of the Lukefugus family..."

Gurefia stared at the Demon King's Son in disgust.

"You don't deserve the name 'Lucifer' at all. The demon kings of the previous generation were able to sacrifice their lives to fight for the demons, but you, Li Zevim, you only persecute your own race for your own pleasure! "

"Hahaha, that's great, little Gurefia! I'm such a scumbag, unfortunately, you are a demon from the family that serves me, a scumbag, it's really unfortunate gone."

Li Zevim laughed and said.

"Let me tell you a secret. In fact, from the perspective of the underworld, I am very supportive of those anti-demon king government guys. Little Gurefia, you said that I am not worthy of the name "Lucifer", then the rest How many bloodline successors of the devil king are worthy of the names of the previous generations of devil kings? "

Gurefia lowered her eyes in pain.

Now that the matter was over, she hoped that the monster in front of her would kill Li Zeweim and herself, and it would be more straightforward.

At least in this way, her father would not have to be bound by the family's honor and belief, and be subjected to Li Zevim's malicious manipulation.

The silver-haired Annihilation Ji closed her eyes and waited for a moment. What surprised her was that neither the soldiers' fighting sounds nor the monster's roars sounded. Like mute magic.

Gurefia opened her eyes.

Li Zevim, who was still laughing wantonly, was staring at the monster with wide eyes.

When Gurefiya turned her gaze to the black goat cub, she was surprised to find that at some point, a black-haired young man was sitting on top of that gigantic monster.

— not a demon.

The young man had a handsome face and pupils bluer than the ocean.

He just supported his cheeks like this, as silent as watching a group of frolicking ants.

What's even more strange is that the ferocious and terrifying monster that slaughtered demons was docile like a child in front of the black-haired youth. Even in order to make the black-haired youth sit more comfortably, he lifted the goat's hoof without moving.

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