The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1378

But for a long time, there was no response.

It was too quiet even to hide myself.

The girl turned her head slightly, her lavender pupils shrank suddenly.

Behind her, those demon servants following Serafulu began to disappear at some point.

Serafluu didn't hesitate, and immediately took out her staff. The best freezing magic was ready. If there was any trouble, Serafluu would freeze the forest without hesitation.

She has this power.

One of the strongest female demons in the underworld, this title is not a compliment.

Waiting for a moment, there is only a palpitating silence in the dense fog.

Seraflu gritted her teeth, instead of choosing to leave, she accelerated her pace towards a deeper part of the forest.

Having come this far, she won't leave without getting what she wants.

Shuttle in the jungle.

As if reaching a limit, the fog slowly faded, and the surrounding environment was clearly visible.

But her disappearing demon attendants did not appear, as if the dense fog was a life-swallowing monster, leaving them in the forest forever.

Seraflu looked at the road beside her.

It is obviously artificially paved gravel bricks, something that cannot be formed naturally. There are a pair of stone pillars erected on both sides of the road. The pattern on them is like the wild inspiration of the craftsman in his nightmare. It is full of unidentifiable patterns and hatred, which makes the girl feel dizzy.

"What kind of weird place is this..."

Walk forward for another two minutes.

Serafulu's demon vision pierced through the fog and saw a beautiful figure from afar.

Her long silver hair was tied into braids, and she was wearing a traditional aristocratic lady's dress from the underworld. Holding the tub in her hand, the woman walked silently like a servant worker.

Serafulu was overjoyed, she recognized who that figure was from behind.


The girl shouted loudly.

"Sure enough! I knew you wouldn't die so easily..."


Seraflu's words were interrupted.

The girl dodged the attacker's attack with a dexterous sideways move, and then pointed the staff at the grass.

"Who is it? Come out!"

she said again.

"If you are a subordinate and servant of Lord Tianmo, then please forgive me for coming here uninvited! I am Serafru Sidi, the successor master of the Sidi family, and there is no malice in entering Lord Tianmo's territory!"

swish swish.

The creature attacking her appeared from behind the grass.

Serafulu couldn't help taking a step back.

It's not fear, it's pure physical disgust.

What appeared in front of the girl was a bug.

It is as tall as two people, with a light brown body, a strong back, and mouthparts as sharp as blades.


"No, I remember that the bugs in the underworld are not that big..."

Serafulu was hairy all over from the eyes of the locusts.

No matter how strong her strength is, women have determined that Seraflu has something that she naturally hates.

Bugs of all kinds are one of them.

But soon, Seraflu discovered that the appearance of locusts might just be the beginning of her nightmare.

Rustles could be heard all around, and countless huge insects appeared, surrounding the girl.

It's like breaking into the kingdom of insects.

Chapter 42 Guide the Holy Altar on the Other Side of the Starry Sky

In the mountains and forests, pure white ice lotuses bloom continuously.

Serafulu's attack is pure violence without artistic sense. She releases a huge amount of magic power of ice, condenses the moisture in the air, and the temperature is so low that the enemy can't even know whether she is dead.

But now, Serafulu's omnipotent attack is somewhat useless.

The insects came wave after wave, and they couldn't finish killing them. Their vitality was tenacious to a certain extent, and some were frozen in half and were still struggling to heal their bodies together.

The rustling spell came, and Seraful spread the wings of the devil and soared in the sky, narrowly dodging the attack.

On the ground, several taller green locusts were holding thick wooden canes, casting spells on the girl that obviously did not belong to the magic system. The dodged acid water arrows hit the trees, and while the logs were decaying, more insects were born in a strange way.

Densely packed, creepy scenes.

Fortunately, those locust spellcasters are not difficult to deal with. Serafulu waved a few ice cones and nailed the locust spellcasters to the ground. Even the corpses were carefully turned into ice statues to prevent insects from attacking. They regenerate.

"Even bugs can cast magic... Underworld, what happened in this forest?"

From the moment of flight, stealth is meaningless.

Seraph did not intend to continue exploring in this dangerous forest.

Although I feel sorry for the demon soldiers who followed her, as well as Gurefia who was obviously alive, it is impossible for Seraflu to risk her own life to forcibly break into the territory of the ancient evil. If a blind cat meets a dead mouse, or meets that evil dragon king, then my life will really be over.

Black bat wings stretched to their fullest.

The girl flew towards the clouds in the purple sky like a rising meteor.

- Boom!

"it hurts!"

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