The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1379

Noticing that the ground was not paying attention, Serafulu seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and she covered her head with tears streaming down her face.

She stretched out her hands and touched the invisible barrier in the sky, with a flustered expression on her face.


It's not just that the retreat route is blocked.

Before Serafulu raised her staff and violently bombarded the invisible barrier, the magic power on her wings was gradually disappearing.

In the end, it was no longer possible for her to use the demon's natural flying ability.

"Ehh? Ehhhh?"

Losing its source of power, Seraflu flapped its wings like a chicken.

However, demons are not species that rely on wings to fly physically. Seraflu, who lost the support of flying magic, fell from the sky, broke a few branches and fell to the ground.

The soreness all over made Serafulu very annoyed.

She is the successor head of the Sidi family, the eldest lady of the demon aristocratic class, and a powerful demon occupying the highest rank in the underworld. How often has she suffered such grievances.

The insects surrounding the girl retreated consciously.

In Serafulu's eyes, a red locust that looked like a little giant stepped out.

Just like the leader and great elder of the tribe, the red giant locust holds a black stone staff, shining with the dirty energy of the secret technique.

There is no need to guess at all, just based on this feeling, Seraflu knew that it was the red locust in front of her that cast the spells of "Barrier" and "No Flying".

"Outsiders... break into... the sacred altar... die!"

The red locust spoke a language that could be understood with a voice like a rotten wood.

The moment its stone staff pointed at Serafulu, the surrounding insects seemed to be collectively inflicted with bloodthirsty spells, and they attacked the girl with a more ferocious momentum than before.

Overwhelming, like a pitch-black wave.

Serafulu squatted down, pierced the staff into the soil, and clenched her silver teeth.

"If you make a big fuss, let's make a big fuss, at least before the ancient evil finds out, send you gang of nasty bugs to hell—Glacier!"

The frozen mist of silver merged with the original thin mist of the forest.

The red locust only has the power to prohibit flying, but it can't seal the magic power of Serafulu, which is above ordinary demon king level demons.

In an instant, the movement around the girl stopped.

The flying swarms, the red locusts holding their sticks, and the entire forest were all enveloped by Serafulu's large-scale attack magic, turning into a frozen world of ice.

It is normal to leave only a small area around Serafulu.

Breathing out her white breath, Serafulu was finally able to relax and release her nervousness.

But the movement of her hands didn't stop. While lifting the glacier above her head, she was lifted up by a platform made of ice sculptures.

With such a big move, even if Serafulu was killed, it would be hard to believe that the ancient evils hadn't noticed it.

She had to leave the forest before the arrival of the evil dragon king, and then tell the internal members of the anti-demon king faction the absurd facts she had seen and heard.

It is a little strange that even though the red locust has been frozen to death, her flying ability has not yet returned to normal...


The sound of ice shattering.

"Don't even think about leaving here...the blasphemer who broke into the sacred altar!"

The whole body of the red locust is full of blood-red energy, struggling to get away from the ice.

Even with the face of an insect, Seraflu could see how angry the locust was.

"I am... the "Bug Priest" chosen by His Majesty the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra...! Walking into the altar with malice... Inferior inner mortals... For the holy ritual of His Royal Highness, every breath of yours will be profane! I will absolutely not allow your life to continue! "

"Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying at all."

Seraph said coldly.

"You bugs who came into other people's homes uninvited and said "break in" to me are really ridiculous. "


Silver-gray mist rose from the black stone staff of the red locust, and a total of two secret techniques were used in the hands of the insect priest.

Negatively cursed "Phantom Poisonous Insect" and powerfully polluted "Sada Hegra's Eye".

The former took effect the moment Seraful saw the black stick mist, and the girl involuntarily spat out a mouthful of blood, the black blood corroding the ice into black smoke.


It is impossible for Seraflu, who lives inside the world, to know what the worm priest has done.

But seeing the strange eyes gradually opening in the void behind the red locust, Serafulu immediately released the surrounding ice, regardless of whether the insects frozen in it were dead or alive, and fled with his fast and weak body.

That eye gave her a very dangerous feeling.

In any case, it must not be seen by that eye!

There was the buzzing of the swarm of insects behind Seraflu, and the trampling sound of the giant red locusts chasing after them, but the girl didn't have time to look back at all, she just ran away crazily.

Things went beyond her imagination.

I didn't meet the "sheep's hoof" in the mouth of the paralyzed demon soldier, and the owner of this place, the king of evil dragons.

Just a group of inexplicable bugs and locusts using unknown types of magic almost caused Seraflu to suffer a lot.

Traveling through the jungle, Serafulu felt that her physical condition was getting worse, and her eyelids were so weak that they could close at any time.

Girls have never been so eager to rest.

But she also knows that if she stops, she will become the bugs' dinner - the killing intent of the red locust is no joke.

I don't know how long I ran.

It wasn't until she used powerful ice magic to block her way back and saw the purple sky again that Serafluu confirmed that she had finally pulled out the forest surrounded by nightmares.

"Seraflu... Sidi?"

In a daze, the girl heard someone calling her name.

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