The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1382

"You mean, while I'm here, do you want to make decisions for me?"

The red giant locust lowered its body even lower, its voice trembling.

"No, dare not... It's just, Your Highness... the blasphemer who broke into the sacred altar, if you don't kill it, you will annoy the insect god..."

It is a devout follower of Sadar Hegra.

"OK OK."

Luo Pei didn't bother to embarrass the priest and waved his hand.

"Hurry up and go back. When the imaginary star arrives at the correct position tonight, the summoning will begin. I will personally handle the matter of this Miss Blasphemer. "

"Yes, yes, following your orders..."

The insects retreated rustlingly and returned to their position deep in the jungle.

Lopez returned his gaze to Serafulu.

Facing the eyes of the ancient evil, the girl wanted to pick up the magic staff in her hand to defend herself, but her fingers moved stiffly and then fell flat again.

This detail did not escape Rope's observation.

"Oh? Have you given up resisting?"


Seraflu bowed her head.

"Perhaps if I met you normally, I would definitely say something like "See you in fear, please forgive me". But in the current situation, I don't even bother to call you "you"... Don't talk nonsense, if you want to do it, do it quickly, ancient evil. "

The corner of Rope's mouth curved.

He walked up to Serafulu, with his right hand erected as a knife, he stabbed the girl's brain from the temple.

Seraflu's expression froze for a moment.

But then it went back to normal.

Miraculously, no half wound was left.

"This is the body of the "Illusory Poisonous Bug". "

Luo Pei shook the silver fluorescent bug in his hand, then turned and walked towards the solemn pyramid.

"Gurefia, she can now receive healing magic. Heal her and bring her to me. I just have some free time before tonight's banquet begins."

Chapter 44 The Gate of the Star Link, the Arrival of the Supreme Demon

Gurefia's healing magic is very effective.

The Serafulu who was caught by Luo Pei out of the poisonous insect, under the light of gentle magic power, became alive again in almost three minutes, no longer the appearance of the dying person just now.

Perhaps there is a problem with Seraflu's own strength, but it is enough to show that Gurefia's skills are superb, and she is not worthy of being one of the strongest female demons in the underworld.

The two girls walked into the pyramid following the footprints of the ancient evil in silence.

Seraflu was shocked by the sight in front of her.

——It was a vast starry sky.

I don't know what kind of paint was used inside the pyramid, but a gorgeous galaxy universe was painted on the top. The feeling of starlight gives Seraflu an immersive sense of vastness, as if the spoken words are transmitted to the real universe.

The black-haired young man turned his back to them, standing in front of a strange device on a high platform.

Seraflu could not describe that device, it was like sixteen globes made of metal and bones, arranged on a glass support into a strange and regular shape.

"Welcome to the temple I created with my own hands, the sacred altar of the Insect God, Miss Serafru Sidi."

Rope's elegant voice echoed in the universe hall, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.

"Did you know? Miss. The difference between the so-called world and the world is far greater than you imagine."

Rope picks up two different parts.

"It's like gears with different functions. In some worlds, the starry sky can reflect the stars outside the world, while in other worlds, the night is pitch-black. Generally, mystics and interstellar priests are involved in "summoning gods". When using technology, one must rely on those distant and illusory stars to judge the correct position and time, otherwise it will lead to catastrophe. "

Serafulu blinked her eyes, did not interrupt, and quietly listened to the story of the ancient evil.

She is now a broken can.

Although the "Illusory Poisonous Insect" was lifted, it was basically impossible for Serafluu to leave this place with her own strength, whether it was the ancient evil thing in front of her or the locust mystic who was stalking in the forest.

All she can do is follow the trend and take a step forward.

At least the ancient evil did not immediately kill her who had no resistance, which meant that there was still room for her life.

"But what if the world where mystics and interstellar priests live can't reflect the appearance of illusory stars like the underworld? Should we give up, or find another way?"

Rope shook his head.

"The attraction of the evil gods is powerful, and it is impossible for them to give up the most noble honor of the summoning system, "Summoning God". The mystics and interstellar priests racked their brains, spent countless years, and finally created a genius big mystery—Construction Star (Construction Star)”

"Constructing stars..."

"This secret technique does not have any offensive power or any corrosiveness. It is not a tactic used to deal with the enemy. The meaning of its existence is to build a virtual star with symbolic meaning in a world without stars."

Luo Pei caressed the sixteen simulated stars made of metal and bones connected by glass brackets in front of him.

"Betelgeuse; Rendao Zengten; Algebra; Jubiles; Agmorne... The priests of the Shagai Zerg once used their ingenious ideas to condense the power of these sixteen stars into one At one point, the "door" was finally opened, calling out the deepest darkness and terror in the multiverse, that is, the "God of Worms" Sada Hegra, which was passed down by the mystics of later generations. "

"Why are you telling me this?"

Seraflu glanced at Gurefia beside her. The latter stood motionless like a wooden sculpture, without blinking her eyes.

"It doesn't have any special meaning, I just want to explain, Miss Seraphro, how honored it is for you to come before me at this very moment."

Rope said.

"The results of countless years of research by mystics and interstellar priests; the ultimate door-opening technique of the Shaggai Zerg that links sixteen stars. These two magnificent phenomena that you dare not even imagine will be revealed in the early hours of tonight. Combine the two into one, recreating the scene of the arrival of the "God of Worms" Sada Hegra. "

"Who is that "God of Worms" Sada Hegra...? "

"who is it?"

Rope smiled slightly.

"It is the beginning, it is the end, it is the cause and effect that runs through everything, and it is also the ubiquitous entropy. The noble starting point where countless evil gods kneel down and worship, and the supreme demon that countless ancient gods fear. But in words that you can understand Speaking of which, the "God of Worms" Sada Hegra is a god from outside the world like me... It's a simple explanation, isn't it? "

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