The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1383

Seraflu gritted her silver teeth.

"...Are you planning to destroy the underworld?"

"No, no, you misunderstood a little, Miss Seraflu Sidi."

Rope wags his fingers.

"The so-called "Underworld" in my eyes is like a thatched hut that can be burned with a single fire. In the eyes of "God of Worms" Sada Hegra, the whole world including the human world is nothing but a small world." Small candies that can be eaten in one bite. Don't take yourself and the world too seriously. "

The black-haired young man walked past sixteen stars, and pressed his palm on a light red crystal ball.

The sixteen stars began to move slowly, and unimaginable power filled the inner space of the pyramid.

"What I want has nothing to do with anyone, and there is no killing or hatred in it. I just want to use the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra to gain a glimpse into the deepest mysteries of the multiverse. "

"Lord Rope..."

Gurefia finally spoke.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"May I ask, after you summoned the "God of Worms" Sada Hegra, what will happen to the, this world? "

"Frankly, I don't know."

Rope spread his palms.

"The "God of Worms" Sada Hegra is an extraordinarily violent and chaotic deity, even I am not sure that I can win its favor, so I have prepared various means. As for the safety of your underworld, as long as I can reach the target before Sada Hegra goes mad, then I should be safe and sound, right? "

Saying is the same as not saying.

Everything is still based on uncertain possibilities.

Serafulu's mind was spinning crazily, thinking about what she could do as a mere noble demon.

"Is there nothing to make you give up hope?"

Seraph tried to ask.

"For example, you helped us anti-demon kings to unify the underworld. We respect you as the ruler of the underworld, the king of demons... Didn't you serve as the king of evil dragons before?"

"You said it yourself. I used to be the king of evil dragons. Don't you know that if you do too much of one thing, you will get tired? What's the point of playing the game of king when you lead a group of ants?"


Can't refute.

After seeing the noble and powerful power of the ancient evil, Seraph also felt that it was impossible for Luo Pei to be interested in ruling the underworld.

"Seraflu Sidi."

While the girl was in a daze, the black-haired youth threw something at her feet.

That's a collar.

"There are only two roads before you, miss."

Luo Pei sat on the throne and said comfortably.

"One is an ordinary death; the other is to put on that collar and become my servant like Gurefia, so that I can take care of you like my own property. To be honest, you should be glad that I care about beauty and fame. A girl's interest, if a guy like Li Zevim broke into the altar, he would have been buried in the belly of insects long ago."

The black-haired youth placed an hourglass on the armrest of the throne, and then closed his eyes.

"Give me an answer before this time reaches the end."

The pyramid hall returned to silence, only the slight sound of the hourglass.

Seraflu Sidi felt ashamed.

She is the successor master of the Sidi family and one of the strongest female demons in the underworld. But the ancient evil thing just like treating cattle, sheep and animals, dropped the collar casually, and even let her get in by herself.


Gurefia's soft cry woke up Seraflu.

She turned her head to see that the silver-haired woman was shaking her head, her eyes full of persuasion.

"Gurefia, don't you..."

"Life is what matters."

Gurefia said in a low voice.

"Don't do stupid things, the character of the ancient evil is more indifferent than you imagine..."

Gurefia is taciturn, but her brain is not stupid, and her observation skills are good enough.

In the days of being together in the dark city, from the initial anxiety, to realizing the other side of the ancient evil. Gurefia also has a rough idea of ​​Rope's character.

Arrogance is arrogant, and cruelty is cruel. Apart from this point, Luo Pei is basically kind except for his mouth sometimes being poisonous. Basically, he will not bring the emotions of fighting to his daily life.

As a sacrifice, she did not suffer any disaster, which is the best proof.

Compared to another black-haired woman who looked gentle but was like a twisted monster, Gurefia felt that her friend Serafru would not give up her life just because she was enslaved by Rope.

Live to have a better future and opportunities.

Looking straight into Gurefia's eyes, Seraflu's clenched fists gradually loosened. After a long silence, when the hourglass was about to reach the end, she finally picked up the collar on the ground.

"I trust you."


Gurefiya was stunned.

Since when did you stop contacting the friends in front of you?

Is it really necessary for the Demon King faction and the Anti-Demon King faction to fight to the death?

Especially in front of these evil gods from beyond the starry sky...

The sky of the underworld was completely dark, and the dark-haired youth on the throne opened his eyes after the correct time.

Under the seat are girls who have their own moods and stand on both sides.

Luo Pei stretched out his hand, and in the void above the sixteen conjoined stars, a space crack appeared, endless blood mixed with the wailing of strange creatures, poured on the constructed stars.

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