The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1384

"Keep your eyes open, the only two ladies at my banquet."

Luo Pei's smile gradually distorted, manifesting the posture of a dark blue demon god.

"This will be a grand occasion that is rarely seen in thousands of years!"

A red beam of light rises from the stars, passes through the statue of the amoeba, and reaches the sky of the underworld.

On that day, all the demons gave up their hatred and gaps, and looked up at the night sky.

On that day, all the Zergs bent down to pray, and even the unintelligent insects stopped singing, as if they sensed the coming of the master.

On that day, Shabu came out of the palace of the dark city.

"Master, it's been a long time..."

Chapter 45 "God of Worms" Sada Hegra, Incarnation of Azathoth

"The situation in the Recarton Mountains is not good..."

In the territory of the Anti-Demon King faction, Ajieka and Sergex, who had just bid farewell to the suzerains of various demon nobles, looked up at the red beam of light reaching the sky in the direction of the Rekaton Mountains through the window.

Serges frowned.

"Could it be that something went wrong between Serafulu and the ancient evil?"

Ajeka shook her head, but did not answer directly.

"Sejakes, I have a bad premonition, very bad. I can't tell what it is, but I always feel that it's hard to calm down... It's like my soul is trembling with fear."

Hearing these words, Sergeks couldn't sit still, and he, who had always trusted his best friend, immediately walked out the door.

"Wait! Sergex, where are you going?"

"Need to say?"

The red-haired youth demon looked anxious.

"Of course I went to help Seraflu. I mentioned the matter about the ancient evil first, and she went as the representative of the two of us. Now that something happened in the Rekaton Mountains, Ajieka thinks I should sit here Are you not moving?"

"Too risky!"

Ajeka said without hesitation.

"You have been appointed as the commander-in-chief of the army, how can you take risks yourself as a commander before the war begins?"

"At this point, do you still care about the war of demons?"

Sergex said loudly.

"The power of ancient evils and demons is obvious to all. If he really wreaks havoc, it is worth considering whether there will be demons in the underworld at the end. And we actually have to guard against attacks from our compatriots at this moment?"


"No but!"

Sir Jack paused, his tone softened.

"Ajieka, I know you are very smart and have many things to think about. But now is not the time to think rationally. We must rescue Serafulu, and then find a way to survive the catastrophe of the underworld. Presumably the Demon King faction is not the same. Fools, they know which is light and which is heavy now..."


In a short spark, a complex and gorgeous communication magic circle appeared in front of Ajieka and Sergex.

The urgent voice of the communications officer came from inside.

"Report! The Demon King faction has begun to send troops to attack! The leader of the enemy is "Daughter of Leviathan" Zufamei Treyak Leviathan! The location is in Old Gusin! At present, we are waiting for the Sidi family to form an army to resist! Legion Commander, please send support immediately! "

"It's really at this time..."

Ajeka muttered in disbelief.

"What about the troops sent by the other demon kings?"

"No, I can only watch the signs of Zufamei Leviathan!"

"So it's that woman's private war? Is she crazy?"

It was rare for Ajeka to slander an enemy.

Sergex was also silent. He really underestimated the stupidity of his compatriots.

"Go, Sergex."


"I said, go over to the Recarton Mountains."

Ajieka turned around, and the noble robe took away a gust of dust.

"I will deal with Zufamei Leviathan, and the rest are the suzerains of the other seventy-two pillars. There will be no problems in the war because of your departure in a short time. You can follow your own ideas and go Let's see what's going on in the Recarton Mountains."

He thought for a moment, then said again.

"If, Serafru Sidi is dead... then at least ensure your own safety. As long as you are still alive, we can break free from the abyss. After repelling Zufamei, I will try to fight the Demon King Pai negotiated a peace temporarily. This time she started the war privately, I think the Demon King Pai will never ignore the real threat because of one person's madness."

"Thank you, Ajka."

"Ha, you always say that, but you always give me trouble..."

Watching his best friend leave, Sergex spread his bat wings on his back, and the crimson destructive power from the "big king" Baal's family overwhelmed the entire courtyard, making some weak demons unable to stand still.

Afterwards, the strongest Demon King candidate flew to the Rekaton Mountains at the center of the incident.

Not just demons.

In the sky north of the beam of light, a shining angel is hiding behind a rock, carefully watching the land of right and wrong.

"God, what happened in the underworld?"

She is Gabriel.

The highest twelve-winged seraphim in the heavens.

A long time ago, she was entrusted by the "Archangel" Michael, and the whole world began to look for the extraterritorial demons who left the Greek gods.

Because there was no way to find Rope, Gabriel finally learned of the subtle changes in the underworld from a demon who was caught by her and incited mortals after experiencing the unknown hardships.

Based on the attitude that it's okay anyway, just go and have a look, Gabriel arrived in the underworld.

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