The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1385

And then there was the breathtaking spectacle before her.

Except for that Heavenly Demon, Gabriel couldn't imagine an existence capable of making such a big deal.

Although she didn't feel sorry for the demons who were still fighting before, but for the sake of the follow-up development, Gabriel must not just sit back and watch the demons continue to wreak havoc like this.

"Please, Mr. Luo Pei, don't go crazy..."

The angel girl prayed cautiously, jumped off the cliff and started on her way.

On the territory of the demons in the underworld, Gabriel didn't dare to be too ostentatious, so he could only wave his wings slowly, for fear of attracting some demon nobles and delaying time because of the battle.

The red beam of light that summons the gods is like a boulder falling into a calm lake, tearing apart the tranquility of the underworld.

However, this is just the beginning.

The door is opening, and the real despair is far from being reached.


It was red, the color of red blood.

The sixteen metal and bone stars creaked, seemingly unable to withstand such a huge torrent of power. If it weren't for Luo Pei's escort, this great secret technique might collapse.

"This feeling...does it take at least three minutes?"

The dark blue demon god made a decisive decision and probed the six-legged tentacles into the ground, linking the nodes of the earth veins erected by the locusts.

The pyramid that has been painstakingly built is collapsing, and countless shining small stars are flying outwards, flying towards the positions of the surrounding nodes. After the amoeba statue on the top played its guiding role, it shattered into countless broken stones, shaking the ground.

The two devil girls supported each other, looking at the surroundings in a daze.

Even though Lopez had explained what he was doing, Gurefia and Seraflu didn't understand.

——This is a phenomenon that transcends the wisdom of all things.

The starry sky of the painting is dancing, and the gloomy darkness is seeping.

In the dark, they heard the chirping of thousands of insects, as if they were about to boil their brains... There were prayers that could be understood, and the great praise that could be admired by one ten thousandth.

'Look, in the deep universe, whose crown is the most noble?

——It's Sada Hegra!

The ancestor of the giant worm! Worshipers of the Shaggai Zerg! Eternal master of the flying polyp! The Demon of Ten Thousand Insects! God of all insects!

Listen, in that howling dreamland, whose name is the loudest?

——It's Sada Hegra!

The king of the gods who lived forever! The faceless, all-knowing ones! The immortal listener for thousands of years!

You think, what is the origin of Nasada Hegra?

—God of blindness and ignorance! The fulcrum of the center of the universe! The head of all demons! Azathoth! Azathoth!

Worship with bated breath, the great one is at hand. '

There was a follow-up, but Gurefia and Seraflu did not hear the end.

They had already collapsed to the ground, and passed out with their eyes closed.

Even with the current Lopez, it is impossible to call the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra into the world, but incomplete prayers still have such great power, which shows the majesty of the leader of all demons .

"You made it, little Rope."

Shabu's figure appeared behind Lopez, looking up at the "door" gradually opening in the sky.

"My lord mother... the incarnation of Azathoth... think about it carefully, I haven't seen her since the war years..."

The expression of the Dark Mother Goddess showed a rare nostalgia.

Luo Pei did not answer Shabu's words.

He is throwing himself into the ritual with all his heart and soul.

Guiding; removing the barriers of the world; the crazy scream of the insect god; the indescribable source of darkness...

Neither of which is something that can make Lope breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, when the time was estimated to be exactly the same, the four arms of Luo Pei's dark blue demon body were lowered.

Only then did he answer Shabu's words.

"Yes, it worked."

The red beam of light slowly dissipated.

The pierced underworld sky showed a chaotic color.

A gigantic amoeba is floating, emerging from it.

It has an amorphous substance all over its body, what can be called the "head", has a delicate face with its eyes closed, and its gender cannot be distinguished.

Moments later, with the shriek of "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra, the sky of the underworld disappeared.

Not descriptive, but really literal.

When Sada Hegra appeared, he devoured the "sky" concept of the underworld, and involuntarily expelled the rules that could be recognized as the product of "order".

If you leave it alone, it will probably take less than an hour for the entire world to completely disappear, and there will be no fragments left.

"The power contained in this incarnation is similar to mine, but the effect it worthy of my mother."

Shabu laughed.

"That lofty personality and identity, as well as the ignorance that doesn't know how to control it, the inner world is too reluctant to face such an incomplete incarnation."

This is Sada Hegra, the incarnation of "the chief of all demons" Azathoth.

Returning to the human form of Lopez, the blue pupils reflect the most noble gods in the multiverse.

The origin of the evil god, the ancestor god of chaos.

Chapter 46 Lovely Azathoth, Shabu's Enlightenment

The arrival of the God of Insects caused a certain degree of disorder in the space.

With great difficulty, Luo Pei sorted out the spatial context, and transferred the two demon girls who had no blessing to observe the grand ceremony and passed out to the dark city, and then planned to think about how to calm the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra.

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