The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1386

The insect gods in the sky are howling violently.

There is no intelligible meaning, not even the emotion of anger.

Pure confusion, pure ignorance.

"Little Luo Pei hurry up?"

Shabu stretched out her hand to the sky, her divine power was like an impenetrable net, and it was difficult to control the riot of Sada Hegra, so that it would not play the symphony of world destruction.

"Even if there is no reason to act on instinct, that person is still my mother. In the case that our two avatars are almost equal in strength, my divine power can't stop and control it for too long."

"I'm preparing a prayer of calm for the Shaggai."

From Luo Pei's wrist, blood flowed out like a river, turning into evil runes one after another.

Runes densely floated into the sky, surrounding the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra, trying to calm down its never-ending frenzy and chaos.

Don't think it's worth mentioning that the Shaggai Zerg was destroyed by Sada Hegra.

They are just typical self-immolation playing with fire, but before the disaster that destroyed the ethnic group came, the Shaggai Zerg was the only race that could calm Sada Hegra. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Xiagai Zerg to build countless temples of the God of Bugs on their homeland, which would be no different from suicide.

But after the "Calming Prayer" was over, the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra still showed no signs of calm, and was still trying to violently break free from Shabu Nicholas' shackles.

Shabu's expression slowly became labored.

Even if she is the God of the Three Pillars, Sada Hegra's original noble personality is too foul.

"Xia Gai is an ethnic group that has been destroyed by the mother, which proves that their prayers were abandoned by the mother." Shabu reminded: "Use other methods, little Luo Pei."

"Tsk... I'm thinking about it here."

Using attack magic?


If Sada Hegla is stimulated, let alone get a glimpse of the deepest mysteries of the multiverse, whether or not his life is a topic to be determined.

As a demigod of the evil gods to attack the incarnation of "the head of all demons" Azathoth? It is simply that the old birthday star is impatient with eating arsenic.

Even gods like Shabu didn't show any signs of attack, they were simply using divine power to restrain Sada Hegra.

'Miss Azalea, is that what you mean by 'no problem'? '

‘Don’t, don’t worry. '

The voice of the system mother was very anxious.

'I'm trying...trying...give me another two minutes, it will be fine! '

Since being integrated with the system, Azalea has never tried to contact her avatar in the past.

At this moment, she suddenly wants to regain control. The layer upon layer of restrictive rules in the system is one aspect, and Azalea herself is also in a lot of trouble.

—Yog Sothoth buried her too deep.

The extension of the parallel spirit has become extremely difficult under the means of Yog Sothoth's insurance.

'I still have the two methods of "Living Sacrifice of Insects" and "Abyss Lullaby". If they don't work, I can only give up the hard work of these days and send Sada Hegla back. '

Rope held out a hand.

Countless insects flew out of the forest, including the giant red locust named Barto Thoti.

As if they were going to complete some sacred mission, they flew happily and happily to the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra in the sky.

In mid-air, the bodies of the insects disintegrated and collapsed, and their souls scattered in space.

Sada Hegra also stopped struggling in the divine power network. The body of the amoeba opened its mouth wide, greedily devouring the souls of its followers.

——The time to feast on food.

"It seems to have quieted down."

Luo Pei breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could completely calm down, Sada Hegra started a riot that was even more violent than before.

Its amoeba body seemed to have suffered some painful baptism, its shape was changing crazily, and the screaming magic sound made Rope's hearing numb, and the trees in the entire Recarton Mountains withered.

Shabu Nicholas also did not expect the sudden change of Sada Hegra, and was greatly surprised.

"Master, what's going on..."

In a trance, Shabu's divine power was violently dismantled.

The huge worm god fell from the sky, like a sword of Damocles hanging in the sky, and struck straight at Rope.

Shabu's expression distorted for a moment, black divine power began to glow all over his body, and he obliged to stand in front of Luo Pei.

Her voice was hoarse.

"Little Rope! Start the ceremony immediately and send Sada Hegra away! My mother seems to be in a bad mood. In this state, she cannot accept any sacrifices or methods of appeasement!"

"Sorry, I'm going to try again..."

Luo Pei's eyes were as clear as water, and he didn't feel any crisis coming.

By this time, he had completely calmed down.

"Stop making trouble!" Shabu said helplessly, "Little Rope, even if I doubled the power of my incarnation, it is impossible for me to be the opponent of this incomplete Sada Hegra at this moment. She is Azathoth The avatar of you, you should be able to understand what this represents, right?"

The head of all demons, the beginning of all demons.

Azathoth was born above the gods.

Even the god who dominates space and time, Yog-Sothoth, the "All things are one", can't match the greatness, let alone Shabu, whose personality is originally under Yog-Sothoth.

As Sada Hegra's fall approached, the surrounding land and mountain peaks rose upwards under the effect of great power.

Luo Pei sat quietly on the stone, ready to put all his divine power into the magic of "Lullaby of the Abyss".

Shabu abandoned her human form and became the terrifying true form of the Supreme Mother, taking Rope under her protection.

In any case, it is impossible for the Supreme Mother to let her Lopez have any accidents.

If the avatar is gone, it can be reshaped. If such a rare caller is gone, there will really be no more.

But in the next moment, both the gods and demigods were overwhelmed by Sada Hegra's change again.

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