The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1387

Before the worm god who fell from the sky reached the ground, his body was glowing with mimetic divine power.

After the dazzling light, the huge body of the amoeba disappeared. Instead, it was a figure that was attacking Luo Pei at an even faster speed.

— bang.

The figure collided with the bewildered Luo Pei, shooting him more than ten meters away like a cannonball, leaving long marks on the ground.

But it wasn't this tickling attack that stopped Rope.

Instead, it was the black-haired girl crawling on his chest, constantly rubbing her head against his chin.

Shabu returned to her usual big sister form, staring at the girl in disbelief, so shocked that she could eat people.

"Ropero Peropero Peropero... Finally I see you! Finally I see you!"

"Sada Hegra... Your Majesty?"

"It's me! It's me! It's me! Sada Hegra! The Sada Hegra you called!"

The girl who called herself Sada Hegra raised her head, looked at Luo Pei with teary eyes, then opened her mouth, and bit her mouth full of cute sharp teeth on the face of the black-haired young man, as if she wanted to give him a big mouthful kiss.

If Luo Pei was an ordinary person, half of his face would probably be eaten off.

"Great, great, I can finally see the real you!" The girl was very excited.

Rope's mind was a little confused.

This is Sada Hegra?

The incarnation of the "Chief of Demons" Azathoth, the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegra?

Could it be that I have suffered so much and traveled to a parallel world of romantic comedy? Instead of a dark multiverse of mystery and cruelty?

He hugged Sada Hegla with both hands stiffly, and turned his gaze to Shabu, wanting an explanation.

But Shabu was still indulging in his own thoughts.

What's going on... Why can the mother have a clear mind?

The face of the Supreme Mother Goddess was cloudy, and then she seemed to have realized some ultimate secret, and the gaze between Rope and Sada Hegra gradually became strange.

Is that so... No wonder Yog Sothoth also values ​​the Chosen One, no wonder the gods will spare no effort to get close to Rope, and there is such a big conspiracy hidden behind it...

Perfectly hiding the secret she just learned, Shabu put on a sweet smile again.

"In general, Xiao Luopei, you have completely won the "Summoning God" this time, and it has been a great success, right? "


Without the influence of the God of Worms, the swallowed sky of the underworld gradually recovered, presenting a fragmented and absurd scene

Under the shattered night sky, the two incarnations of gods and the half-god with some remnants froze at this moment for a moment.

Chapter 47: The Truth That Spans Thousands of Years, Azalea's Identity

After the ceremony, everything returned to calm.

Following Rope back to the dark city, Azalia, who used her incarnation, looked at the back of the black-haired young man, full of pampering and love.

Not a very long time.

The millennium years spent with Rope were nothing to Azalea.

But she really underestimated her love for Rope.

The moment she took over her avatar and saw her lover with a real body, Azalea was so intoxicated by the joy that filled her heart that she almost broke the rules without saying a word and exposed her identity .

Fortunately, Luo Pei was still under the shock of "Why did the God of Bugs become so cute?", and he didn't pay attention to Azalea's overly intimate and familiar tone. Otherwise, a good meeting would probably lead to Azalea A disaster that Ya absolutely does not want to see.

——Breaking the rules is no joke.

"Your Majesty Sada Hegra."


Azalia responded happily, but then felt that this was not possible, and coughed lightly to change her tone, becoming a little hoarse and calm.

"...I mean, what's the matter?"

Seeing such a lovely scene, the corners of Luo Pei's mouth twitched slightly.

He swore that after tonight, he must throw all his research and secrets about "Azathoth" into the incinerator.

Lopez was worried about this and that, but the "God of Worms" Sada Hegla turned out to be this virtuous.

There is quite a feeling of worrying blindly.

"I will prepare a temple for you to sleep in. Do you have any preferences?"

The black-haired youth bowed and saluted.


Azalea shook her head.

"You don't need to make special preparations, I can only stay in this world for a standard time of seventy-three hours."

Although she returned her consciousness to the avatar for a short time, the root system was still in Luo Pei's body after all, and seventy-three hours of activity was the limit.

And if Azalea leaves her avatar, Sada Heglar will return to her crazy posture.

At that time, in order not to cause trouble to her Ape, she would definitely send the avatar out of this world in advance.

"I already know your wish." Azalia said: "I will satisfy your desire for knowledge about the source of chaos, but also be careful, I will not give you excessive knowledge, which will do you no harm but no benefit. "

"I understand this basic truth..."

Something is wrong.

Rope frowned.

"Your Majesty Sada Hegra, please forgive me, may I ask if you have heard about an evil god named "Azalia"? I don't know if it's my illusion, but I always feel that your intelligence at the moment is somewhat similar to hers. If it's not rude, please let me know. "

... so sharp!

Azalia became vigilant.

She can let Luo Pei guess her identity, but she must not tell it through indirect and direct forms. That would not only be a matter of rules, but also cause various troubles related to the ancient gods.

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