The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1395

Sarafleigh sighed.

"I brought the collar on by myself, and it's impossible for you to give up the property in your hands. What's the use of saying a few more words."

"Life is always full of surprises and excitement, but don't be too pessimistic. Fate has already arranged everything, and the cycle of misfortune and luck is endless."

"Are you trying to comfort me?"

"Consolation?" Luo Pei thought for a while, then nodded: "If you think it is comfort, then it is comfort."

It was only now that Seraph had officially known this terrifying ancient evil.

Surprisingly, the character is not too bad.

At least it was much better than she imagined.

No wonder Gurefia would stop her from committing suicide. If she had done something stupid on the spur of the moment, Serafulu would have had no time to cry, and would become the first demon king-level demon in the underworld to commit suicide under the pressure of others.

Seraph asked hesitantly.

"Do you have any needs for me and Gurefia? Or, we will always work in your city like serving soldiers?"

"Do you like that life?"

" one would like it."

"Then why do you bring up such a ridiculous possibility?"

"Because I really can't imagine what we can bring you after you enslave us."

Seraph shook her head.

"Gurefia and I are both heirs of the famous demon noble family in the underworld, but you don't care about the rights of ants. If you say it is to torture us for pleasure, I am standing in front of you safe and sound. Any incident There is a purpose, and I am completely unable to see your purpose in keeping us as squires and slaves."

"The reason why you can't see it is most likely that my goal has been achieved."

"Is it your purpose to turn us into your slaves?"

Seraflu blinked her eyes, not knowing whether to laugh or feel absurd.

"I've thought of more than a dozen possibilities, and the only thing I haven't thought of is this... You are really... a little unpredictable."

"Everything is affected by the horizon, so it is impossible to peek into the mind of the superior. Don't take your ignorance as impossible, Miss Seraphro."

"So, can I go back to where I came from?"

"Maybe, maybe not, I haven't made a decision yet."

Luo Pei clapped his hands and prepared all the materials needed.

Outside the window, the sky of the underworld has been restored, and under the vast and gorgeous false night sky, there are dots of flames and magic power.

Far away, demons are waging civil war.

Lopez looked away and said to Seraflu.

"Go and take care of your friend Gurefia, you don't need to serve here. You can enter this palace at will, except where the two gods are. The monsters remember my badge and authority, don't be afraid They will attack you. Also, don't bother Gabriel, that angel has a very gentle personality, but the war between the three clans has just ended, so she hates demons from a standpoint."


Seraphro left Rope's room.

Next, it's Azalea's side...

Just when Luo Pei was mentally prepared and was going to persuade the fight, the outward wall of his room melted away as if strong acid had been poured on it.

The insect god girl with long black hair floated in slowly.

Azalia's face was full of joy, and the corners of her mouth raised upwards, as if her revenge had been avenged. The right hand is also leading a white female arm, and it takes a bite from time to time. The horrible behavior of cannibalism and her appearance present a huge contrast.

Rope knew whose arm it was.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and asked.

"You didn't do anything to His Majesty Shabu, did you?"

"As soon as I come, you can ask her."

Azalia glared at Rope and threw her arm in her mouth.

"Don't worry, I didn't go too far. That guy's vitality is strong, even if the avatar's strength is weak, it will recover after a short rest."

"It's your daughter after all, you're a little too violent..."

"Who do you think caused it? Ape, if you don't mess with those evil gods, will I do this?"

Azalea said angrily.

"Take me as a wife, and you will look like a husband yourself. I don't bother with you about those mortal women. They are just some playthings anyway, but it is too much for you to include evil gods in the scope of hunting. Wait for me to return later Ontology, they will definitely think "I also fucked Azathoth's lover". "

"Don't put my position on the heroine, if you want to play, I will play them." Luo Pei shrugged: "It's rare to come out, are you just planning to reprimand my behavior tonight?"


Rope shrugged so bachelorly that Azalia wanted to punch him in the face.

But after thinking about it, she still couldn't bear it.

"I thought I was full of majesty, but I fell into the hands of you..."

Azalea sighed old-fashioned.

It's kind of funny for her girlish appearance to make this expression.

Then Azalea brushed her long hair, put the garbage emotions behind her head, and put on a gentle smile.

"Time is running out, so should Ape learn my knowledge first, or come and enjoy the thrill of conquering the "chief of all demons"~"

"Can't we be together?"

Luo Pei is more impatient, he wants them all.


Azalia turned around in a circle, as if showing her body.

"Do you like it? I shaped this body strictly according to your aesthetics, as well as my clothes. The white silk is pure and girlish, you guys will definitely hold my legs and play all night~"

"Where did you learn these words..."

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