The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1396

"Don't forget how long I've been with you." Azalia snorted proudly, "I know all about your crooked preferences."

"As expected of my system mother."


Azalia walked to the bed, kicked off the high heels on her feet, shook her little feet in white stockings at Rope, and said with obvious ridicule.

"Small demigod, what are you waiting for? Aren't you here to serve your master? This is an order from the "God of Worms" Sada Hegra. If you can't satisfy me tonight, you have to be careful with your life . If you make me wait impatiently, maybe my sharp teeth will crush something like crushing fine steel~"

Luo Pei frowned, and an annoyed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He let go of his collar and walked towards the defiant Azalea.

"Of course, His Majesty Sada Hegra, I will make it an unforgettable night between us. I hope you like the more intense gameplay..."

Overall, from the initial encounter, to now, thousands of years later, Rope and Azalea are finally and literally bonded.

Although the time was only seventy-three hours, the final result was enough for the two to reminisce on the long journey.

Chapter 52 The Devil Girl's Relief, A Game of Two Childish Ghosts

When Gurefia Lukefugus woke up, the long smell of rosemary wafted in the brown-red-based room, which refreshed her drowsy head.

Unlike Serafulu, the prayers of the Insect God didn't have much influence on her.

Gurefia didn't see Shaggai's horrible history, nor was she attracted by the dark mystery.

Normal coma, normal waking up, and then this is the picture in front of her eyes.

Under the dusk sunlight of the underworld, Serafulu was standing at the window of the room, looking at the purple sky, her rapt expression seemed to be thinking about something.



Gurefia's voice awakened Seraflu.

The black-haired girl turned her head, and showed a soft and beautiful smile to her friends who parted ways because of the camp, but reunited because of the camp.

"Gurefia, you're awake."

" long have I been asleep?"

Gurefia covered her head and asked.

Seraflu picked up the emerald cup, walked to Gurefia's side, and put the water in the silver-haired beauty's hand.

"It's been almost a whole day since the ancient evil started his horrible ritual, and now you've woken up. I woke up more than ten hours earlier than you."

"That ceremony, was it successful?"

"It worked."

Seraph nodded.

"Although I don't understand what the ancient evil thing wants to do, but now that the underworld is calm, Mr. Luo Pei should have got what he wants."

"What about the underworld?"

"The sky was shattered for a while, but it's back to normal."

Seraphru looked at the purple evening sky.

It is hard to imagine that it was a fragmented and absurd scene more than ten hours ago.

"It is worth mentioning that the ancient evils settled down, but the demons themselves started an internal war. Sergex came here yesterday, and the anti-devil faction and the devil faction have officially started a war, triggered by Zu Famei. The slaughter of the same clan will soon be staged on the land of the underworld."


Gurefia was silent.

She was a little worried about her father, and a little worried about other people in the family.

But no matter whether the outside world ignites the fuse, the explosion of gunpowder will eventually have nothing to do with the two of them.

A demon isolated from the world in the city of ancient evils.

Gurefia slowly got off the bed, using the handy dress-up magic to change the drowsiness into a daily dress.

"Seraflu, what are you going to do next?"

"I don't have any detailed plans." Serafulu scratched her long hair in a somewhat unladylike manner. "There is no need to worry about material needs in this city. As our slaves, we can only get by and live every day until the ancient evil gives us a new mission on a whim."

"I never thought that the two of us would have such a fate." Gurefiya said, with a rare smile on the corner of his mouth: "I remember that at the banquet of our younger generation, the relationship between me and you can only be regarded as generally."

"Really? I really like you, Gurefia."

Sarafulu puffed out her chest and said quite proudly.

"After all, you are a female demon with the same strength as Miss Ben. This alone, Gurefia, is enough for me to remember you."


Gurefia didn't refute Serafulu's words, picked up the long brass rod on the table, and gracefully stirred the spices in the incense burner.

"It's great that you are so energetic. Looking at your expression when you put on the collar, I thought you would be stubborn to the end, and even if you temporarily succumbed to the ancient evil, you would try to wash away your shame."

"I'm a little familiar with that guy, as you said, the situation is not too bad..."

Seraph's expression was a little melancholy.

"Hey, Gurefia, do you know what kind of scenery is outside our world?"

"I don't know." Gurefiya shook her head: "I'm afraid only the two legendary dragon gods will know about this kind of thing."

"I bet you, even the two dragon gods have never seen the scenery outside the real world."

"Why so sure?"

"I saw it with my own eyes."

Seraphru recalled uncomfortable memories.

"The real outside of the world is a place a hundred times more terrifying than the hell described by humans. Its horror even made me think "it's great to be born inside the world". Unreasonable darkness, ignorant frenzy, nameless races and nameless evil gods..."

"You, what did you see?"

"I saw the hometown of the ancient evil, or at least the place where it can be called its origin."

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