The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1397

After saying this, Seraflu was silent for a long time, and then continued to speak the following words.

"Gurefia, I don't want to die."

"Well, no one wants to die."

"I also don't want to see my hometown, and the family I grew up in, being destroyed in an inexplicable disaster. Those familiar friends can't even maintain their human form, and they tragically turn into monsters."

Seraflu stared at Gurefia.

"I want to go back to Sidi's house, and I want to help my friends revitalize the underworld."

"Very good idea, Seraph."

Gurefia didn't mention how to realize this idea, but simply admired it.

Seraflu Sidi showed a smile.

She liked this friend more and more.

The black-haired girl patted her cheek, sweeping away the solemn atmosphere.

"Anyway, I'm going to get started."

"To assassinate the ancient evil?"

"...I don't have that much ability."

With her hands behind her back, Seraflu walked around the room like a little girl.

"At best, we will use the information we know now to gradually loosen the shackles. Anyway, with that guy's power, it basically doesn't make any difference whether the prison is the city or the entire underworld, isn't it?"

"You also know the reason why Master Luo Pei captured us..."

Gurefia had a headache.

She entered Rope's hands earlier than Lafleur, so of course she knew why the ancient evils wanted them.

But Gurefia couldn't imagine currying favor with the ancient evil in that way.

It's not that she can't save face, it's that she really doesn't know.

Usually, Gurefia is either fulfilling the expectations of her father and mother, or she is cultivating to increase her strength as a demon. She has very little contact with young male demons of generations, let alone learn those things without a teacher.

"I'm really thankful for having such a clear purpose. If it's the same as the god summoned by the Shaggai Zerg..."

Seraphro shuddered, sincerely thanking Luo Pei for his relatively gentle personality that can be understood by all things.

"So Gurefia, what about you?"

"I do not understand."

The silver-haired beauty was embarrassed for a moment, and said in a thin voice.

"Actually, I really want to get rid of the prison in front of me... I don't think it is necessary for Father to be so resistant to the Anti-Demon King faction..."

Li Zevim's actions have long since shattered Gurefiya's conservative ideas.

The blood heirs of the strongest demon kings all looked like that, and Gurefiya didn't have any expectations for the blood heirs of other demon kings at all.

Instead of letting them rule the underworld, it is better to let the anti-demon king send a new prelude to the devil.

"Okay! Starting today, Gurefia, you are my best friend! Warmly celebrate the addition of another member of the Anti-Demon King faction!"

Seraph gave a thumbs up happily.

"It doesn't matter! I will help you with the matter with the ancient evil! Although... well, I only got the information from various reading materials, but with the normal character of Lord Luo Pei, there shouldn't be much deviation. ?”


"Let's go see him first, and staying here will definitely accomplish nothing."

Seraflu quickly entered the state.

She didn't really have much resistance to this kind of thing.

It may be that her natural brain circuit is a bit strange. When Seraphlu knew that she had no choice, she had already secretly recalled various details of Luo Pei.

The appearance is perfect; the strength is enough to plow the whole world up and down a hundred times; although the personality is not very good, but it can also be classified as cultural differences, everything goes his way and he will not blow up...

All in all, despite his identity as an extraterrestrial demon, Luo Pei is a perfect lover even in the eyes of the picky young lady Seraphru.

Serafrou convinced herself just like that.

Compared to Gurefia who was still a little confused, after Serafulu crossed the obstacles and resistance in her heart, her abacus was already crackling. No one would have thought that such a young girl was thinking of committing suicide to wash away the shame that Luo Pei brought her more than ten hours ago.

Whether it is a demon or a human mind, it is a very complicated thing.

Traveling through the labyrinth-like palace, all the black goat cubs on the road gave way to the two girls. They may not have put Gurefia and Serafluu in their eyes at all, but there is no doubt that the taste of the Supreme Prince on the two of them is undeniable. Even if the black goat cubs have ten thousand courage, they will not dare to touch the mother goddess The stuff of beloved demigods.

Just as Seraflu was about to knock on the door of Rope's room, a gentle female voice sounded at the end of the corridor.

"I don't recommend that you bother little Luo Pei at this time?"

Turning their heads, Seraflu and Gurefia saw a rather horrifying scene.

It was a woman who seemed to be torn into pieces and put together again.

She is surrounded by dreamlike power, repairing this physical defect all the time.

Seraflu didn't recognize it, but Gurefia recognized who it was at a glance and saluted respectfully.

"Lord Shabu."

"Where is there a very vicious evil god right now?"

Shabu barely bridged the position of the face and restored her beautiful appearance.

"My suggestion to you, wait until the two of them are tired of playing, and then come to Little Luo Pei, otherwise you may have a few lives that are not enough to fill in it? Just like me~"

Seraflu blinked her eyes, not understanding what was going on at all.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise in the room.

As the wall was smashed by something, it was the roar of a girl.

"Get out of here! How dare you let me kneel at your feet and sing "Conquer"? You idiot Paramecium wait until the next life!!"

The gravel was pushed away, and Luo Pei stood up unscathed.

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