The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1399

"I warn you, if you mess around again, I will be angry... Am I really angry?"

The two wrestled and pinched each other again.

Azalia abandoned her identity, and Rope also abandoned the majesty of the so-called demigod.

Just like an ordinary couple, people can't help but smile with envy.

After a while, the little feet in white stockings stepped on Rope's face, Azalia straightened her left hand which was twisted in a strange position, and said with a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll send the avatar back, and take care of yourself later. Also, after this time, don't randomly summon the "God of Worms" Sada Hegra, without my consciousness, it's just a berserk god of destruction. "

"...get your feet off first."

Azalia withdrew her little foot.

Rope stood up, and the clothes he had just arranged were wrinkled again.

"Although I am very upset with Shabu, she is indeed your guarantee for this trial." Azalia said: "Although you can use her power, that guy's power is still useful besides having children."

"You're welcome."

"She is my child and subordinate, why should I be polite to her?"

Azalea was silent for a moment, then laughed.

"When it's time to leave the body, I can't bear it anymore. It's not like me... Then I'll go back to sleep first, and we'll talk later."


A gap was opened in the space under the mighty power of the God of Insects.

Beyond the gap is not the interdimensional gap of this world, but the very outskirts, the void of the multiverse.

Azalia closed her eyes, and the mimetic girlish appearance was fading, and the "God of Bugs" Sada Hegla was slowly being sent back to the kingdom of God where it was originally located.

Until the end, only Luo Pei was left in the room.

But the black-haired youth could feel that something returned to his body.

Azalia's consciousness, the most intimate being that had accompanied him through thousands of years, returned to its original position.

Lopez stretched, and began to tidy up the furniture and decorations that had been messed up by the two of them.

"Master has gone back?"

"Just left."

Like a ghost, Shabu suddenly appeared at the door.

She was wearing a red backless dress, holding a drink that looked more like blood than red wine.

The bright color was brighter than lipstick, dyeing Shabu's lips red.

"Mother's personality is even more difficult than the one from long ago..."

Shabu sighed and moved his arms as if his shoulders were sore.

"There is nothing worse than this kind of experience. My mother wants to beat me, but I can't resist. I can only watch my body being dismembered and separated... Little Luo Pei thinks it's time to comfort me? I, who dared to show up after my mother left, am very depressed now."

"Let's talk about that tonight. I'm actually having something that I want to discuss with you, Sister Shabu."

"Hmm~ Let's hear it?"

"I have decided on the choice of this trial."

Luo Pei's index finger and middle finger were vertically formed into a knife shape, and he swiped towards the hanging picture on the wall.

Before the meteor flashed by, the imitated art painting on the wall was broken in two. The figure in the painting is broken from the neck, as if beheaded.

"'The end of tyranny' - this is my choice. Thinking about it carefully, words like "salvation" and "Xiangyang" are too far away from me, a demigod of the evil god system. "

"As expected of Little Lopez who possesses the divinity of "War", it's just as I thought~"

Shabu leaned against the wall, smiling alluringly.

"So, when should we implement your trial goal? It's been a long time since I buried the world in a sea of ​​flames. The magnificent scenery of the world's collapse is still very good to watch once in a while."

"I didn't say it was this world." Luo Pei shook his head: "I have other uses for this world we are currently in. After all, I am waiting to collect some girls I want."

"Not this world?"

"To be precise, it is a mechanical world that is adjacent to this world and can be roughly classified into the same system. Anyway, the trial mission does not say anything, and there is no strict rule that you can only act in this world."

In the original book, the different world is not a layer of fog, on the contrary, it is clear enough to invade the native world.

A world composed of elves and machines ruled by the "evil god" Merubazoa.

Although the world in the original book has its own name, because Luo Pei is too lazy to memorize those insignificant things, so in short, it is more easy to understand that the world is called "Mechanical Realm".

"I'm going to destroy it."

The black-haired young man's smile gradually became ferocious.

"Destroy them all, kill them all, the world collapses! I should also have something that suits my identity. It just so happens that the ruler god of that world has more power than the "Chiryu God Emperor". To be able to complete the trial mission and fight against the strong is the best choice of both worlds. "


Shabu frowned.

She vaguely felt something was wrong.

There are many worlds in the multiverse that can be linked to machinery, and most of these worlds have a very close relationship with a strange and powerful ancient god.

"God of Civilization and Technology" Felac.

It is also known as "the ultimate mechanical spirit", "the source code of the future pioneer", and "the guardian of civilization".

Because of his divinity, Felak is not considered old among the ancient gods. On the contrary, he is very young. Ferac encouraged all progress and science, and advocated mechanical supremacy. The race it favors the most is human beings, but not only humans. As long as other races can practice the way of mechanical evolution, Felac will give mercy with fraternity.

If the "God of Civilization and Technology" is converted into the rank of the evil gods, although it is definitely not as good as the "Three Pillars God" and "Four Elements", the gap is not too big, and it firmly occupies the upper rank of the ancient gods , is at the same level as the "star-bright one" Tibbs, who was born from the movement of tens of millions of stars.

——Although the relationship between the two has not been very good.

"Don't ignore the danger from under the table." Shabu warned: "With Little Ropey's knowledge of theology, he should know that he has something to do with "machinery", so it's hard to ignore the possibility of the traces of "God of Civilization and Technology" Ferak ? "

"Well, I have thought about it."

"Don't worry about this matter."

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