The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1400

Shab said.

"Little Luo Pei is busy with other things first. If your action is related to Ferak. Even if there is a one-ten-thousandth possibility, you have to make some preparations at the back level."

The Supreme Mother felt that if this matter had something to do with a powerful ancient god, she'd better discuss it with Yog and Nyarlathotep on the outside world.

Even though I'm sorry to see those two guys, it's important to be prepared for the sake of the Chosen One.

Especially Shabu also knew that the soul of Azathoth was stored in the system.

"I think so too. I will definitely not be in a hurry to go to that world."

Rope nodded, then smiled.

"Before that, I will absorb the "Knowledge of the Origin of Darkness"... and go out to play with the devil. "

After staying in the floating city for a long time, and experiencing Azalia's frolicking, everything is safe, and Luo Pei's restless character wants to go to the demon who is in war again.

Coincidentally, he also has two beautiful demon maids.

Happy to make a decision.

Chapter 54: The Magical Girl and the Tentacle Monster Are a Perfect Match

The sky of the underworld was once shattered, but the demons still fought back and forth, leaving the real threat behind.

This is not without reason.

They all value immediate interests more than that noble demon who is out of reach. After all, apart from smashing the sky that day, the ancient evil has no other actions. The demons were thinking about how to deal with the demons after their respective parties ruled the underworld.

Before the sword of Damocles fell, everyone sat in their positions nervously and nervously, and not a single demon left the table under the temptation of the sweet power on the dinner plate on the table.

Sergex contacted the rulers of the Demon King's government several times after returning from the dark city, trying to temporarily shake hands and make peace, but all of them were either ignored or called back. Since Zufamei kicked off the war, they have all been angry, and it is absolutely impossible to stop here, no matter in terms of interests or character.

— Stupidity is the source of all misfortunes.

The central command tower of the anti-demon king government, Sergex is concentrating on processing the battle reports from all over the place.

Beside him, an old man in the robes of a senior nobleman stood in front of the window, looking at the sky in the south of the underworld.

The old man has a prominent status. He is the head of the seventy-two pillars, the current suzerain of the Baal family with the most honorable title of "King" under the devil king, and also the first generation of Baal——Jekram Baal.

In terms of seniority, Zekram is Sergeks' grandfather, that is, the origin of the Baal family's "destruction magic power" in Sergeks.

"Can't make a decision yet? Sergex."

Zekram asked in a low voice.

"I gave you the position of commander of the army precisely because I trust your strength and resourcefulness. The kid from the Astarte family has been entangled with Leviathan's daughter for two weeks, and he has every chance to kill Zufamei. The reason why he has been reluctant to do it is because of your tendency to "negotiate peace". "

Sergex put down the battle report in his hand, rubbed his brows and said.

"Master Czechram, I know that war is not something I can do willfully. But I hope that the two camps can temporarily put aside the gap and work together to deal with the threat of the ancient evil. Before that, if I really order Ajie Ka will kill Zufamei, and there will be no room for reconciliation between the two camps."

"The ancient evil... is that demon really so scary?"

The king asked hesitantly.

Zekram is a very native demon who hardly ever leaves the underworld. The most recent experience of leaving the underworld was to follow the four demon kings to the world to fight angels and fallen angels.

This led to a very closed news from Czechram.

He only heard the horror of the ancient evil, but he didn't know what kind of horror it was.

"Very dreadful, Master Zekram."

Serges said seriously.

"I once stood in front of the ancient evil and talked with him." The red-haired young man smiled wryly.

"But to be honest, under the oppression of the ancient evil, it is hard enough just to keep myself from kneeling on the ground. Don't talk about comparing the strength of the other party, even this kind of thought can't arise. Fear penetrates like poison My soul only wants to escape as far as possible."

"That's it..."

Zekram stroked his beard and sighed.

"You're the number one in the underworld, it seems like it's really tricky... The little girl from the Sidi family, is she being held in the hands of an ancient evil, right? The Sidi family has become more and more anxious recently, so I’m afraid that they will have no intention of fighting against the devil’s government.”

"I have already explained the situation to the suzerain of Sidi's house, there is no need to worry about Serafulu's safety for the time being."

When Sergeux saw Serafulu, although the latter was in a depressed mood, from the perspective of spirit, he did not suffer any excessive treatment.

I'm afraid that the honorable status of the ancient evil would not bother to torture captives...


"Yes. Tell me, please."

"I want to know why you are so worried about ancient evil things."

Zekram asked.

"His power is strong, this is his business. Except for the beam of light that shattered the sky that day, the only thing that the ancient evil thing did to hurt the demon was the soldiers of the Lukefugus family. In a broad sense, he can almost be regarded as "No provocation, no threat" exists, is your worry influenced by your own fear? "

Sergex thought for a moment, then said.

"I don't know. From just one meeting with the ancient evil, all I got was the ambiguous statement that "the underworld will not be destroyed", which doesn't make me feel at ease. I want to establish a peaceful relationship with the ancient evils in a more secure way, and with the efforts of all the demons, I can get a little peace. "

"The idea is good. In the face of an existence that cannot be fought, it is a wise choice to surrender."

Zekram shook his head.

"But have you ever thought about whether the personality of the anti-demon king faction who despises "peace" will be as you wish? Even if you put your stakes on their faces, they only see a group of rebels who resist the rule of their demon king's bloodline. "


Sergex was silent.

Zekram sighed, turned and walked out of the command room.

"I think you already have the answer, Sergex. Give the order. If you don't completely solve the internal problems, you will never be able to become a representative of the underworld to deal with everything outside."

It was a long time after the patriarch of the Baal family left that Sergex contacted Ajieka who was fighting abroad.

Letting the Demon King send peace is just a wish after all, and the blood descendants of the Demon King who are obsessed with power will not listen to any words from the Anti-Demon King faction.

What they think in their hearts is nothing more than the same idea as Czechram.

If you don't provoke them, there will be no accidents.

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