The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1407

But Zekram reacted immediately.

"Please forgive me." The old devil asked hesitantly, "Excuse you have any business to go to Luciferd?"

"Put your worries away, devil."

Rope saw through Zekram's anxiety at a glance.

"Since I have made an agreement with you, I will never violate it. Since I was born, I have never violated my promise. Don't worry that I will favor the current Demon King's government."

"Yes! I'm very sorry, I guessed the noble you with a despicable heart..."

"It's human nature, since you have forgiven you the first time, next time you will question my promise, I don't mind sending you to meet the lost God of the Bible."

Rope stood up.

"If you have made a decision of allegiance, then show your allegiance."


All the demon nobles retreated one after another.

Only Rope and Seraph were left in the hall.

"Lord Luo Pei, are you really planning to take over the belief in the underworld?"

"Whether you have it or not, it's the icing on the cake." Luo Pei shrugged: "Because of Nix, I don't feel comfortable living in the Greek gods. I plan to live in the underworld for a long time. Let the scenery in front of me become more comfortable. Well, it's not too bad."

Moreover, he is looking forward to the events where the main characters will appear.

In the world of trials, this is the only interest that Luo Pei has.

"Then what shall I call you now?"

Seraph asked.

"Master Heavenly Demon? The God of Demons?"

"It's not good to have dementia and forgetfulness at a young age."

Luo Pei walked past Serafluu's side and flicked her forehead lightly.

"My name has never changed."

No matter how many nicknames or honorific titles are added to him, he has always been him, with a constant real name.

Serafulu covered her forehead, looked at the dreamy and dazzling black-haired young man, thought for a while, and followed quickly.

"Lord Rope, is Gurefia alright?"

"It's okay. If you are worried, you can go and see for yourself... Oh, yes, come to my room later, I have a "Magical Girl vs. Tentacle Monster" and I need you to be the leading role."

"Eh? Today? Now?"

"I'll wait for you..."

"Wait, wait, Master Luo Pei!"

At this moment when the underworld changed, the ancient evils remained the same as before.

Chapter 58: The Appearance of Dying Before Dusk

The performance of "Magic Girl vs. Tentacle Monster" was very successful.

Although Seraph, who was the leading actor, cried, danced and ran at the beginning, she was finally comforted by Luo Pei with physical means, and she cooperated with his actions honestly. In the end, Seraph even had a little taste Reluctantly.

And the consequence of this reluctance was that the girl's butt hurt for two whole days.

Neither Shabu nor Azalia can cure Rope, let alone a demon girl. Even if he didn't use the "happiness" secret technique like he did with Gurefia, as an experienced player, Lopez had plenty of ways to make Serafulu cry.

In short, after a girl grows into a woman for the first time, she has some more experiences that she can't use under normal circumstances...

Rope thought it was great.

But praise is all praise, he can't lie on other girls' bodies all day long, even if he doesn't care about girls, he can't stand it.

Two weeks after taking over the title of "Devil God" of the underworld, Rope figured it was time to fulfill his promise.

On a bright morning, Sidi's living room is as quiet as a cemetery.

What can barely be called a sound is the metallic tone of the black-haired young man's knife and fork colliding, and the rows of demon maids standing next to him dare not breathe out, as if the demon god in front of him will be made into breakfast and placed in white porcelain if he is a little alarmed. plate.

—pure slander.

It is true that he has a bit of a distasteful personality, but no matter how you say it, he will not eat demons raw for no reason.

Since his strength has become more and more refined, Luo Pei's former aggressiveness and terror have long been hidden inside, and the outside is always a feeling of spring breeze.

"Pour me a glass of wine."

"Yes Yes!"

Hearing Luo Pei's voice suddenly, the maid holding the wine jug was startled, she lost one of her hands, and the wine jug was about to fall to the ground.

But before that, a small hand like white jade caught the silver jug.

Looking at the obviously terrified Sidi's maid, Gurefia sighed silently.

"I will be in charge of serving Lord Luo Pei here, all of you should step back."

"Yes... I'm very sorry." With tears in the corners of her eyes, the maid saluted again and again: "Thank you, Master Gurefiya!"

In the eyes of the maid, Gurefia is simply a savior.

If she accidentally smashed the jug and disturbed the black-haired god, she never thought that she would be able to walk out of this door alive.

After the maids left and Gurefia added wine to Rope, the black-haired young man slowly put down the knife and fork in his hand, took out a mirror and looked at his face.

"Gurefia, I shouldn't be so ugly as to shock the world, am I?"

"My lord, your beauty is unparalleled in the world."

"Then I shouldn't have made any vicious expressions since morning?"

"Yes, you are as gentle as ever."

"There are no problems in both aspects, but it's still a bit uncomfortable to be so scared by a cute girl."

Rope stroked his chin.

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