The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1408

"It's rare that I plan to play the route of a warm and loving ruler, but everyone treats me as a terrible tyrant..."

Since the main theme of this world is "joy", then Luo Pei felt that it was too inappropriate for him to always suffer and hate, and to exterminate himself, so he planned to try out the idol who loves the people like a child on a whim. Send the demon god.

Then, there is no more.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the power and terror of ancient evils have long been spread by the noble demons, and are widely known by the demon people of the anti-demon king faction. While rejoicing that such an existence can become their own god, they also fear and awe Luo Pei from the bottom of their hearts.

With this effect, no matter how gentle Luo Pei plays, it will be like the grin of a murderous maniac.

"You are like an endless abyss that has no bottom. If ordinary demons don't know you, they will feel boundless fear just by approaching you. There is nothing you can do about it, my lord."

"It's not fun..."

Rope pouted.

"If things go on like this, the so-called demon gods will almost be the same as when I ruled the world in the past, and when I was the king of evil dragons. Gurefia, I started to regret being the demon god five seconds ago gone."


The silver-haired beauty responded calmly and obediently.

After having a closer relationship, Gurefia has already regarded herself as Rope's appendage. Except for some matters related to family affection and principles, her position is entirely on the ancient evil.

"Forget it, that's it."

Rope stood up.

"Gurefia, go and inform Serafulu so that she and the anti-demon king's government are ready. We will set off today to Luciferd, the capital of the underworld, and then they will need to deal with the unification of the underworld regime. "

"Yes, Lord Rope."

After receiving the order, Gurefia did not leave.

She hesitated, and asked again.

"...Are you really going to kill all the upper echelons of the Demon King's faction?"

"If you don't agree, you should fulfill your promise if you promise something good."

"Can I...can I ask you for mercy?" Gurefiya asked timidly.

It was the first time for Luo Pei to see the silver-haired beauty showing such an expression.

Back then when Li Zevim offered it as a sacrifice and was trapped in his dark floating city, Gurefia didn't even act like this.

"What's wrong?"

Rope laughed.

"Because they used to be members of the Demon King's government, are you reluctant to part with them?"

"No...just, my lord father..."

Gurefia's father, Zetia Lukefugus, is the suzerain of the Lukefugus family, one of the six Lucifer families, and a genuine core member of the Demon King Sect.

From his behavior of insisting on nominating a new head of Lucifer after he sold his daughter in Li Zeweim, it can be seen that this old devil attaches great importance to the family honor.

Of course, this does not mean that Jettia is not a good father.

He just has his own stand.

No one could understand this position better than Gurefia, but she instinctively didn't want her father and family to die at the hands of Rope, so she rarely uttered words of intercession.

Gurefiya felt that as long as the Demon King faction disappears and her father has no one to serve, then there will naturally be changes.

This is the only wish of the calm Gurefia at this moment.

"Your father, the suzerain of the Lukefugus family?"

Looking at Gurefia's begging eyes, Luo Pei breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will not let go of any of the Demon Lord faction's upper echelons who are "at war", this is a promise I personally made. "

The eyes of the silver-haired beauty dimmed instantly, she lowered her head and responded with a voice as thin as a mosquito.



Rope smiled.

"If you, Gurefia, can convince your father to leave the Demon King's central government before I do it, withdraw from the war, and return to his territory to live a conservative life that doesn't care about world affairs, I can treat him as a person who has forgotten him. After all, there are It’s not surprising that gods don’t see such things as ants occasionally.”



Luo Pei snapped his fingers, and replaced the aristocratic dress on himself with a post-modern style black windbreaker with gold trim.

Then I rubbed it on my head, as if I had applied hairspray on my hands, turning my hair into a Virgil-style hairstyle, and my whole temperament became sharper.

Not handsome.

But obviously, Gurefia didn't have the time to appreciate Rope's new look.

She stared at the black-haired youth with great joy.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Luo Pei!"

"Don't be too quick to be happy."

Luo Pei drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"If your father insists on his position, I will not show mercy just because he is your father or family members. He should be killed or killed. Gurefia, you better have this awareness."

"I will absolutely let Father leave the war."

Gurefia assured with firm eyes.

After a while, after bidding farewell to Serafru, Luo Pei took Gurefia to Luciferd, the capital of the underworld, under the eager eyes of the suzerain and his wife of the Sidi family.



It can be seen from the name at a glance that this is a city that has a very close relationship with Lucifer, the first of the four great demon kings and the previous demon king "Star of Dawn".

Back then, Lucifer and Lilith continued the group of demons here.

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