The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1409

For thousands of years, it has been the power center of the underworld and the birthplace of the belief of ordinary demons.

But at this moment, Lucifer, after experiencing thousands of years, inevitably has a trace of desolation and dilapidation.

In the side hall of the Demon King's Palace, Jetia Lukefugus was standing quietly in front of the balcony, overlooking the entire capital of the underworld.

He was wearing fine armor all over his body, with his right hand resting on the magic long sword at his waist, and he looked like a general who was ready to go to war at any time.

"Lord Lucie Forgus, sorry to keep you waiting."

"Where did you say that?"

Jettia turned her head, and the person who came was a handsome young man with long flaxen hair.

"His Royal Highness Vedred Basalon Beelzebub, the son of Beelzebub, the former "ghost king", why did you come to find me, one of the six families of Lucifer? "

"Well, don't be so ignorant, Duke Lukefergus."

Vedred smiled and walked to Jetia's side.

"You and I are comrades who support the orthodox succession system of the Demon King and are determined to wipe out the rebels. Seeing outsiders like this will make me very uncomfortable... Oh, by the way, the son of that guy Li Zevim, it is very difficult to support, right?"

Junxiu said with a smile.

"Although he inherited the blood of the strongest demon king Lucifer, that guy...hehe, forget it."

Zetia raised an eyebrow.

"...Can I think this is you provoking the Lucifer family?"

"Of course not. I'm just standing on my personal standpoint and expressing my views on the current Lucifer suzerain."

"The matter of the Lucifer family can be determined by the Lucifer family. His Highness Beelzebub should be cautious in his words and deeds. Moreover, if you are only concerned about this small matter, then forgive me. Seven days later, Lukefugus The family is going to the battlefield to face Ajeka, who is against the Demon King's government."

Jettia turned to leave.

When he reached the door, Veldred stopped Jettia.

"I've come to help Lord Luke Forgus."


"The enemy commander named Ajeka, although he came from a mere 72-pillar branch family, his strength is indeed rare. It can be seen from the fact that he can easily kill Zufamei." Vedred laughed It's a bit insidious: "If you want to face such a monster, you don't really have a bottom line in your heart, do you?"


"So, I'm going to release "Fly Swarm" on the battlefield tomorrow. "

Hearing this, Jettia's eyes widened, and his expression instantly became full of anger.

"Master Beelzebub! "Fly Chimera" is a forbidden magic that retains the spirit of the previous master Beelzebub! Once you use it, that plague will kill all demons, friend or foe! "

"But, it's very effective against the enemy, isn't it?"

Veldred flicked his nails.

"Even if it's a demon like Ajeka, as long as it is plagued by the "fly swarm", it will definitely die. As a price, only the soldiers on the front line of the war need to be paid, isn't it very cost-effective? "

"Do you want me to sell my soldier's life to be your accomplice!"

"No, it's an order."

Veldred's eyes turned cold.

"Your Excellency is just a servant of Lucifer's family. I am the orthodox heir to the Demon King of Beelzebub. If you resist me, it is tantamount to resisting the Demon King's government. You must think carefully about it."

"..." Jettia remained silent, anger brewing in his eyes.

Son of Beelzebub changed his style of painting, and smiled again.

"Although it is a bit cruel, this matter is by no means unfavorable to your lord. With a little soldier's sacrifice, you can reap an exciting victory and my friendship. Isn’t it an excellent deal for the six families with suzerain status? That waste has already provoked the dissatisfaction of many people in the Demon King’s government.”

Can't deny it.

Li Zevim's son, the new Suzerain Lucifer is a waste, and Jettia himself knows it well.

He doesn't look like a blood heir of a demon king at all, he is just a pitiful mid-level demon with even strength, coupled with the timidity and fear of being beaten by his father, and all kinds of elated and despicable operations after gaining power, the son of Li Zevim is almost going to kill Lucifer now. His reputation was ruined.

There can be no more achievements, not to mention the weakening of the power of the Demon King, I am afraid that the current Demon King government will intervene in the internal replacement of the Lucifer family.

This is not what the six families want to see, they all respect Lucifer's honor.

Jettia Lukefugus loosened his clenched fist.

Vildred smiled slightly, and patted Jettia on the shoulder as he walked past him.

"Then I will leave the arrangements for the environment of the technique to your lord, and I will perform "Swarm of Flies" myself when the time comes. "

After the son of Beelzebub left, Jetia stared at the sky of Luciferd, and suddenly felt that the city's twilight was a little heavier.

Like a checkmate before dusk.

Chapter 59: The River of Blood Flowing in the City of Eternity

Don't look at the demons in the original "Devil's High School" who are feasting and feasting. The development of technology and society is the same as that of the future era. Pushing forward a few hundred years, which is where Luo Pei is now, the underworld may really be no better than the world. .

Unlike the angels in the heavens who play the harp all day long, who are sad in spring and autumn, beautiful and sad, never go down to the world for nothing, and have to think twice about things, demons, as the race that has the most frequent contact with humans, are inevitably affected by the social atmosphere of humans. Influence, the two races with a huge gap in strength are only parallel in the progress of civilization.

So when Lopez and Gurefia stepped into the city of Luciferd, the black-haired youth almost frowned at the hypocrisy and corruption of the aristocrats.

Although the Sidi family is also a local nobleman and a famous demon family with seventy-two pillars, it is still nothing compared to the central city of the underworld devil government that has lasted for thousands of years.

The size of this city alone is enough to rival a country.

Yes, you heard it right, it is comparable to a rice country, and it is not the size of a small country.

Demons are born with magic power and strong physique. Using the convenience of magic, they can beat all the current construction teams in the world in a fancy way. In Luciferd, just an ordinary resident, his residence can be compared to the relatively luxurious palace in the world.

However, those who can settle down in the central capital of the underworld cannot really be ordinary residents.

"If I hadn't looked up at the color of the sky, I would have thought I had returned to the world."

Rope shook his head.

"Shouldn't demons live in the Hell of Fire, with their mouth full of killing and killing, thirsty for blood and pain to be worthy of the title of 'devil'? You really can be assimilated by human beings. "

"I heard that before the first demon kings Lucifer and Lilith gave birth to the first demons and the population prospered, the underworld was what you said, but since when did it become what it is now, it must have been transformed with magic. the earth."

Gurefia said sternly.

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