The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1410

After the maid almost missed that day, the silver-haired beauty shed her gorgeous aristocratic lady's attire and changed into the most popular traditional long skirt maid attire in the world.

The main tone of white and blue, coupled with that beautiful silver hair, made Gurefia's charm even more prominent.

"Are you sure your father is in this city?"

"Yes, Lord Rope." Gurefia said: "According to the Sidi family's information, the army of the Lukefugus family is marching forward, and it seems that they want to replace the defeated Leviathan family. And in the army Before departure, it is impossible for my lord father not to come to Luciferd to report and discuss."

"How long do you need?"

"Two hours is enough."

"Well, then I'll wait for you for two hours."

Wearing a black windbreaker inlaid with gold trim, the handsome young man leaned against the wall and said lightly.

"Two hours later, I will eliminate this city from the underworld. At that time, regardless of whether you succeed, Gurefia, I will send you out of Lucifer with space transfer."

Invisible power is spreading and rising.

All demons are like ignorant ants before the storm, still acting for their desires and ambitions, without knowing the arrival of the demon god at this moment.

The entire Luciferd was enveloped by Rope's divine power within a few breaths.

The silver-haired maid saluted.

"Yes, my lord."

Gurefia is confident in convincing her father.

But if her father suddenly lost his mind, took the wrong medicine, and was so stubborn that he wanted to die for the Lucifer family, then Gurefiya could only close his eyes and sigh.

——This is something that has been discussed long ago.

She would not repeatedly beg Luo Pei for forgiveness just because her father disagreed.

The reason why a position is a position is because it determines a creature's code of conduct.

Gurefia recognized the correctness of the anti-devil lord faction through Li Zevim's case and Seraflu's words, so she would think from the standpoint of the anti-devil lord faction, and would never be a half-hearted fool.

Furthermore, Gurefia is also very clear about her identity.

Don't look at the ancient evil beings quite fond of her, if they mistake their identities and think they have nothing to fear, I'm afraid the black goat cubs will have one more Gurefia in their stomachs, and one less.

Gurefia, who was born in a noble family, understood the delicate relationship.

Arriving in front of the palace through flying magic, the guarding demons could recognize that she was the princess of the Lukefugus family, so they let Gurefia in without stopping her.

Following the route she remembered, she soon arrived at her father's usual office palace.


Zetia was very surprised at the arrival of her daughter.

He never imagined that his daughter, who fell into the hands of the terrifying ancient evil, could return to him so intact.

The demon lord hurried forward, looking at Gurefiya with joy.

"What's wrong with this?" Zetia asked.

"I heard from the returning soldiers that you were framed by Li Zevim and fell into the hands of the ancient evil. How did you suddenly appear in Luciferd? Could it be that the ancient evil released you?"

"I've been away for a long time, and I've made my father worry about it."

Compared to Jettia's excitement, Gurefia seemed much calmer.

"I have experienced many things, but I finally left the floating city of ancient evils."

The demon lord was taken aback, he didn't expect his daughter to expose such a catastrophe with just a fluffy sentence.

But he didn't think much of it either.

"Okay, okay, just come back, your mother has been very sad since you left..."

Listening to her father's rambling words, Gurefia turned her gaze to Jetia's palace.

Then her eyes narrowed.

On the table made of fine wood in the underworld, Gurefia saw a brown crystal ball.

The crystal ball was held in mid-air by a metal frame, exuding a miasma-like feeling, as long as it was a high-level demon, it could almost recognize that it was the magic power of Beelzebub's lineage.


"Father, what is this?"

Gurefia's question made Zetia's happy face freeze.

After struggling several times, he still sighed and said.

"This is the son of Beelzebub, Master Vildred's large-scale formation magic "Swarm of Flies". Using this crystal ball to set up the environment, coupled with Lord Veldred's own magic, can summon a large number of Chimera flies carrying incurable plague... Lord Veldred tried to use this to reverse the situation on the front line. "

"You... agreed?"

Gurefia frowned.

"It's impossible for you not to know that Master Beelzebub's arrogance has always been a terrifying thing that ignores the enemy and the enemy. It was rarely used even during the three-clan war. You still took over the "fly swarm" of Beelzebub's son. Abandon the Lukefugus soldiers who rushed to the front line? "

"Gurefia, I have no other choice."

Jettia said.

"The new Lucifer suzerain is powerless and is gradually withdrawing from the upper ranks of the Demon King's government. If the six of us fail to achieve results and increase the chips for the Lucifer family, I am afraid that the glory of Dawn Star will be stained with dust."

"Who is the new suzerain of Lucifer?"

"Son of Li Zevim."

Gurefia was silent.

Li Zeweim's son, she also had a relationship once.

To be honest, being able to force her father and the remaining five suzerains to push that guy to the position of suzerain of Lucifer presumably means that the Lucifer family is really withered, and there is no one else to choose except Li Zevim's son.

"All in all, that's the situation right now."

Jettia said.

"Gurefia, don't worry, I'll take care of it here. You've been wronged a lot, so don't care about these headaches when you go home. Your mother is still waiting for you in the territory, so go back tomorrow... ..."

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