The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1443

is not that right?

The archangels of the heavens all ran to his bed. If this is not considered favor, then there is no other behavior that can be counted as favor.

To be honest, the current state of the church is estimated to be due to Rope.

When Gabriel asked for opinions on Rope's beliefs, Rope did a lot of instilling private goods in the other party, especially now that the church's violent troops are prosperous, but he personally told Gabriel in his ear that "strength is the best premise to guarantee faith. "the result of.

The two walked all the way to the church.

Asia's smile is much brighter than when she first met Luo Pei. It is obvious that she is very happy to make new friends.

But as she got closer to her destination, the girl's smile gradually dimmed.

Even if she makes new friends, after all, she is in a parallel line that does not intersect with the normal world. From the moment the girl healed the demon, Asia deviated from the original trajectory of her life.

When the church was in sight, Luo Pei stopped.

Asia was absent-minded, and bumped her head against the back of the black-haired young man.

"Huh? Mr. Luo Pei..."

The girl's voice stopped abruptly.

She saw the white-haired priest sitting on top of the church, staring at her.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm waiting for you here, but you ran to date a man, isn't it appropriate? Asia? The former saint of the church?"

Freed smiled ferociously.

"Sister Fallen Angel has been waiting for you for a long time, thanks to you, I was scolded miserably~"

"Father Freed..."

Asia lowered her head, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the white-haired priest.

When she walked out from behind Luo Pei and was about to say goodbye to the young man, Luo Pei stopped Asia's action.

"Miss Asia, do you still remember what I said about striking up a conversation? In fact, apart from telling the whole story, it is also a mistake to trust strangers too much."

Rope said.

"In this world where gods and demons coexist, and angels and demons dance wildly, you should be more cautious. After all, with a weak girl like you, it is difficult to see whether the existence walking with you is human or not."

The blond nun looked confused, not knowing what Rope was talking about.

The white-haired priest jumped down from the top of the church cursing and walked towards Rope.

The dark-haired youth sighed.

In the next moment, a blood-red flower bloomed in front of Asia's eyes.

The overwhelming thing, which originally belonged to the thing called "Father Freed", fell like rain, staining the weeds beside the church path red.

Asia's pupils shrank to a needle shape, and she passed out neatly.

"Facing these mentally handicapped people, I am really getting impatient..."

Lopez lamented his impatience, and at the same time reached out to catch the fallen Asia.


The second watch continues to ask for monthly tickets.

Chapter 78: The Spear of Sunshine Only Gods Are Qualified to See

"Why does your artifact "The Smile of the Virgin" heal demons? "

"A filthy belief gives birth to a filthy artifact, and she is not a devout one."

"This must be a trick of the Antichrist! Deprive her of her sainthood! Excommunicate her!"

"It's because of your youth and ignorance that you are not handed over to the heresy handling class. Don't dawdle here, and leave my church quickly!"

At that moment, the door engraved with the angel's redemption pattern closed in front of Asia's eyes.

Holding her cherished cross in both hands, the girl stood blankly in the cold winter, at a loss for what was happening before her eyes.

It was just an act of helping the injured as usual for her, but it changed the trajectory of Asia's entire life.

She was forced to leave the church that raised her, and wandered in the world with the "rogue exorcist", suffering a lot.

Although Freed did not abuse or persecute Asia because of the order of the fallen angel, but walking with such a crazy person, Asia has always lived in an atmosphere of fear and anxiety.

Then, red flowers bloom.

Asia opened her eyes suddenly, her back was already wet with sweat.

The girl who woke up from the coma did not feel at all relaxed, and her body was still eroded by exhaustion.

Surrounded by fairly familiar church scenery, she came to this city in Japan with Father Freed a few days ago, and temporarily settled in a small church.

Father Freed... Father Freed... Freed...

She slowly recalled, and with the picture of the red flower, fear swept over her.

Asia subconsciously wanted to stand up, but found that her hands and feet were tied to the chair with thin ropes. Although it is not a firm bondage, it is obviously impossible to break free with the girl's weak strength.

"you're awake?"

Asia noticed the black-haired young man sitting opposite her, at the front of the bench.

"Mr. Rope...why..."

Her voice returned to its original timidity, and it was even better.

This is also a matter of course.

Anyone who watched the scene where human beings were forcibly beaten into a blood mist would feel an unparalleled sense of fear. Asia was able to sit quietly on the chair because of the ropes that bound her.

"Which reason are you asking?"

Lopez crossed his legs, holding a copy of the church's "Gospel of Matthew" in his hand.

"Does it mean why I tied you here? Or is it about my identity? Or why did I kill that white-haired priest?"


Asia pursed her lips and looked at Luo Pei pitifully.

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