The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1444

She wants to know.

She was obviously a kind and kind new friend who invited her to dinner, but earth-shaking changes took place in an instant.

"I'll explain it all to you."

Luo Pei calmly turned over a page.

"Don't be too afraid of my killing behavior, Asia, you will not suffer any vulgar and violent treatment. The reason why I killed that Father Freed is very simple. As a demon god living in the underworld, I have certain It is my responsibility to eliminate these crazy exorcists. Of course, the more important thing is that I am unhappy with him. Those who don’t know the superior will suffer from the displeasure of the superior.”

"The God of Demons...?"

"Since you are a nun, you must know the story of "666" and "the devil from the outside world". You can also substitute me for the latter. "

Asia's eyes widened, becoming even more terrified.

The story of "The Devil From Outer Worlds" tells the story of the most terrifying ancient evil in the Bible.

"As for why I tied you to a chair..."

Luo Pei closed the "Gospel of Matthew" with an apologetic smile on his calm face.

"I'm sorry. Part of it is to let you sit here calmly and chat with me. On the other hand, there is also some bad taste in it. I'm already paying attention, so I shouldn't have tied you up, right? Asia."

A thin breeze blew out of nowhere, easily cutting the ropes binding Asia's hands and feet.

After the restraints were lifted, the girl still sat in her original position without moving.

The explanation just now made her realize the status quo, the weak nun could not resist the young man in front of her.

"Mr. Rope... What are you going to do to me?"

Asia lowered her eyes.

"All I have is my artifact, what they call "The Smile of Our Lady"..."

"Aisia, I don't need "The Smile of the Virgin", that kind of garbage... Sorry, I mean that kind of artifact, I will just pull out a few carts for you. "

Rope leaned forward, staring at the blond nun with her head tilted.

"First of all, I want to declare that, apart from concealing your identity, the pleasure of meeting and walking with you is genuine, and the smile on your face in the restaurant is definitely not fake. Please don't use such low Tone."

"It's not...false..."

Asia seemed to be separated by a thick layer of fog, unable to figure out what the young man was thinking.

Then the girl gave up thinking, she knew that her mind was not bright.

Just like what she did when she was expelled from the church, Asia lowered her head and chose to hand over her fate to others again.

"The eye-catching ants have worn away my patience and made the situation what it is now, so I'll be more honest."

Rope smiled brightly and softly.

"Aisia, I want to have you."


The girl muttered to herself in confusion.

Of course she understood the meaning of Luo Pei's words.

This kind of words that makes people smell the fragrance of roses is logically not the words that should appear at this moment.

"No one can refute my decision."

The black-haired young man got up and walked in front of Asia, half kneeling in front of her, watching the girl's face closely.

Luo Pei reached out and touched the girl's cheek lightly.

""You shall be strong and fear nothing. You shall forget your sorrows, and even remember them like water that flows by. Your days on earth will be brighter than the noonday, and in spite of darkness they will be like the morning."

"...Old Testament, Chapter Eleven, Sections Fifteen to Seventeen."

Asia whispered the source of Lopez's words.

As a nun, the scriptures of various churches need to be studied and memorized.

There was finally a hint of understanding in her eyes.

"Mr. Rope, did you kill Father Freed for me...?"

"As expected of a nun of the church, it is easier to understand when communicating with you in the words of the Bible."

Rope applauded.

"There are some reasons. But more are the reasons I explained."

...Will someone come to save me?

... Is Mr. Rope acting for some of these reasons?

Slowly, Asia's gaze at Rope became less frightened.

Observing carefully, the girl suddenly found that the young man was still as refreshing as when he was having dinner in the afternoon, and his attitude had not changed drastically because of his real identity.

"Mr. Rope, I... don't understand anything now."

Asia looked down at her toes.

"I don't know if I should be happy about Father Freed's disappearance, because he was really bad. I don't know if I should be sad about Father Freed's death, because he was the only one who walked with me. But, But I should have no way to resist you, right? If there is no way to resist, then follow what you want..."

"Good boy."

Luo Pei took the blond nun into his arms and said comfortingly.

"It's enough to obey me, you don't have to think about anything else, you don't have to worry about anything."


Asia is not a difficult girl to conquer.

Luo Pei doesn't even need to do anything more, her character is so weak, as long as she insists firmly, it is almost not difficult to show gentleness.

However, this feeling of hugging a grass swaying in the wind softened the demon's heart a little.

Pat, clack, clack.

The black-haired young man who was feeling emotional heard the sound of high heels colliding with the ground.

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