The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1445

"Fried, I asked you to bring that girl to the altar in the suburbs, how dare you disobey my order? And what happened to the blood outside? I can't stand you, the indiscriminate killing will alarm the city The ruler demon in the world, if this continues, my evaluation of you will be even lower..."

Asia was flustered, but the black-haired young man raised his index finger at her and smiled.

"As I said, Asia doesn't care about anything."

The nun suddenly became quiet obediently.

Soon, a girl with long black hair walked in from the main entrance of the church.

Dressed in her everyday clothes, she stared in amazement at what was happening in the church.

"Who are you? Where's Freed?"

Linali instantly entered a state of alert.

She wasn't that crazy guy like Fried.

Even in the original book, Rias evaluated her as a "brainless woman", but Lina Li is still a low-ranking fallen angel, and she has the pros and cons analysis and danger intuition that she should have.

"Didn't you see Freed?"

Rope smiled gracefully.

"I remember he was outside. There should be no one who would miss such a big pool of blood, right? Unless Miss, you don't have eyes."

"...An enemy?"

Linali gritted her teeth, and instantly spread jet-black wings behind her.

The power of light in her hand began to condense, forming the shape of a spear.

"Although I don't know who you are, I will make you regret joining us!"

Saying that, Linali threw the spear of light towards Rope.

Fallen angels can use the power of light even if they fall. This is also the reason why they were able to occupy one of the three major ethnic groups with the fewest clansmen in ancient times without being wiped out instantly.

But the power of light is not omnipotent.

Under Lina Li's surprised gaze, the black-haired youth easily caught the spear of light that she threw almost with all her strength.

"A spear of light?"

Rope shook his head.

"Miss, the power of light is not used in this way. Thunder and light are twin brothers. Where there is light, there will naturally be thunder. The combination of the two can form the most basic destructive power. The light gun that your Creator God strikes at will, but It has the power to evaporate a city."

A golden thunderbolt emerged from the black-haired youth's palm, giving the light blue spear of light a twilight tinge, turning it into a shining spear of sunlight.

Linali hadn't had time to react to what was going on, a gust of wind brushed past her ears, tearing her cheeks and taking away a few strands of hair at the same time.

Then there was an explosion that resounded through the sky, and a storm roared from behind.

Lina Li firmly grasped the door frame, tried her best to fold her wings so that she would not be blown away, then turned her head and looked in the direction of the youth's lightning gun attack.

Then, her legs softened and she knelt down on the ground.

The mountain that was once clearly visible on the edge of the city melted directly from the mountainside under the power of the black-haired youth's lightning gun, and exploded in midair with the power of a nuclear bomb explosion, blowing away the clouds in the entire sky. The gang wind was violent and disorderly, and even shattered the glass of many high-rise buildings on the edge of the city.

The sudden burst of attack made Asia hide in fright behind the desk in the church podium, covering her ears.

"It's been a long time since I used this kind of crisp attack, but I'm still so skilled. I'm so perfect."

Rope sighed.

"Ten, hit the target."

Amidst the black-haired youth's more and more hearty laughter, the lower-level fallen angel Linali seemed to be strangled by death, and her whole body began to tremble.

Unheard of, the terrifying attack that only the gods were lucky enough to witness in ancient times appeared here in a remote city in the Far East.

The fallen angel has gone stupid.

Chapter 79 The Frightened Fallen Angel Girl and the Man in the Sunset

A mountain on the edge of the city evaporated out of thin air, and exploded in mid-air with the effect of a nuclear bomb detonating.

If this does not attract the attention of the citizens, I am afraid that everyone in this city will have to go to the emergency department of the ENT department.

While the civilians were panicking and discussing and the fire engines and police cars were dispatched, the demons of Gremory's family and Sidi's family, the world leaders in the city, were dispatched at the same time.

Surrounded by magic that blocks vision, demons soar through the sky with bat wings.



Cang Na opened the magic barrier with one hand, blocked the howling storm, and approached the red-haired girl.

"Rias, this phenomenon... um... don't you have any idea?"

"It's a headache. I was just preparing the drawing for the blackboard newspaper in class."

"This must be the work of the fallen angels." Beside Rias, Himejima Akeno said with certainty, "That's the "Power of Light"! In this world, only the angels and fallen angels of the heavens can use the power. I am all too familiar with this power! "

"A fallen angel has come to this city?"

Canna was a little surprised.

After all, fallen angels are not as active as demons and angels. The small number means that each fallen angel will have an important division of labor. The "governor of fallen angels" Azazel has not allowed fallen angels to go out privately for hundreds of years.

"That's right. My family members got the news of the fallen angels a few days ago, and they are planning to deal with this matter tonight, so they didn't have time to tell Cang Na you."

As Rias spoke, her expression darkened immediately.

"But...according to Kiba's judgment, it should be just a few small miscellaneous fish. An attack of this intensity is almost equivalent to the blow of those high-ranking fallen angels left over from the Great War. If Azazel didn't plan to Renewing the war with the heavens, it is absolutely impossible to make a decision to let the senior cadres of the fallen angels use such power in the world."

"It's troublesome..."

Sona waved his hand and gave orders to her subordinates.

"Yisha, Shan, and Liuliuzi! The three of you go to the city to quell the riots of the residents, allowing the use of magic and artifacts! Lianye and Tao, you two go to the human beings who have been negotiating with each other, and let them prepare for the evacuation of the masses immediately! "


The girls of Sidi's family nodded in agreement, and then scattered away.

In the end, Sona's side was the same as Rias, and only Shinra Tsubaki was left as the "queen".

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