The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1447

In an instant, scorching gas rose from the wound, causing the super long-haired princess to frown in pain.

——Light is a natural enemy to demons.

"Don't bother, this fallen angel is completely crazy." Rias held her forehead.

"Most of the existing fallen angels should be the remnants of the war brought out by Azazel from the three-clan war. In the post-war society, I can't figure out who can take this woman Scared like this..."

"Who knows, maybe it's some appalling monster that even fallen angels can't even imagine."

Akeno Himejima said, looking around.

The chairs in the church were blown into pieces by the wind and scattered all over the place.

On the high podium, a chair stood intact. In the whole broken picture, that chair is so garish.

Himejima Akeno walked over, knelt down and picked up the rope that fell beside the chair.

"Come and see this, it seems that someone has tortured here..."

But after Zhu Nai finished speaking, he found that no one came.

She turned her head and found that all the girls except her were staring at the main entrance of the church.

There, someone is wearing the sunset.

The black-haired young man was holding a popsicle in his mouth, with an embarrassing expression on his handsome face.

After a while, he took out the popsicle from his mouth and said in a helpless tone.

"Talking about torture... Your reasoning is too perfunctory, right? Miss Himejima Akeno."

Chapter 80 Noble Status, the Joy of Torture

There was a reason why Luo Pei, who was supposed to be having fun with the fallen angels in the church, walked in from the outside.

Like a child pouring boiling water into an ant nest, he admired the collapsed expression of the fallen angel girl and was so excited, but it didn't mean that Asia also had this leisurely mood.

Just the first shot of sunshine, the nun almost shrank into a ball in fright.

No way, Luo Pei could only use space movement to carry Asia back to his residence, and then come out to join in the excitement tonight, and took a popsicle in a messy store along the way.

It was this act of picking popsicles that made him miss the opportunity to transfer back to the scene for the first time, and was bumped into by Rias and Canna.

With a popsicle in his hand, Luo Pei walked into the church naturally.

"That's just a small prop I used to add a little bit of fun, Miss Zhu Nai don't need to care about it."

The girls seemed to have been nailed to the ground by an awl, and they were intimidated by the aura of the black-haired youth, and no one moved first.

Only Linali was even more frightened, she kept holding her head and begging for mercy.

"I don't dare anymore, please forgive me... woo woo woo..."

"Stop barking, it's annoying me. We still have time to play tonight, and it's too early for you to be afraid now."

Luo Pei originally wanted to frighten Linali in a vicious way. Who knew that this fallen angel girl was so fragile that she was frightened into a nervous breakdown in minutes.

But the young man never thought about how shocking the Sunshine Spear he threw casually is. No god or Buddha in this world can ignore that terrifying power.

"Who are you……"

Shinra Chunji narrowed her eyes.

She will never forget the young man in front of her.

Such a unique dress, handsome appearance, and extremely weird conversation left a deep impression on Jin Luo Chunji that night.

"Miss Zhen Luo, have you been safe for the past two days?"

Luo Pei moved his eyes from Zhen Luo Chun Ji's face to her legs, and smiled more meaningfully.

"It would be great to listen to my advice and change into pantyhose. Your legs are very beautiful, and wearing pantyhose will add a touch of elegance and sexiness to your whole temperament."

"I didn't take your advice!"

Zhen Luo Chun Ji blushed, subconsciously retorted.

But the girl immediately realized that the atmosphere in front of her was not talking about this, so she coughed lightly and closed her mouth.

Shitori Sona pushed up his glasses, under the calm surface was a shocked heart.

The appearance in front of him overlapped with the noble existence in memory, but compared to the azure blue eyes on the throne, the young man at this time has a "human" smell.

She spoke after considering her words.

"I didn't expect to see you here. No wonder my sister said that I don't need to care about your identity."

Sona lifted the hem of the short skirt slightly, and bowed her knees in a lady's manner.

"It's an honor to meet you again, Mr. Luo Pei, and Cang Na from Sidi's family sends you his greetings. Did you cause this turmoil? Please forgive me, this is my responsibility, and the person in charge of the territory in the world must deal with it Good for everything related to the world, including confirming the facts..."

As soon as these words came out, all the girls including Rias looked at Sona in surprise.

What grade is Sidi's house?

The great aristocrats of the seventy-two pillars of the underworld have the family line of the current ruling demon king, plus the inexplicable relationship between the "second-generation Leviathan" Serafru and the demon god. The Sidi family's status in the underworld can be ranked in the top ten, and the rest are some old and important families.

Cangna Sidi, the successor suzerain of such a family background, need to use a respectful and humble tone to salute the young man in front of him?

Rias leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Cang Na, who is he? Isn't he an enemy?"

"No." Cang Na sighed slightly: "Riyas, you have stayed in the world for too long, haven't you heard how I called him?"

"Lord Rope..."

Rias repeated it, and immediately understood the reason for Sona's respect and humility.

"Could it be... Lord Demon God?!"

The red-haired girl blinked and covered her mouth in disbelief.

Zhu Nai also seemed to see a rare beast, and his expression changed drastically.

But the reaction of both of them was not as good as that of Zhen Luo Chun Ji.

The Demon Princess was the only girl present who had close contact with Luo Pei. She couldn't imagine that the young man who was full of private topics, frivolous and fanatical otaku would have a reputation of terror all over the world. God of demons.

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