The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1448

Rope shrugged helplessly.

"About you asking me if I did this matter... It is indeed, I overplayed this fallen angel lady just now, shouldn't it matter? Cangna, Rias."


The two girls looked at each other.

What can they say? Do they dare to say that there is a relationship?

"Yes, if it's yours, then it doesn't matter."

Rias slumped her shoulders.

"I'm going to call my elder brother again, so that he doesn't have to rush to the human world in his busy schedule..."

"Oh, this is really an eye-opener. I didn't expect the demon god of the underworld to come to the world so quietly."

Zhu Nai walked to Rias's side.

"It was the Gremory family's fault for failing to hold a grand banquet to welcome you, so please don't worry about it~"

She was Rias's "queen", so it was fair to say that she represented the Gremory family.

Rope sighed again.

"Hey, I just don't like your respectful attitude, so I don't want to report my real name. You see, it's great to talk to me like Miss Zhenluo, and if you don't make an appointment, you will shoot the table and leave. ?”

"Eh? Eh, eh?"

Zhen Luo Chun Ji, who was the image of a big sister, suddenly became messy.

She waved her hands hastily, her gaze lowered like she didn't know where to put it.

"I, I didn't know it was you at the time... I'm so sorry!"

"We know what you think."

Shitori Sona pushed his glasses, the lenses reflected the evening sun.

"I'm sorry to disturb your idea of ​​having fun. But this is the end of the matter, and please understand that we, as demons, have the responsibility to serve you. Now that we have witnessed your coming, Rias and I can't treat you as nothing. see."

"As you like."

"Then, I, Rias Gremory, will prepare a formal audience ceremony for you, please be sure to honor it in two days."

"No problem." Luo Pei nodded and said: "There are indeed some fallen angels flowing into this city, but you two don't have to worry about this matter, Canna and Rias, I will handle it myself."

"We are flattered by your acting on your behalf."

Rias and Sona glanced at each other, and the gorgeous red-haired girl continued.

"We won't disturb your play with this fallen angel lady. After all, this city is a place on earth, and I lack insight into the powerful power displayed by your majesty, so it will inevitably fall into panic. Let's go to appease the people, I wonder if you have other plans?"

"Don't worry, it was just a whim just now, and there will be no next action."

"Thanks you."

As she spoke, Rias gave Zhu Nai a wink, and the latter understood, and followed Rias out of the church.

Sona followed closely behind.

Only Zhenluo Chunji was still in a daze, unable to realize Luo Pei's true identity, and was in chaos.


"Yes Yes!"

Cang Na's call woke Zhen Luo Chun Ji up, and hurriedly ran out holding the long knife and bowing her head.

But when passing by the black-haired youth, Luo Pei grabbed his shoulder.

"Master Demon God!?"

"We can have a more in-depth chat about women's fashion..."

Luo Pei whispered in Zhen Luo Chun Ji's ear.

"Don't be afraid because of my identity, I hope to still see Miss Jinra that night."

Then, he let go of his hand, smiled and waved goodbye to Zhen Luo Chun Ji.

The black, long and straight girl was in a daze, and could only nod mechanically, following the pace of God.

Tranquility was restored in the church.

Luo Pei rubbed his brows and muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Every time I play on the spur of the moment, it will mess up my arrangements. If I hide my identity and get in touch with these girls and deepen my relationship, it will definitely be more interesting when the truth comes out, just like the time of Hei Ge... But in time Carpetuation is also a necessary means to maintain happiness... It's really distressing, making it difficult to make a decision."

However, if you are discovered, you will be discovered, and it is no big deal.

They are all pleasure-seeking behaviors to satisfy one's own desires, nothing more than a difference in the process.

The black-haired young man stretched his waist, looked at Linali who had shrunk to the corner, and smiled more and more wickedly.

He walked to Linali and squatted down, pulling the girl's hair, forcing her to raise her head.

Lina Li's delicate face was already full of tears, and she fell into deeper fear after hearing the conversation between the demons and the young man.

God of demons.

This title represented the dignity that even the "Governor of Fallen Angels" Azazel had to kneel down and salute.

"No, don't kill me..."

"I won't kill you, Miss Linali, the fallen angel."

Rope said.

"But I don't guarantee that this decision will not be reversed."

"I would do anything! I would do anything! Please my lord!"

"Keep this melodious whine."

Luo Pei sat on the chair next to him, crossed his legs, and supported his cheek with his right hand.

"Because I went to comfort Asia at night, our time is actually not too long. I have a game, and then I will magnify your senses thirty times for another kind of torture. If you can hold on ten times Minutes, I will let you out of this church. If not, we will immediately enter the next more excessive game session...until you die from exhaustion, or your mind breaks down completely and becomes a slobbering idiot."

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