The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1449

Linali shook her head frantically, obviously not wanting to try the "game" that Luo Pei said.

But the weak always lack the right to speak, and she can't help her if she doesn't play.

Soon, with Luo Pei's hearty laughter, the "game" that made Lina Li fall into the abyss began.

Chapter 81 The mythical past of the god of the underworld, the eve of the girls' banquet

With such an exaggerated attack detonated next to the city, no matter how you think about it for a while, the people will not calm down immediately.

But fortunately, the magic of Cang Na, Rias and their dependents is more than enough to deal with ordinary people. After the hint magic is opened in a large area, it can be dealt with in general. Coupled with the comprehensive cooperation and guidance of the forces of the human world, the city in a panic can only deal with it. Slowly with the sunset and moonrise, it will return to its former appearance.

This caused several girls to stay busy until three o'clock in the morning.

In the student council office of the private Kuou Academy, Sona, Rias, and their dependents gathered in this luxurious room that was not supposed to be used by students.

"I'm exhausted. I haven't been so tired since I became a demon... It turns out that it's just a simple hint magic. If you use it too much, it will cause overdraft..."

Cang Na's "knight" family, the patrol handle was lying on the table, looking completely burned.

Zhu Nai smiled and served the brewed black tea to the members of the student council.

Normally, Himejima Akeno would show others as a gentle big sister.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Hey, Himejima, what happened? What made it so exaggerated?"

"This..." Akeno Himejima looked at Rias and Sona who were sitting side by side, and said with a smile, "Let the minister and the president explain."

People in the room who didn't know the situation all focused their eyes on Cang Na and Rias.

The red-haired girl coughed lightly and spoke.

"To put it simply, although there was such a big commotion in the evening, it did not cause serious consequences. It was just a whim played by a big man from the underworld."

"Big man?"

Yura Tsubasa blinked and asked innocently.

"I remember Cang Na and Minister Rias themselves are the great nobles of the underworld, right? The one you two can call a big man, could it be the Lord Demon King?"

"It's more troublesome than that."

Cang Na took off his glasses and wiped them carefully with a glasses cloth.

"If it were my older sister or Rias' older brother, I wouldn't have gathered you all together at three o'clock in the morning."

"The big guy who is more troublesome than the Demon King... who the hell is it?"

"The god of demons."

Cang Na uttered the title that people respect and fear in the underworld.

But then the girl found out that apart from Shinra Tsubaki and Himejima Akeno who had met Luo Pei directly in the afternoon, everyone else had a questioning expression on their faces.

But there's nothing surprising about that.

Even among the demons born and bred in the underworld, most of them who don't have enough identity just heard their names, and some even have no qualifications to know the existence of Luo Pei at all, let alone these dependent demons who lived in the human world from birth to transformation.

"Let me explain to you a little bit."

Canna said.

"You have all known the four demon kings in power in the underworld. They are His Majesty Sergex, Ajeka, Gurefia, and my sister Serafulu. But above the four demon kings, there are still The noble deity held high in the sky city. He is the master of all demons, "God of Demons" Lord Rope. "

"Okay, what a powerful title!"

"The more powerful ones are yet to come."

Sona put on his glasses again and said seriously.

"Next is the secret I got from my sister. After you hear it, don't spread it without permission, including Rias."

"I'm not stupid enough to need Cang Na to teach me."

Rias gently brushed her long hair, and said with ease.

Cang Na continued to tell the secrets that many gods kept in the dark.

""God of Demons" Lord Rope is an ancient god who descended from the underworld thousands of years ago. Before that, he already had many famous titles in the world. If you have known the mythology of Zoroastrianism, the "Evil God" Angola Mainyu is the name of Lord Rope. There is also Bo Xun, the "Great Freedom Demon" in oriental legend. The "King of Evil Dragons" recorded in many myths with the same purpose. "


Shinra Chunji frowned.

"If these legends are true, then the deeds behind these names..."

"Mostly it's true."

Sona pushed up his glasses.

"My sister relayed Lord Rope's words. After he came to this world for the first time, the enemies he faced were the God of the Bible and the Indian God of Destruction Shiva, as well as monsters capable of destroying the world at that time. "Emperor Beast 666". Probably the strongest existence in the world is the current Master Luo Pei. "

"Holy, the God of the Bible?"

"Shiva, the God of Destruction, is that Shiva, the God of Destruction among the supreme three-phase gods of India?"

The girls were visibly shocked.

These demons will feel headaches under the influence of the belief system just by mentioning the name of "God of the Bible". The angels and fallen angels created by the God of the Bible are their natural enemies. The power of light is equivalent to poison to demons.

And the Lord Demon God faced the God of the Bible and Shiva alone, and there was also a "Emperor Beast 666" who sounded very powerful...

The girls looked at each other in dismay, unable to imagine how strong it really was to be able to do this.

Rias of the great noble was also frightened.

She had heard her elder brother Serjex talk about the God of Demons, but she didn't expect that there were such horrific news hidden behind it.

"All in all, it is such a powerful god, the ruler of demons, who has come to our city."

"Then what is the demon god planning to do?"

Hua Jietao asked nervously.

Cang shook his head.

"I don't know. In the afternoon, we just greeted Mr. Luo Pei briefly. Judging from the situation, he seemed to be looking for trouble for the fallen angels. But the specific things can only be done when we entertain Mr. Luo Pei through a banquet." Know."

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