The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1453

When Luo Pei was about to walk into the arcade to regain his memories, a cynical male voice appeared in his ears, and his words were mixed with the fact that it was impossible for the world to know his identity in the underworld.

The black-haired young man turned his head. On the side of the alley next to the arcade hall, there was a middle-aged man leaning against the brick wall, looking at him with a smile.

He was wearing a traditional Japanese men's kimono. He was handsome without losing his demeanor, and he had a bit of a movie villain temperament. His hair seemed to have failed in hair dyeing, half blond and half brown.

Luo Pei's eyes stayed on the man for a few seconds, and he immediately judged his true identity hidden under the appearance of an ordinary person.

A man with twelve black wings.

The angels and fallen angels of this world have very obvious appearance characteristics in terms of strength division.

Two wings are "inferior angels", four to six are "intermediate angels", eight are "superior angels", and ten are "superior angels".

As for the twelve-winged angels, there is basically no hope of natural promotion.

Since the God of the Bible created the race of angels, there are only five twelve-winged archangels in total.

The man in front of him is one of them, the fallen archangel, the leader of the fallen angel family with absolute power, "Fallen Angel Governor" Azazel.

"What should I call you? Bo Xun? Angola Mainyu? King of Evil Dragons? God of Demons? Or... what about the extraterrestrial demons?"

Azazel snapped his fingers and counted the names of different regions in the past.

Rope tilted his head.

"Azazel, why did you appear in front of me?"

"Ah, ah, you are indeed the Lord Heavenly Demon who made all the gods cry, and you really can't hide it from your eyes."

Azazel wore a Japanese kimono, but performed a Western etiquette, which seemed a little funny.

"Governor of Fallen Angels, Azazel sends you greetings~"

"Are you here for your subordinates?" Rope asked jokingly. "Your subordinates have suffered a lot from me. As the Governor of Fallen Angels, don't you have the obligation to seek justice for your subordinates?"

"Stop joking..."

The corner of Azazel's mouth twitched, and he shrugged helplessly at the black-haired youth's joke.

"That guy is completely self-inflicted, no matter how you treat her, I won't care. To be honest, I still have to thank you, if the rest of the guys didn't come back in panic, saying that Lina Li was killed by a very powerful The devil caught me, and I didn't even know they would do this kind of private action behind my back."

The Fallen Governor does have a high interest in collecting "artifacts", but he is also tired of war.

In order not to be considered excessive by the angels and demons, Azazel basically never resorted to robbery to obtain other people's artifacts. Instead, he used ingenious inducements or persuasion to get the artifact hosts to give up their ownership of the artifacts.

The actions of Lina Li and other fallen angels were completely against Azazel's wishes, and they were probing on the verge of the vigilance of the angels and demons.

"Besides, because of this incident, I know that one of my subordinates is planning something terrible... It must be one of the reasons why I came to this world."

"Scary thing?"

"Ah, it may not be worth mentioning to you." Azazel waved his hand: "Kabele, the cadre of the ten-winged fallen angel, seems to want to provoke the tribal war again. Before I arrest him Before, he had escaped from hell to the human world."

"Oh? Your news is much more interesting than the comedy on the TV show yesterday."

"That's right..."

"But, Azazel."

Luo Pei slowly approached the middle-aged man.

"You haven't told me why you came to see me. Ignoring my question will lead to disaster."

"Hey Hey hey!"

Azazel immediately took a step back, raised his hands, and said with a sneer.

"My lord, don't be so irritable. I didn't come to make trouble for you, or to cause trouble for you. It's just because my subordinate, the fallen angel, committed a crime in front of your eyes. I, as the governor, have to come to you no matter what. Say hello and apologize, just in case you take your anger out on the already miserable fallen angels."

At any rate, as the protagonist in the Three Clans War, Azazel is well aware of the powerful power of the "Extraterrestrial Demon".

If this kind of existence annoyed the fallen angels because of some pawns' presumptuous claims, Azazel's situation would immediately become very troublesome.

The fallen angels may still have the strength to barely fight against demons and angels, but it is absolutely impossible to face a demon god stronger than the God of the Bible.

"Just that?"

Rope stopped.

"It's so dangerous, you are really as vicious as the rumors, Sir Demon..."

Azazel scratched his face and said with some embarrassment.

"Actually, there is one more small matter. I wonder if you are interested in things like "artifacts"? You are a celestial demon who descended into the world in ancient times, possessing power beyond the gods of the Bible. You should have heard of this "magic weapon" that triggers the possibility of human beings, right? "

"Is there any need for me to be interested in those weak and poor forces?"

"Oh, this is a headache... If you are interested, I also want to share my research materials with you, to see if I can produce a different artificial intelligence from outside the world under the power of the Lord Heavenly Demon from outside the territory. What about artifacts?"

Luo Pei frowned slightly.

Azazel didn't miss this detail.

The old and cunning fallen angel governor immediately saluted and said humbly.

"I would like to ask for your permission. I have been in your city for a few days. One is to investigate the traces of my subordinate Cocabele, and the other is that I have not been in the world for a long time. Before this, the noble and great If you change your mind, I can come to see you again at any time."

He straightened up and slowly retreated into the deserted alley.

"Then I won't bother you, Mr. Luo Pei, please forgive me to leave..."


Luo Pei tapped the back of his left hand with the fingers of his right hand, and kept watching the direction Azazel left.

After a while, he turned around and walked into the arcade hall again.

Although it wasn't a big deal worth paying attention to, what Azazel said just now did give Rope some ideas for making trouble.

The combination of evil gods and artifacts... sounds like it's worth playing?

With such thoughts in mind, Luo Pei kept dominating the arcade until the evening, and then leisurely walked towards the banquet place prepared by Rias and Canna.

Chapter 84 The Melancholy of Jinra Chunji, the Manor Dinner of Demons

The dinner party was held in the small manor where Lias and Junai lived, which was still some distance away from the urban area.

But due to the particularity of the hosts, Cang Na, Rias and all their dependents bid farewell to the school early, and came here to wait for the presence of the demon god.

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