The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1454

Melodious music floated in the hall with chandeliers, and the surrounding area was cleaned spotlessly.

The long table made of pear blossom wood is covered with a white cloth, and it is filled with ingredients that are unheard of in the world. A group of people dressed in radiant dresses sat on both sides of the long table. The silent and oppressive atmosphere was not like a banquet, but rather like a funeral for someone dead at home.

Sitting next to Cang Na, Zhen Luo Chun Ji stared at the wall clock, and whispered in Cang Na's ear when the hour hand officially passed the scheduled time.

"Minister, the scheduled time for the banquet has passed..."

Zhen Luo Chun Ji's voice was like a needle, breaking the stiff atmosphere, and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

The pressure of the storm was too great.

The ruler of all the demons, the ancient evils transmitted by the myths, and these dependent demons, it is impossible not to be worried when they think that they will meet this kind of existence soon. Even Kiba Yuto and Lucar, who were the calmest among them, frowned slightly, showing a different sadness than usual.

Sona opened his eyes and looked at Rias on the opposite side.

The red-haired girl immediately understood Sona's meaning, and proudly brushed her long hair.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. I sent the invitation to Lord Luo Pei through the most formal meeting, and the Lord also smiled and agreed to the appointment."

"God of Rope, is there something to delay..."

Cang Na pondered.

Nimura Ryuko, who was at the last seat, raised his hand timidly, and asked in a low voice with a sneer.

"That... President, I think it might be that Lord Demon God doesn't plan to come."


Jito Sona categorically denied it.

"My sister told me that Mr. Luo Pei's character is indeed moody sometimes, but no matter what time, he has a persistence like obsession-what he promised and promised will definitely become reality. !"

"Are we just waiting for that god who doesn't know when he will come?"

Yura Tsubasa sighed and lay down on the seat.

"...Next week is the school festival, and the work of the student union, classes, and clubs is piled up. After leaving early today, I can imagine how tired I will be tomorrow."

"That is to say, before we left school, we began to experience the miserable overtime life of social animals..."

"Hehehe, everyone is very frustrated."

Himejima Akeno covered her mouth and smiled.

She wore a dark blue backless dress, which showed her maturity beyond her age.

"But this kind of thing can be said now, you can't pass the complaints into the ears of Lord Lopez, okay? Something terrible will happen~"

"Yes, Himejima-senpai."

"Again, is Lord Demon God really as terrifying as the rumors? I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but from the president and vice president's description, he should be a handsome young man, right?" the white-haired "Bishop," Hua Jietao asked suspiciously.

"Tao, being handsome doesn't mean being kind? Have you watched too many late-night TV dramas?"

Said Yura Tsubasa, then looked at the red-haired girl.

"Does Minister Rias know any other news?"

"Me? I don't know much about Mr. Luo Pei." Lias nodded her chin: "But at the family banquet, I still heard my elder brother mentioning that it was the old devil government with millions of people. Master Pei's anger instantly destroyed."

"Millions!? Isn't that a mountain of corpses?" Kusashita Reiya exclaimed.

"No, it seems that there is no corpse left."

"very scary……"

"Well, Lord Luo Pei is still very gentle most of the time. Isn't it the best proof that there have been no storms in the underworld for hundreds of years?"

"……makes sense."

The servants began to chat quietly, and when the atmosphere became lively, Rias closed her eyes again.

A moment later, a red bat flapped its wings and flew in through the slightly open window, and landed on the red-haired girl's hand.

It was Rias' familiar.

The girl listened for a while, then muttered strangely.

"...I didn't find any. I have placed familiars on all the roads from here to the city, but none of them found Lord Rope."

"Is it possible that Mr. Luo Pei really doesn't plan to come?"

Cang Na frowned, and began to doubt the news he heard from his sister.

Rias stood up and clapped her hands with a smile, bringing everyone's attention to herself.

"Since Master Luo Pei won't come over for the time being, let's not just sit still. Many of you haven't had dinner yet, right? You can eat a little bit now."

"Oh! Thank you Minister Gremory!"

"I haven't eaten in the morning... I'm starving to death."

"Demons don't starve to death that easily, do they?"

"Hey, how should I put it, let's get used to it..."

The girls seemed to be recovering from a long illness, and immediately added those exquisite foods from the underworld to their plates.

The men's endurance was even stronger. Kiba Yuto and Lugal were still sitting in their original positions, without moving, and there was no change in expression on their faces.


"It's all right." The red-haired girl blinked her eyes: "Lord Luo Pei is not such a stingy existence, and besides, he doesn't seem to plan to come."


Cang rested his forehead with a headache, and swallowed back the persuasion that came to his lips.

The biggest difference between dependent demons and pure-blooded demons is that they have "predecessors".

According to the characteristics of the demon chess piece, the transformation will leave behind the characteristics of the predecessor race. Girls who were originally human will not stop eating or drinking just because they become demons.

—Let them go.

Cang Na pushed her eyes, and found that her "Queen" Shinra Tsubaki was absent-minded again.

This girl often enters such a trance state since she knew that the youth was the god of demons.

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