The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1460

Luo Pei leaned against the railing beside the road, smiling like a warm summer breeze.

"If I said, I want to turn Chun Ji into my personal toy, hold it firmly in my hands, and pet and feed you like a pet every day, are you satisfied with this answer?"

"How, how can you be satisfied!"

Shinra Tsubaki screamed shyly.

Immediately, she wanted to turn around and run away, but thinking of the identity and strength of the black-haired youth, she retracted the foot she had just stepped forward.

"You are the god of demons... There are many beauties in the underworld waiting for your favor... I am just a subordinate"

"Don't underestimate yourself, I'm very picky, Chun Ji."

Rope shook his head.

"Just kidding."

He beckoned to Zhen Luo Chun Ji.

The girl hesitated for a while, then walked up to her as if accepting her fate, carefully tugged at the hem of the dress, and leaned against the railing of the road like Luo Pei.

"Your worry, your uneasiness are all just the result of preconceived ideas."

Rope said.

"After you recognized me as the god of demons, the sense of despair of "involuntary control" made you lose your position, and turned any good feelings from me into malicious intentions imposed on you, so there is such a thing. question. If it wasn't for me being the God of Demons, it would be your own feelings to be angry or treat me differently when you met me after that day, and you just eliminated this choice due to objective factors. "

"I can figure this out, but..."

"but what?"


Shinra Chunji didn't answer.

Because she knew that if she spoke her heart, she might offend the God of Demons.

The shadow left by the Shinra family in her childhood made her have a strong sense of fear of being "controlled" and "confinement".

Zhen Luo Chun Ji is desperate for freedom in her heart, and she doesn't want to send herself into a more beautifully decorated cage again.

Staring at the silent girl, the black-haired youth blinked.

Patience is rapidly waning.

He is so annoyed by this way of speaking that he pauses for a while, is there anything he can't say directly?

Luo Pei didn't speak anymore, he hugged the girl in Jin Luo Chunji's scream, and then put her whole body down on the road with quick and light movements.

The long black hair is spread out like a fan leaf, and the terrified expression of Shinra Tsubaki is like a princess in the Heian period who was suddenly and violently attacked by robbers, not an exorcist princess who can cut the devil in two in the blink of an eye.

Rope held out his palm.

...Did you make the demon god angry? be lost here, on this suburban highway?

These two thoughts flashed through the girl's mind, and she closed her eyes in fright.

But with the loosening of the eyes, the situation that Shinra Tsubaki imagined did not happen.

Opening her eyes, Luo Pei was squatting beside her, holding her glasses in her hand.

"I remember that with the physique of a demon, even the lowest-level demons will not suffer from symptoms such as vision loss and tinnitus, let alone a reincarnated demon like you."

Luo Pei put Zhen Luo Chun Ji's glasses on his face.

Sure enough, it's just a flat mirror for decoration.

"President Cang, Cangna said that wearing glasses by the vice president and president will make people feel intellectual and capable, so I brought them..." Shinra Chunji stammered.

"Actually, Chun Ji, you look better without glasses."

Luo Pei was telling the truth, without glasses as a foil, the girl's cheeks full of ancient charm raised her temperament several notches.

The dark-haired youth put his glasses in his pocket.

In Zhen Luo Chun Ji's line of sight, behind Luo Pei was the starry night sky, and his smile gradually became malicious.

"I don't want to argue with Chun Ji anymore, it won't help you at all now."

The black-haired youth said.

"So let's throw away all the discussions just now, and let me give you Chun Ji a fact that no one can change?"

"What fact..."

"No matter how hard you struggle, you can't escape."

The black-haired young man whispered in Jinra Chunji's ear.

"Tear off the disguise of love and romance, and from the moment I set my sights on you, you will surely fall into my hands. This is the case with Canna's sister Seraphru, and the Greek goddess of the night, Nix. The same is true for the infinite dragon god Orpheus. Tsubaki, all your efforts and awkwardness will not change this reality."

"How, how can this be!"

Zhen Luo Chun Ji struggled, she wanted to push Luo Pei away.

But the palms of the black-haired young man grabbed her wrist like iron pliers, and pressed her firmly on the road surface, even if she struggled, it would be of no avail.

"You are the ruler of the underworld, how can you..."

"Of course I can."

The shadow behind Rope danced and rose like a monster, and finally turned into a dark, dark sky.

Although there are few people here, in order not to be disturbed for his enjoyment, Luo Pei still used the secret technique of splitting space to envelop Zhen Luo Chunji and himself together.

"That way, you won't have any unnecessary worries."


With the bright moon hanging high, Zhen Luo Chun Ji ushered in her first transformation after spending more than ten years of her life.

Under the influence of Luo Pei's secret technique, Shitori Sona didn't even notice when she walked past the two of them. She was just surprised that Zhen Luo Chun Ji disappeared, but because Zhen Luo Chun Ji was with the demon god, it was not easy to disturb , so she went back to her residence first.

This is also the first time Rope has had fun in the wild.


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