The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1461

At the same time, in the floating city owned by the demon god of the underworld.

Luxurious buildings make up complex labyrinth-shaped palaces, together with terrifying monsters that often wander in the city, this is undoubtedly the most dangerous place in the underworld.

However, this is only for those who have not been allowed by the Demon God.

Hei Ge, who holds the title of Demon God's Favorite Concubine, strode in this dangerous city, walking in her back garden with a relaxed expression.

After the turmoil of that night a long time ago, Heige and Baiyin, the cat-drilling sisters, got a new life.

They enjoyed the favor of the demon god, and completely got rid of the miserable life they couldn't help themselves before.

"Xiao Baiyin, hurry up and open the door meow~"

Hei Ge knocked on the door of his sister's room.

After a while, a cat-eared loli with short white hair opened the door and looked up at Heige.

Compared to when Luo Pei was young when he first met Baiyin, after these years, although not very obvious, he has more or less grown up.

"elder sister……"

"Ready meow?"


"very good!"

Heige hugged Baiyin, and said in an energetic tone.

"My sister is also ready! As long as Master Gurefia is not paying attention, we can sneak out of the underworld to play with Lord Rope~"

"But is this really okay?" Baiyin said worriedly: "Master Gurefiya took care of us so much, we just left without saying a word..."

"It's okay, it's okay, because we are going to find Lord Rope? Master Gurefia will be angry because of such a trivial matter. As long as my sister makes Lord Rope happy, Master Gurefia will not say anything at all." ~"

"Why does my sister suddenly want to go to the human world to find Lord Luo Pei?"

"It's hard for cats to settle down, it's a nature that runs in our blood."

Hei Ge stretched her waist, showing her outstanding body curves.

"Okay, let's go quickly, if you are caught by Gurefia-sama, you will be put in confinement~"


Taking advantage of the darkness of the underworld, the black and white cat-drill girl sneaked out of the demon god's floating city and set off for the human world.

Chapter 88: Rias Offers Delivery

"Good morning, President."

"Good morning, President Cang Na."

"Good morning, President Cangna, today is so beautiful~"

Hearing the greetings from the female high school students in turn, Sona had long been used to it, and smiled gracefully one by one.

It's not that there are no boys who go to say hello to Cang Na, but with the male to female ratio of three to seven at the private Kuo Academy, most of the girls in sight are cute girls.

"Good morning, President..."

With a weak voice, Cangna turned her head and found her two family members who came with her.

Yuliang Yisha and Huajie Tao.

The girl with short aqua blue hair kept yawning, as if she didn't get enough sleep. In contrast, the white-haired girl is much more normal and full of energy.

"Yisha, did you stay up late last night?"

"There is no other way, president." Yura Tsubasa said helplessly: "Not only did I see the Lord of Demons, but the banquet was so late, and the feet hurt from wearing high heels all night. Then I couldn't sleep... Tao, what's today's lesson?"

"There is gym class in the morning."

Hua Jietao, who is also a sophomore and in the same class, said.

Yuliang Yisha was overjoyed upon hearing this.

"Great! I'm going to sleep in the student union office for physical education class!"


Cang Na frowned, and then relaxed it again.

After going through something like that yesterday, it's only natural for the family members to feel tired.

"I'll see you in the student union office later, president."


Sona called to stop the two girls who entered the school gate.

"Have you ever seen Chun Ji?"

"Sister Zhenluo? Doesn't she live with the president?"

"...No, Chunji didn't come back after she went to send Lord Luo Pei off yesterday, and when she knocked on the door of her room in the morning, there was no one there."

Yuliang Yisha and Hua Jietao glanced at each other, their expressions became tense.

"President, could it be that sister Zhenluo said something wrong in front of Lord Luo Pei? Sister Zhenluo's character is a bit tricky, if she annoys the demon god..."

"Master Luo Pei is not such a stingy existence."

Cang Na shook his head and said.

"Okay, since you haven't seen Chun Ji, go to the classroom quickly, I will take care of this matter."

After the two girls left, Cang Na had been standing at the school gate, but his purpose was not to check the appearance of the students.

She is always paying attention to the end of the road, waiting for Zhen Luo Chun Ji to appear in her sight.

But Zhen Luo Chun Ji did not come to school until the class bell rang.

And then the same for the whole day.

Sona, who realized that something was wrong, went to the Mystery Research Department of Kuou Academy immediately after all the classes were over and had no time to deal with the trivial matters of the student union.

"Ah, isn't this President Cang Na?"

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