The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1462

"Himejima, is Rias in the club?"

"Yes, but..." Akeno Himejima pointed his chin with his index finger in some embarrassment: "It seems that Gremory's family has something to inform the minister, and the minister is in a very bad mood now, and he may still be with him. Her mother is on the phone..."

"Just be here!"

"Eh? President Cang?"

Ignoring Zhu Nai any more, Cang Na strode towards the Occult Research Department.

Although Canna didn't believe that Luo Pei would do anything to hurt Zhen Luo Chunji's life, that girl was her most important "queen" after all, and it was not Cangna's style to wait like this.

If possible, Sona plans to bring Rias together and visit Lopez again after school.

Outside the door of the Mystic Research Department, Cang Na gently opened the door.

As Akeno Himejima said, Rias Gremory was talking on the phone dedicated to the underworld, and her tone was full of helplessness and anger.

"Mother, how many times have I told you that I am not interested right now... Yes, I know that the other party is the Phoenix family, one of the seventy-two pillars, but if you are not interested, you are not interested. No matter what you say, you are not interested." !"

Saying that, Rias decisively hung up the phone.

The red-haired girl sighed heavily, and sat on the luxurious chair that obviously had nothing to do with school.

"I just talked about the topic of marriage last night, but I'm rushing you here today... Your mother is really..."

After calming down, Rias found Sona who was standing blankly at the door.

The red-haired girl was not shy about being overheard in her conversation, and invited Sona with a generous smile.

"Cangna? Now that you're here, come in. What are you doing standing there?"

"Just now that was..."

Cang Na walked in and sat down on the sofa.

Mentioning the phone call just now, Rias' expression darkened and she sighed again.

"It's my mother. Cang, do you still remember what I said about marriage last night? It's like a good time. I just said it last night, and today my mother was called again , wanted me to meet the Phoenix family who had been evasive before..."

"The Phoenix family, the Phoenix family?"

"It's that family." Lias propped her cheeks, her expression extremely boring: "That's what I said, people who were born in this kind of family can't help themselves. If it weren't for my elder brother, I would definitely follow my mother, and I would have gone I went to complain to my elder brother."

"Rias is working hard... No!"

Canna suddenly reacted.

She didn't come to find Lias to talk about the parents.

She stood up under Rias' strange gaze, and said anxiously.

"Rias! Help me! Zhen Luo Chunji hasn't come back since she went to see off Lord Luo Pei last night. I'm worried that something might happen, and I want to visit Lord Luo Pei's bedroom with you."

"Zhen Luo Chun Ji? Is that your "Queen"? "


The red-haired girl thought for a moment, then laughed, a meaningful smile.

"When are you still laughing?" Cang Na said eagerly: "If Chun Ji really does something irrational, it will make Lord Demon God unhappy..."

Unlike most demons in the underworld, Cang Na did not regard Shinra Chunji as her servant.

She treated that girl more like a close friend in a boudoir.

That's why she was so worried when Zhen Luo Chun Ji had an accident.

"Well, please calm down first, Cang Na."

Rias waved her hand lazily.

"Your older sister is obviously that Leviathan, and you have also met Lord Rope several times with Leviathan, but in the end, you can't see through the demon god better than me. You also saw the gentle smile on Lord Rope at the banquet." Right? What are you doing with these useless thoughts?"

"But Chunji is so abnormal..."

"I can assure you that Ms. Zhen Luo definitely did not encounter any accidents. No, maybe she is in the greatest luck of her life."

The red-haired girl smiled ambiguously.

"After all, not everyone has the opportunity to be favored by Lord Luo Pei..."


Cang Na blushed.

Don't look at her intellectual and calm appearance, when it comes to this matter, the girl is unexpectedly innocent.

"Bi, love!? Yes, is that love?"

"Otherwise which one?"

Rias said very naturally.

"Miss Luo Pei has a certain degree of affection for Miss Zhenluo. With her dislike of troublesome character, she will definitely cut through the mess quickly and neatly. Miss Zhenluo is really lucky to be able to serve Lord Demon God personally, which is the desire of countless women all over the world. rather than luck."

"Will Chunji be willing to do this..."

"What does it matter if she wants to?"

Rias said quite exaggerated words.

"Some things cannot be controlled by subjective wishes, just like my family always puts pressure on me to marry the Phoenix family..."

Rias' words suddenly stopped.

Her eyes began to shine, and she stood up from her chair.


The red-haired girl's tone suddenly became high-spirited.

"I think what you said is correct. Even if Mrs. Luo Pei will not hurt Miss Jinra, we, as her friends and her bosses, should go to Mrs. Luo Pei to see her situation!"

"That's what I thought..."

Sona stared suspiciously at Rias who was suddenly elated.

"Are you planning something again?"

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