The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1463

"Hmph~ I thought of a way to shut up my mother and everyone in the Gremory family."

Rias said confidently.

"It's fate that can make me firm in my heart. Indirectly speaking, my mother made a choice for me..."

Probably the destructive magic power of the Baal family was at work, and Rias had rebellious thoughts in her bones.

—You asked me to do this, but I didn't do it.

Tell her to marry the young master of the Phoenix family. Before that, if Rias becomes the woman of the God of Demons, let alone her father and mother, even including her elder brother and all the demons in the underworld, He didn't even dare to stand in front of Rias and say "no" to her.

This is freedom, this is carefree.

The combination of power and strength does not produce the authority that one plus one equals two.

Sona thought of what Rias said last night, and widened his eyes.

"Rias, don't you..."


The pretty red-haired girl blinked.

"It's enough for Cang Na to know in his heart, ladies need some little secrets~"

She took the initiative to drag Cang Na to go outside.

"Okay, let's not waste time, hurry up and see how our lucky Miss Jinra is doing."

Chapter 89: The chairman and the female high school student are also a perfect match

Shinra Chunji doesn't feel well.

She never drank alcoholic beverages, and if she couldn't get rid of them, she only tasted them.

But at this moment, the girl had a hangover headache.

On the top floor of the building in the center of the city, Shinra Tsubaki got up from the exaggeratedly large bed and collected the dresses scattered on the carpet bit by bit. When she found the pantyhose she was wearing yesterday, Zhen Luo Chunji realized that the socks had been torn and tattered, and she couldn't wear them anymore.

Then she glanced and saw the brand new clothes that had already been placed on the bed.


After hesitating for a while, Zhen Luo Chun Ji changed into the lady's suit that was more everyday than a dress.

The girl pushed open the door of the bedroom, and a cool breeze came from the pavement.

Even though no windows are opened in the room, there is a natural cool breeze different from the air conditioner, which creates a considerable contrast with the hot summer outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Miss, what do you need?"

Zhen Luo Chun Ji was startled by the sudden sound in her ear.

Turning around, a maid in a brown robe seemed to come out of the shadows, standing there quietly.

On her face was a brass mask etched with strange and intricate patterns.

It is rare that Jin Luo Chun Ji actually knows what the pattern represents.

As the demon of the Sidi family, it is necessary for her to study the forces in the world. One of the lessons is about Midian's holy state religion, the Order of the Black Goat.

Is there any connection between the state religion of Midian and the demon god...

Zhen Luo Chun Ji thought so in her heart, and nodded to the maid.

"I want to see Lord Rope."

"I'm sorry, miss." The maid bowed: "The great enlightener is accompanying Miss Asia in the prayer room, please wait a moment. If you feel hungry, please come with me, we have prepared a sumptuous meal for you food."

"The enlightener..."

The girl frowned.

She remembered that this title was a parallel existence with the Supreme God "Mother of the Black Goat" in the Midian Church.

Is the god of demons one of the gods that Midian believes in? No wonder the country of Midian developed so prosperously.

"Then please lead the way."

Zhen Luo Chun Ji said politely.

Walking into a room that was more like a reception hall than a restaurant, the girl sat down at a long table at random, and soon a number of maids came up with a dining cart to serve her delicious food.

After the meal, a handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes walked in.

Sitting next to Zhen Luo Chun Ji, Luo Pei asked with a smile.

"How do you feel?"

The girl once imagined what she would do when she saw the demon god who took her away for the first time again.

Angry, not reconciled, expressing that he will not give in, but obey the rules of the devil and obey the devil god.

But when the black-haired youth actually appeared, Zhen Luo Chun Ji didn't know what to say.

After a while, she said in a rough voice.

"It still hurts, and my head is dizzy..."

The girl honestly reported her situation to Luo Pei.

Luo Pei nodded, and reached out to caress the top of Jin Luo Chunji's head.

After what happened last night, the girl no longer rejects this kind of contact, or she has given up useless resistance.

Immediately, Zhen Luo Chun Ji suddenly felt a light-like warm power pouring down from the top of her head, which dispelled all her negative states and shocked her spirit.

"That way there's no problem."


Shinra Chunji said in a low voice.

Luo Pei beckoned and asked the maid to put away the finished plate, then put his hands on the table and asked with a smile.

"What is Tsubaki's plan in the future? Continue to be a member of Cang Na's subordinates, and then enjoy her college life in the human world while serving the Sidi family?"

"...can't you?"

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