The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1467

"Kabile is just an idiot after all. How can his importance compare with yours? I won't leave without waiting for your real answer."

Azazel has survived from the age of the God of the Bible to the present, so he has seen a lot.

The gods of various gods, dragons, evil dragons, demons, angels, and artifact holders, he has seen almost all the power systems in this world.

But he didn't really come into contact with the frightening extraterrestrial demon.

Azazel, who is obsessed with studying artifacts, is eager to see the chemical reaction between forces outside the world and artifacts. For this reason, not to mention a Cocabyle, even if all the fallen angel cadres are rebellious, he will give priority to this matter. Behind the god of demons.

Since those who sell melons are not in a hurry, those who eat melons are even less in a hurry.

Luo Pei didn't bother to continue talking about this matter with Azazel, so he asked directly.

"I accept your proposal to provide you with strength support while obtaining your "Artificial Artifact Technology". Where do we start now? Azazel. "

"Of course I'm happy that you have this idea, but I still have to wait until I'm ready."

Azazel said.

"Although the fallen angels also have strongholds and places to study artifacts in the human world, those moving lines obviously cannot satisfy your great power. I will return to hell to arrange, and then send people to welcome you to hell."

"That's not necessary."

The dark-haired youth raised his hand.

"I don't want to waste time running back and forth."

He snapped his fingers crisply, and before Azazel could react, a strong sense of weightlessness enveloped him.

Both time and space are subject to the domination of the Demon God.

The chaotic space was turbulent, and when Azazel regained his footing as if waking up from a dream, the environment around them had already changed.

The crimson rock walls and the criss-crossed rock bridges make up the whole of this world. Under the bridge is steaming and tumbling magma. Ordinary humans will be dried out of blood just by standing here.

In the distance is a building that Azazel is all too familiar with.

A high-tech building that is incompatible with the environment, and the headquarters of the fallen angel "God Son Watcher".

"Is this... cross-world teleportation?"

Azazel was astonished.

You must know that it is recognized that the underworld, which is the most closely connected with the human world, requires special trains to reach the demons, or it is through natural space passages. Only powerful demons and magicians can construct cumbersome rituals to realize the transmission from the world to the underworld.

Hell is not the underworld, it is very solid as a place of punishment for the souls of sinners.

However, the demon god who has never been to hell can determine the location of hell with just a snap of his fingers, and realize trans-world teleportation.

"Is this surprising? Teleportation across worlds? You don't think hell and the human world belong to one "world"? "

Rope said flatly.

He put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and walked forward.

Azazel smiled wryly.

Like other gods and demons, he also watched that epic war. But when he was really on the scene, he was able to get a glimpse of the unparalleled power of the extraterrestrial demons.

This made him look forward to what kind of artificial artifacts he could create together with the Demon God.

After entering the building of the Son of God Watcher, the fallen angels who worked and guarded did not know who Rope was, but they were definitely not ordinary people who could follow their governor Azazel back, so they quietly continued their work.

Lopez and Azazel went straight to the top floor of the Son of God Monitor.

There, Amaros, one of the ten-winged fallen angel cadres of the Son of God Monitor, was looking at the messy data floating in the void magic circle.

"Master Azazel?"

"Yo, Amaros, I'm back."

"Didn't you go after the defected Kokabil? How did you come back so soon?"

"I will explain the details later. Amaros, let me introduce you. This is the demon god of the underworld, that is, the famous extraterrestrial demon in ancient times."

Amaros stared at the black-haired young man with wide eyes. He didn't expect that the governor would bring back the devil's chief boss after going out without saying a word.

His voice faltered.

"You, what are you planning to do? We are still in a state of disharmony with angels and demons..."

"Don't worry about it, Amaros, Lord Rope and I will take over the artificial artifact research program of the Son of God Monitor, and use the power of the extraterrestrial demons from outside the world to create artifacts. You only need to be responsible for assisting the two of us. "

"This... I understand."

Luo Pei ignored the conversation between the two fallen angels, and walked to the sci-fi-like equipment similar to the training warehouse.

Pure and stable magic power flows inside, and a crimson gauntlet floats in midair.

"That's one of the experiments we tried to artificially create gods hundreds of years ago." Azazel walked over and said, "Because it's very commemorative, I put it in the most prominent position on this floor."

""Sekiryuutei's cage hand"? "

Azazel was taken aback, apparently he didn't expect such a name to come out of Luo Pei's mouth.

"The god of the Bible used one of the Nitenryu "Sekiryuutei" Ddraig to make the god destroyer..."

The fallen angel governor shook his head.

"Unfortunately, your guess is not correct. This is not the famous god destroyer. I have no ability to make its imitation. It is just an ordinary "dragon hand" with the ability to temporarily double the power of the host. ability. "

Indeed, if you look closely, although the two are very similar, the gauntlet in front of you does not have the most important jewel of "Sekiryuutei's Caged Hand".

Luo Pei nodded, reached out and smashed the container in front of him, and took out the artificial "dragon hand".

"What are you going to do?"

Azazel didn't feel sorry for this artificial artifact, after all, it was just a commemorative thing.

He was more curious about what the demon god was planning to do with this thing.

"I plan to test how well my power fits with the so-called "artifact" in this world. "

Rope said.

"I will use my method to transform this artifact, and then I can use it as a sample to give you more ideas about the fusion of my power and the artifact."


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