The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1468

Before Luo Pei made various utensils and forbidden codes, it was not so much about making items as about delicate enchanting.

Add to it the power of his evil god, full of filth and decay.

...Then, let's do a little bit more.

Staring at the crimson gauntlet in his hand, the black-haired youth's strength began to surge.


"what happens!?"

"Report! There is a sudden instability in the space of hell!"

"Hell is falling at a rapid speed! At this speed, it is estimated that I will completely leave the human world in three hours!"

Azazel and Amaros leaned on the railing and looked at the young man with the phantom of the dark blue faceless demon emerging from behind, the pride of being the highest fallen angel in their hearts was collapsing.

What kind of force is this?

Just a one-sided reveal is enough to shake hell.

Is this the kind of opponent that the God of the Bible, Emperor Beast 666, and God of Destruction Shiva faced back then? Are you kidding me, such power...

The fallen angels in the research institute became more and more noisy, and Azazel stopped their noisy appearance so that the demon god could focus on infusing the "Dragon Hand" with power.

Click, click, click.

The stress that made people vomit suddenly disappeared.

In Luo Pei's hands, the originally crimson dragon hand turned purple-black, and the whole body showed a fragmented feeling, exuding an ominous and filthy atmosphere.

"Is this the limit?"

Before he exerted any strength, the artificial artifact itself couldn't support it.

This kind of rough modification makes the artifact that can be used infinitely fragile.

Through the system, the black-haired youth saw the result of this transformation.

'Name; "Crazy Bloodthirsty Hand (CrazyBloodthirstyHand)"

Grade: S

An artifact made by the legendary great mystic, demigod Rope. It may be too reluctant to call it an artifact. The fragile body was shattered and crumbling under the power of the demigod, but it undoubtedly possessed profound and ominous power.

Ability: Can only be used after fusing with the host. Within a radius of 500 meters, it can plunder the minds of others, double it into pure polluting evil energy, absorb it every ten seconds, and release the charged dark matter energy for at least thirty seconds. But the artifact made by the evil god is crazy. The bloodthirsty hand will devour the host's flesh and bones while absorbing the opponent's mind until there are no bones left. '

Chapter 92 Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf, Prelude to the Foul King's Artifact

The building of the Son of God Watcher returned to calm, Azazel leaned over, stroked his chin and looked at the purple-black gauntlet.

he asked tentatively.

"Master Demon God, can I take a look?"

"Of course, this was originally a sample made for you."


Luo Pei threw the "Crazy Bloodthirsty Hand" over casually, and Azazel reached out to catch it.

The moment his palm touched the purple-black gauntlet, a strong uneasiness swept Azazel's body. He was like sleeping with a bloodthirsty beast in the coldest cave on the arctic ice sheet, and if he made a slight move, he would be killed.


There was a gap in the back of the purple-black gauntlet, and the animal pupils with red whites and golden pupils stared at Azazel closely, as if examining whether the fallen angel governor in front of him was qualified to be its host.

After all, Azazel is the fallen angel governor who has survived since ancient times, and he looked straight into that eye without avoiding it.

After a while, the eyes of the gauntlet closed, and the dangerous atmosphere returned to calm again.

"...This is really a dangerous artifact."

Azazel sighed.

"Master Demon God, are you sure that this is just something you did casually? Judging from the effect, the power of this artifact is completely comparable to the "God Extinguisher". "

God Extinguisher is the highest-level artifact, and unlike ordinary artifacts that only have one ability, God Exterminator usually has two or more abilities.

Moreover, the power contained in them is enough to allow human beings with god-killing tools to destroy gods and demon kings.

As far as Azazel knows, there are currently thirteen Gods that can be confirmed, and after today, I'm afraid this list will add another one.

"Just look at its fragmented appearance. This is a typical failure."

Rope shrugged.

"And Azazel, you are wrong. The current power of this gauntlet is not comparable to that of ordinary "God Extinguisher". If someone can fully control it, before the body of the host of this gauntlet collapses, he will have the power of a demon king or a transcendent. "

"The devil or the transcendent?"

Azazel muttered to himself.

"You have really created something amazing. If this artificial artifact is thrown out, I am afraid that various forces will fight for it... By the way, what is the collapse of the host body you mentioned? This Will the artifact harm the host?"

"Once every ten seconds, it will eat the flesh and bones of the host as food. My advice to you is that it is best not to use it."


It's so dangerous, Azazel almost put the gauntlet on his hand, ready to try it out.

If Luo Pei said this a little later, Azazel would have a taste of being eaten by a human being.

He put the "Crazy Bloodthirsty Hand" in a special glass box, handed it to Amaros, and said to Rope.

"Master Demon God, next, the Son of God Monitor will be fully activated, and it will take at least five hours to figure out the compatibility between your power and the artifact, and how to make it perfectly according to the operation method of the artifact. Please forgive me, this will An artifact that seriously injures its host, more vicious than any I've ever seen."

"Then please, Azazel."

Rope nodded slightly.

"I am looking forward to the result. If it can satisfy me, I will not be stingy with rewards."

The black-haired young man pointed to the harsh environment outside the window of the Son of God watcher.

"I can transform this place, including the sphere of influence of your fallen angels, into a paradise-like place. In this way, the enthusiasm of your race to live here will increase, right?"

" are able to alter reality worldwide?"

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