The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1479

"This will prove that my words are not false?"

"That, that is..."

"Angel feathers!?"

What Luo Pei held in his hand was an angel feather emitting a faint light.

When he was playing with Gabriel a few days ago, he pulled it out a little bit violently, and then stored it in his storage space, but he didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

Xenovia took the feather carefully, and exchanged glances with Irina.

You can't go wrong! This kind of power exuding warm light must be the falling feather of an angel!

The young man in front of him is an existence with the favor of an angel!

"Among human beings, beings favored by angels are generally..."


In the eyes of the two church girls, Luo Pei's image grew infinitely taller.

Chapter 98 The Mask of the Demon God, the First Love of the Holy Sword Maker

It is rumored that for a person with supreme virtue and determination, a pure angel will descend from the heavens and bestow on him unique protection.

The church's Xenovia and Wisteria Irina firmly believe in this legend.

"There is no mistake, it is definitely an angel's feather, and the rank of an angel who bestows protection is at least above the eight wings!"

Xenovia said in surprise.

The two girls quickly stood up, respectfully returned the angel feather to Luo Pei, and then saluted.

"I'm very sorry, so you are also from this side, we apologize for the rudeness just now!"

"Yes, I'm sorry! Mr. Sage!"

For a virtuous person with the blessing of an angel, Xenovia would suspect that he was thinking of something wrong, which made the girl feel sincerely ashamed.

"Stop calling me a 'saint', I don't care about church stuff. "

The black-haired young man smiled softly, and reached out to take Gabriel's feather back.

"Since the two of you are at ease, why don't I arrange a place for the two of you to stay? By the way, we may have a chat."

"Thank you very much!"

Xenovia and Irina looked at the black-haired youth gratefully.

The moment Luo Pei turned around, the corners of his mouth curled up maliciously and playfully.

He slowly began to understand the minds of those who like role-playing.

Just like when Luo Pei and Hei Ge were having fun that time, if you do this kind of thing too much, you will really become addicted, and it is the kind of addiction that you can't quit.

The two girls who were deceived by Gabriel's feathers followed behind the world's most vicious demon god, smiling as if they had been saved.

Soon, Luo Pei opened a room for the two girls in a hotel near the park.

"I have arranged for you two months of accommodation." Luo Pei said: "You two came to this country without hesitation, and this city must have a mission on your shoulders, although it seems that I can't pay attention to your mission. Help, then do what you can for the girls in the church."

"We really don't know how to thank you for your help to the two of us..."

Xenovia bowed again.

But wisteria Irina with long chestnut hair threw herself on the bed and rolled around.

"Great! You can take a shower! A room where you can sleep on a soft bed!"

"Irina! Thank you quickly!"

Xenovia couldn't help shouting.

Not only that, but in Irina's imageless tumbling, even her beautiful legs in white stockings and pure white cotton underwear under her robe were revealed.

"Hey hey, I was too happy to forget for a while."

Irina stood up, scratching her head in embarrassment.

"In short, thanks to your kindness, this..."

Girl stuck.

She suddenly realized that they didn't even know the name of the black-haired young man after following them all the way.


Rope said with a smile.

"Well, there are many things that are troublesome to talk about, but aside from those, I am temporarily serving as the chairman of a certain school in this city."

"Chairman?...As expected of a person who is favored by an angel."

"You are so young that you can be qualified for an important position in society, but the qualified people from our two churches are living on the streets... Woo!"

I don't know if it was because Xenovia and Irina had seen angel feathers, but they believed in Rope unexpectedly, as if they thought he had nothing to do with lies.

"Eligible person?"

Rope questioned just right.

Xenovia and Irina looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Then Xenovia picked up the cloth wrap she was carrying with her.

"Mr. Luo Pei, since you are a person favored by angels, you have also had contact with angels, I wonder if you have heard about the church's "King's Sword"? "

"The broken prototype, and the "King's Sword" divided into seven? "

"You have heard of it."

Xenovia tore off the cloth wrapping the holy sword.

It was a long sword made of fine steel, exuding the power of light to destroy and destroy demons.

"After the king's sword was broken, later generations used alchemy to cast its fragments into seven holy swords. And the two of us are qualified for two of the holy swords."

Xenovia introduced.

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