The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1480

"I hold the "Holy Sword of Destruction", and Irina holds the "Holy Sword of Mimicry". "

"Why did the holy sword user of the church rush to this extreme east? This topic will be postponed for a while."

Rope sat on a chair, resting his cheek with his right hand.

"Is it really not troublesome for the two of you to walk in the modern city with this steel weapon?"

As soon as this question came out, Xenovia's confident smile collapsed visibly to the naked eye.

The girl with short hair dyed in water blue highlights sighed helplessly.

"...How could it not be troublesome." Xenovia complained: "After getting off the special plane of the church, we almost walked all the way from Tokyo because we couldn't take the bus or subway. If it wasn't thanks to Irina who managed it, we would have been thrown into the country's police station in disgrace..."

"It was really miserable."

Wisteria Irina muttered with lingering fear.

"Walking into a convenience store in the middle of the night on a rainy day, the clerk found that he was carrying such a murder weapon... and was chased by the police for several streets..."

"Yeah, I really envy Irina's "Holy Sword of Mimicry" at this time, and I don't have to worry about storing it at all. "

The holy sword qualifiers of the two churches, the holy sword user with the power to kill intermediate and even advanced demons, were chased by the police in the human world and ran around.

Thinking about this kind of scene, Luo Pei felt funny.

But this also proves the benevolence of the girls, even if they are forced to that extent, they are unwilling to use supernatural power on ordinary people and ordinary people.

Although the education of the church is old-fashioned and pedantic, it is by no means without merit.

The personalities of Xenovia and Wisteria Irina are their biggest shining points. In Rope's opinion, even if they don't talk about their gender advantages, this kind of person is a hundred times better than the priest he killed.

Well, that's nice...

The more comfortable a girl is, the more valuable it is to play with.

The crackling sound of the abacus in the Demon God's mind was originally just a ten-winged fallen angel, Kokabele, who crushed bugs to death, in his eyes. Luo Pei also thought about using this waste to make the scene more interesting.

"In addition, we can also tell you about our purpose that you are wondering about."

"Is it okay?"

"It doesn't matter." Xenovia scratched her face: "Anyway, this matter is no secret in the upper church. Lord Luo Pei is a person favored by angels and has given us so much help. If you want to know us, of course I should tell you, so that you can be prepared for what will happen in this city..."

Immediately afterwards, the two girls told Lopez that Kabile had stolen the holy sword and had come to this city.

"So the church asked you two lovely girls to face an ancient ten-winged fallen angel cadre with a holy sword?"

Even if Luo Pei knew what happened, he couldn't help asking.

It was hard for him to imagine what the people in the church thought.

For a ten-winged fallen angel who survived from the War of the Three Clans, only two holy sword envoys were sent to pursue it, and then there was no support at all.

The black-haired youth felt outrageous.

"But, cute girl... Is this how you see us?"

Wisteria Irina looked at the handsome face of the black-haired youth, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Then she coughed lightly.

"Cough... there is no way, this is the order from above. We who hold the holy sword are considered the strongest exorcists according to the division of the church. Naturally, we have to deal with that fallen angel. Besides, we are not so stupid as to really If you think you can fight against the fallen angels, we will try to contact the ruler behind this city..."


Xenovia stopped the chestnut-haired girl from speaking.

The latter also reacted immediately.

It was so risky, I almost slipped my tongue in front of Mr. Luo Pei...

A person who can be favored by angels and has virtue and a heart to help others in modern society, what would he think if he knew that the holder of the holy sword of the church planned to contact the devil? Surely the opinion of the church will plummet, right?

Irina stuck out her tongue slightly, realizing her slip of the tongue.

"Please rest assured, no matter what happens, we will solve this matter perfectly."

Xenovia said seriously.

"We will not let the Fallen Angel and its conspiracy disturb the city and threaten the lives of people like you!"

"The guarantee of the holy sword qualified person is really reassuring."

Rope nodded, checked the time and stood up.

"Let's stop talking about the serious topic here, and it's noon, just treat it as my support for your actions, and I will be in charge of treating you for lunch, right? After that, I will give the two of them the funds to live during this time, which is regarded as a tribute to the pious." Donate. Now you two can take a bath to relieve fatigue, and I will wait for you at the door."

Saying that, the black-haired young man walked out of the door and closed the door gently.

Wisteria Irina blinked, and suddenly blushed and clutched her chest.

"Not only so handsome, but also such a gentleman...The most important thing is a virtuous person favored by angels...Lord, it turns out that this kind of suffering journey will also have good things..."

"Ah? Irina, what's wrong with you?"

"Leave Xenovia alone!" The chestnut-haired girl screamed, "Let's take a shower quickly, and don't make Mr. Luo Pei wait too long!"

"……All right."

At the same time that the demon god was having a great time picking up girls, there was a blond girl fidgeting in the director's office of the private Kuou Academy.

Having had the opportunity to meet the Demon God, Ravel Phoenix waited here early in the morning, in order to show respect to the Demon God. But for some reason, Lord Demon God was still not seen after a long time after the scheduled time.

This made the phoenix girl wonder if Phoenix really angered that adult.

" slow."

The blond double-drill Ravel lamented, and sincerely regretted taking on this troublesome mission.

Chapter 99: Socks Are Evil, Girls and Stockings Are Eternal

A lunch in a high-end restaurant, a talk full of religious taste.

Rope's elegant style and that soft mask convinced Xenovia and Wisteria Irina that there was a deeper reason for this man to be favored by angels, not just a matter of outstanding moral character.

Wisteria Irina has never seen such a perfect person.

As big as his temperament and appearance, as small as his conversation, he has no intention of exuding amazing masculine charm.

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