The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1485

But as soon as the red-haired girl's voice fell, the hall was shrouded in a more piercing murderous aura.

Kiba Yuto reacted to the name "Balpa Galileo". It was hard to imagine that this noble young man who had always demanded himself as an excellent knight would be so angry.

"Kiba-san." Cang Na said calmly, "It's meeting time, can you restrain your hostility?"

"……Feel sorry."

The blond boy took a deep breath, and his killing intent gradually faded.

But his eyes were still fixed on Xenovia.

"Kiba, you should step back for now." Rias said, "I will explain the situation later if necessary."


After Kiba Yuto left, Wisteria Irina asked dissatisfied.

"What's up with that demon? We don't remember doing anything to make him bear a grudge."

"Please don't pay attention." Rias smiled: "For Kiba, your own identities are enough to make him angry. He is a member of the former church and a survivor of the artificial holy sword qualified project. "

Having said that, Xenovia and Wisteria Irina have no objections anymore.

Qualified persons for the artificial holy sword, in order to artificially manufacture the qualified persons for the holy sword, the church has made many inhumane experiments. Including grouping the failed products with poison gas, ordering the experimenters who were once companions to kill each other, and evaluating the pros and cons. And the leading initiator of this experiment is Bishop Balpa Galileo.

"Is that so..."

Xenovia's expression was slightly dull.

"Although I really want to say that the experiment has been terminated, and Balpa Galileo himself was labeled a heretic by the church, but... it seems that the hatred of that demon cannot disappear."

"That won't bother you two to worry about it."

Rias said.

"If your information is true, Kiba will soon untangle himself."

"True? Is it possible that we can still deceive you now?"


Although Rias also believed that Xenovia and Wisteria Irina would not lie to her about such a big event, the city where the demon god is located, and the governor of the fallen angel also visited not long ago, the ten-winged fallen angel But it would be too mentally handicapped for Kabeel to dare to do something.

It is also possible that the other party's intelligence is indeed poor to a certain extent, and his eyes are smeared...

Just as the topic was coming to an end, a strange wave came from the outskirts of the city, making everyone present stop their movements.

Xenovia was the first to react.

"This is... the sword of the king!"

She and Irina looked at each other, and before saying goodbye, she grabbed the "Holy Sword of Destruction" wrapped in a long cloth and rushed out, followed by Irina.

"Lias, what are you going to do?"

Sona asked the red-haired girl.

Rias stood up, gracefully smoothing the folds of her skirt.

"I really want to just ignore things like this. Anyway, with Master Luo Pei's character, this kind of lifeless fallen angel will definitely not be able to survive tomorrow's sunrise, but my family members are very anxious."

As she said, "Knight" Yuuto Kiba rushed towards the place where the holy sword wave erupted at a speed no worse than those of the two girls.

This was the first time that Kiba had disregarded the sovereign's orders and dispatched on his own.

However, it is understandable, after experiencing that kind of tragedy, the holy sword has become a thorn in the young man's heart that cannot be removed.

"After all, Mr. Luo Pei came to play in the human world. The direct person in charge here is you and me. As subordinates and servants, it is not good for us to keep Mrs. Luo Pei in distress."

"Well, that's the truth."

Rias nodded.

"Then let's go too."


On a tall building closest to the eruption of the holy sword wave, a young man watched quietly.

The young man was wearing a purple student uniform, and a nondescript white and gold Hanfu outside. But although it was a little weird, the overall temperament of the youth perfectly controlled this kind of dress, which added a bit of extravagance.

What is more striking is what he is clutching in his right hand.

Brilliant, sparkling, radiant, and positive effects all in one spear.

If it wasn't for the young man suppressing the arrogance of the gun, it would probably be more eye-catching than the King's Sword erupting at this moment.

The young man's name is Cao Cao, he inherited the name of the famous ancestor in the Three Kingdoms period, and he is a pure human being who walks on the road of "hero".

"Isn't this..."

Cao Cao looked at the spear in his hand.

The well-deserved leader of the divine weapon in this world resides in the will of the dead god, the strongest god-killing tool "Twilight Holy Spear".

"What exactly do you want me to find?"

Originally according to his plan, the heroes are not suitable to be on the stage of the big world now.

But the soft chant of "Twilight Holy Spear" brought Cao Cao here from the ancient country across the sea.

Holy Lance seems to be after something.

Cao Cao couldn't tell what it was like to use the holy spear. There was disgust, there was worry, there was doubt, there was regret, but most of all it was the sheer will to challenge.

Yes, challenge.

The strongest god-killing tool, the "Twilight Holy Spear" that hosts the will of the God of the Bible wants to challenge.

This is why Cao Cao will cooperate with the actions of the holy spear.

Heroes are ready to challenge the strong no matter when and where, and the way of young heroes is the same. He wants to prove that human beings are a race that has the dawn and cannot lose to gods and demons.

"Forget it, let's play around with you for a while..."

Cao Cao shook his head, turned around and prepared to leave.

The fallen angel's conspiracy has nothing to do with those who are qualified for the holy sword below. He is just chasing the target of the gun, and he doesn't want to interfere with other things.

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