The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1486

But the moment he turned around, Cao Cao noticed something unusual.

Behind him, there was an extra person on the roof of the building.

A young man with black hair and blue eyes walked towards him with a smile.

"It's a nostalgic smell... for a moment, I thought it was the God of the Bible who gave me that happy battle and was resurrected."

In front of the black-haired youth, Cao Cao's "Twilight Spear" was unprecedentedly high-spirited.

Chapter 102 Humans who explain the principles of heroes, the dark lotus of demon gods

General Cao Cao resisted the commotion from the holy gun, and turned around to face the black-haired youth.

"……Who are you?"

Luo Pei leaned against the guardrail on the roof, looked at the power of light gradually rising in the distance, and looked at the holy spear in Cao Cao's hand.

"Didn't your holy gun tell you?" He asked with a smile.

"The restless will of the God of the Bible. Although he is too weak in strength, he has shaped the world's "belief system" with his own power. The most powerful god. The centipede is dead but not stiff. This is the current one. situation? "

The young man in Hanfu stared wide-eyed.

Cao Cao is a human being on the road of a hero.

Since ancient times, only heroes of force are reckless at best, and the combination of outstanding strength, resourcefulness and insight can truly give birth to heroes that can be praised for thousands of years.

He judged the identity of the person in front of him almost instantly.

Afterwards, Cao Cao held the Holy Spear, raised his forehead and laughed.

"There is such a thing, hahaha... I didn't expect that the "Twilight Holy Spear", which resides in the will of the gods, has been looking for that evil relationship that was buried in the dust of history. "

He looked straight at Rope like a hawk.

"Like the great plague that broke out in 1347, the biggest and most evil enemy that has hovered over the heads of gods, demons, elves, dragons, and human beings since ancient times, the "Great Free Demon" Bo Xun! "

"Are you used to calling me by that name? Well, that's right, after all, that country has been ruled by the "God of War" Di Shitian since a long time..."

Whether it is Bo Xun, Angora Mainyu, King of Evil Dragon, Demon God, these titles are used to describe him, and Luo Pei doesn't care what others call him.

"You know me?" Cao Cao frowned.

"Why can't I know you?"

He looked at Cao Cao playfully.

"Little devil who gave himself the name of his ancestors, I don't think you were attracted by that imbecile fallen angel, right? The guidance of the holy gun in your hand? Or the desire to challenge the strong and become a hero?"

"Maybe both."

After the initial surprise, Cao Cao regained his composure in an instant.

"Battle is the best whetstone, and war will bring forth dazzling heroes. The words of the god of war, the master of the thirty-three days of Mount Sumeru, have always echoed in my ears, and I deeply agree. Abandon your companions and come When I came to this island country, in addition to obeying the will of the god-killing tool "Twilight Holy Spear", I also wanted to see if Kabil could pull the prelude to the war. "

The hero faction led by Cao Cao is all human talents with terrifying artifacts and powers.

Although he did not obtain the power of "Infinite Dragon God" Orpheus like in the original book, it does not mean that the descendants of heroes will be weaker. For tasks like intelligence gathering and secret investigation, they are absolutely above any organization in the world, so it is not surprising to know about Cocabyle.

"This is really troublesome..."

The black-haired young man looked at the holy sword battle that seemed to be starting in the distance, and his tone could not tell whether it was contempt or disgust.

"Obviously I am preparing to challenge the ancient gods here, and I want to enjoy this warm and peaceful daily life and play with the girls. As a result, you little devils are looking forward to the war one by one, so you can't understand human beings. It's so small, please stop..."

"Ancient God?"

Cao Cao couldn't understand Tianmo's muttering to himself, but he instinctively sensed something wrong in Luo Pei's words.

The existence of being able to make the strongest demon say the word "challenge" should not be silent.

But Cao Cao searched all kinds of legends and anecdotes in his mind, and he never heard that the demon who won the battle with the god of the Bible, the emperor beast, and the god of destruction would have an opponent who needs to use "challenge".

"Don't worry, it's something that has nothing to do with your world, it's next door." Luo Pei shook his head: "An ancient guy running wildly on the road of machinery and evolution..."

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Cao Cao put the question behind him.

In the final analysis, what he needs to care about now is not the secrets in the words of the demon.

Cao Cao and the Holy Spear of Dusk came following the guidance, and the target was close at hand, so as a qualified hero, the remaining things to do were very simple.

Take off the Hanfu on the coat and lay it flat beside you.

Holding the holy spear in one hand, Cao Cao bowed in salute with ancient Chinese rituals.

"Are you serious?" Luo Pei tilted his head: "With your IQ, it shouldn't be difficult to understand the gap between the legend and the present. Do you just hope that death will come?"

"Heroes fight as they should."

Cao Cao's pupils reflected the demon like a mirror.

"You said that human beings don't understand their own insignificance, and I don't agree with it. It is precisely because they understand their own insignificance that they expect heroes who break the common sense to appear. Only dare to fight against enemies who are weaker than themselves, that is not a hero , that's pure cowardice. Miracles are so dazzling, that's why heroes become fools and burn their lives."

"Speak of a domineering hero by force?"

The dark-haired youth shook his head.

"You were born in the wrong era. In the magnificent ancient times, you will become a hero of mankind. But in the current era, you are just a thug who swayed his power."

It is obvious that the times will determine the correctness of opinions.

Of course, Luo Pei did not criticize the idea of ​​educating Cao Cao, he was too lazy to do such boring things.

Looking at the young man holding the holy gun again, the demon's eyes were full of appreciation.

He is always like this, and he has a particularly appreciative attitude towards those who are purely devoted to fighting. The gods in the godslayer, the god of war in the game life, Shiva, the god of destruction in this world, maybe this is also the nature of the god of war.

"Inheriting the name of the ancestor Cao Cao, the long spear in his hand is the god-killing tool "Twilight Holy Spear (True Longinus)", and his life is on the scale, please enlighten me! "

Cao Cao didn't care about Tianmo's relaxed posture, his nerves were tense, and he had never been able to concentrate since he was born.

In front of him is despair, in front of him is the abyss, in front of him is the terrifying sky demon that can devour the gods alive.

And he is just a human being with a flesh and blood body, with insignificant power, the God of the Bible who was once defeated by the Heavenly Demon.

However, you can only be called a "hero" if you overcome obstacles that cannot be overcome!

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